- 基本概念
- 几个比较常用的:
handle_startendtag #处理开始标签和结束标签 handle_starttag #处理开始标签,比如handle_endtag #处理结束标签,比如或者<……/> handle_charref #处理特殊字符串,就是以开头的,一般是内码表示的字符 handle_entityref #处理一些特殊字符,以&开头的,比如 handle_data #处理 data 中间的那些数据 handle_comment #处理注释 handle_decl #处理 handle_pi #处理形如的
@_@) 接下来,我们来体验下html.parser!!!
- 下面这一段将是用来做测试数据的html代码段:
<head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>找找看 - 博客园title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/Content/Images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/> <meta content="技术搜索,IT搜索,程序搜索,代码搜索,程序员搜索引擎" name="keywords" /> <meta content="面向程序员的专业搜索引擎。遇到技术问题怎么办,到博客园找找看..." name="description" /> <link type="text/css" href="/Content/Style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="" type="text/javascript">script> <script src="/Scripts/Common.js" type="text/javascript">script> <script src="/Scripts/Home.js" type="text/javascript">script> head>
- 体验三个基本函数:
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) #处理开始标签,比如def handle_data(self, data) #处理 data 中间的那些数据 def handle_endtag(self, tag) #处理结束标签,比如或者<……/>
- 代码示例:(python3.4)
import html.parser as h class MyHTMLParser(h.HTMLParser): a_t=False #处理开始标签,比如def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): print("开始一个标签:",tag) if str(tag).startswith("title"): self.a_t=True for attr in attrs: print("属性值:",attr) # print() #处理 data 中间的那些数据 def handle_data(self, data): if self.a_t is True: print("得到的数据: ",data) #处理结束标签,比如或者<……/> def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.a_t=False print("结束一个标签:",tag) print() p=MyHTMLParser() mystr = '''找找看 - 博客园 ''' p.feed(mystr) p.close()
- 运行结果:

C:\Python34\python.exe E:/pythone_workspace/mydemo/spider/ 开始一个标签: head 开始一个标签: meta 属性值: ('charset', 'utf-8') 结束一个标签: meta 开始一个标签: title 得到的数据: 找找看 - 博客园 结束一个标签: title 开始一个标签: link 属性值: ('rel', 'shortcut icon') 属性值: ('href', '/Content/Images/favicon.ico') 属性值: ('type', 'image/x-icon') 结束一个标签: link 开始一个标签: meta 属性值: ('content', '技术搜索,IT搜索,程序搜索,代码搜索,程序员搜索引擎') 属性值: ('name', 'keywords') 结束一个标签: meta 开始一个标签: meta 属性值: ('content', '面向程序员的专业搜索引擎。遇到技术问题怎么办,到博客园找找看...') 属性值: ('name', 'description') 结束一个标签: meta 开始一个标签: link 属性值: ('type', 'text/css') 属性值: ('href', '/Content/Style.css') 属性值: ('rel', 'stylesheet') 结束一个标签: link 开始一个标签: script 属性值: ('src', '') 属性值: ('type', 'text/javascript') 结束一个标签: script 开始一个标签: script 属性值: ('src', '/Scripts/Common.js') 属性值: ('type', 'text/javascript') 结束一个标签: script 开始一个标签: script 属性值: ('src', '/Scripts/Home.js') 属性值: ('type', 'text/javascript') 结束一个标签: script 结束一个标签: head Process finished with exit code 0
-------@_@? html.parser------------------------------------------------------------
- 代码如下:
import html.parser help(html.parser)
- 运行结果:

C:\Python34\python.exe E:/pythone_workspace/mydemo/ Help on module html.parser in html: NAME html.parser - A parser for HTML and XHTML. CLASSES _markupbase.ParserBase(builtins.object) HTMLParser class HTMLParser(_markupbase.ParserBase) | Find tags and other markup and call handler functions. | | Usage: | p = HTMLParser() | p.feed(data) | ... | p.close() | | Start tags are handled by calling self.handle_starttag() or | self.handle_startendtag(); end tags by self.handle_endtag(). The | data between tags is passed from the parser to the derived class | by calling self.handle_data() with the data as argument (the data | may be split up in arbitrary chunks). If convert_charrefs is | True the character references are converted automatically to the | corresponding Unicode character (and self.handle_data() is no | longer split in chunks), otherwise they are passed by calling | self.handle_entityref() or self.handle_charref() with the string | containing respectively the named or numeric reference as the | argument. | | Method resolution order: | HTMLParser | _markupbase.ParserBase | builtins.object | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(self, strict=<object object at 0x00A50488>, *, convert_charrefs=<object object at 0x00A50488>) | Initialize and reset this instance. | | If convert_charrefs is True (default: False), all character references | are automatically converted to the corresponding Unicode characters. | If strict is set to False (the default) the parser will parse invalid | markup, otherwise it will raise an error. Note that the strict mode | and argument are deprecated. | | check_for_whole_start_tag(self, i) | # Internal -- check to see if we have a complete starttag; return end | # or -1 if incomplete. | | clear_cdata_mode(self) | | close(self) | Handle any buffered data. | | error(self, message) | | feed(self, data) | Feed data to the parser. | | Call this as often as you want, with as little or as much text | as you want (may include '\n'). | | get_starttag_text(self) | Return full source of start tag: '<...>'. | | goahead(self, end) | # Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable. May leave state | # and data to be processed by a subsequent call. If 'end' is | # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker. | | handle_charref(self, name) | # Overridable -- handle character reference | | handle_comment(self, data) | # Overridable -- handle comment | | handle_data(self, data) | # Overridable -- handle data | | handle_decl(self, decl) | # Overridable -- handle declaration | | handle_endtag(self, tag) | # Overridable -- handle end tag | | handle_entityref(self, name) | # Overridable -- handle entity reference | | handle_pi(self, data) | # Overridable -- handle processing instruction | | handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs) | # Overridable -- finish processing of start+end tag:| | handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) | # Overridable -- handle start tag | | parse_bogus_comment(self, i, report=1) | # Internal -- parse bogus comment, return length or -1 if not terminated | # see | | parse_endtag(self, i) | # Internal -- parse endtag, return end or -1 if incomplete | | parse_html_declaration(self, i) | # Internal -- parse html declarations, return length or -1 if not terminated | # See | # See also parse_declaration in _markupbase | | parse_pi(self, i) | # Internal -- parse processing instr, return end or -1 if not terminated | | parse_starttag(self, i) | # Internal -- handle starttag, return end or -1 if not terminated | | reset(self) | Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data. | | set_cdata_mode(self, elem) | | unescape(self, s) | # Internal -- helper to remove special character quoting | | unknown_decl(self, data) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS = ('script', 'style') | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from _markupbase.ParserBase: | | getpos(self) | Return current line number and offset. | | parse_comment(self, i, report=1) | # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated | | parse_declaration(self, i) | # Internal -- parse declaration (for use by subclasses). | | parse_marked_section(self, i, report=1) | # Internal -- parse a marked section | # Override this to handle MS-word extension syntax if word]>content | | updatepos(self, i, j) | # Internal -- update line number and offset. This should be | # called for each piece of data exactly once, in order -- in other | # words the concatenation of all the input strings to this | # function should be exactly the entire input. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors inherited from _markupbase.ParserBase: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) DATA __all__ = ['HTMLParser'] FILE c:\python34\lib\html\ Process finished with exit code 0
---------@_@! 整合练习--------------------------------------------------------------
- 新建package,命名为spider,新建两个.py文件。
import html.parser as h class MyHTMLParser(h.HTMLParser): a_t=False #处理开始标签,比如def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): print("开始一个标签:",tag) if str(tag).startswith("title"): self.a_t=True for attr in attrs: print("属性值:",attr) # print() #处理 data 中间的那些数据 def handle_data(self, data): if self.a_t is True: print("得到的数据: ",data) #处理结束标签,比如或者<……/> def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.a_t=False print("结束一个标签:",tag) print()
import urllib.request import urllib.parse import spider.HtmlParser response=urllib.request.urlopen("")'UTF-8') print("-----------网页源码-----------------") print(myStr) print("-----------开始解析网页-------------") p=spider.HtmlParser.MyHTMLParser() p.feed(myStr) p.close()
- 运行,结果显示:

C:\Python34\python.exe E:/pythone_workspace/mydemo/spider/ -----------网页源码----------------- <head> "utf-8"/>找找看 - 博客园 "shortcut icon" href="/Content/Images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/> "技术搜索,IT搜索,程序搜索,代码搜索,程序员搜索引擎" name="keywords" /> "面向程序员的专业搜索引擎。遇到技术问题怎么办,到博客园找找看..." name="description" /> "text/css" href="/Content/Style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> head>"clear: both">-----------开始解析网页------------- 开始一个标签: html 开始一个标签: head 开始一个标签: meta 属性值: ('charset', 'utf-8') 结束一个标签: meta 开始一个标签: title 得到的数据: 找找看 - 博客园 结束一个标签: title 开始一个标签: link 属性值: ('rel', 'shortcut icon') 属性值: ('href', '/Content/Images/favicon.ico') 属性值: ('type', 'image/x-icon') 结束一个标签: link 开始一个标签: meta 属性值: ('content', '技术搜索,IT搜索,程序搜索,代码搜索,程序员搜索引擎') 属性值: ('name', 'keywords') 结束一个标签: meta 开始一个标签: meta 属性值: ('content', '面向程序员的专业搜索引擎。遇到技术问题怎么办,到博客园找找看...') 属性值: ('name', 'description') 结束一个标签: meta 开始一个标签: link 属性值: ('type', 'text/css') 属性值: ('href', '/Content/Style.css') 属性值: ('rel', 'stylesheet') 结束一个标签: link 开始一个标签: script 属性值: ('src', '') 属性值: ('type', 'text/javascript') 结束一个标签: script 开始一个标签: script 属性值: ('src', '/Scripts/Common.js') 属性值: ('type', 'text/javascript') 结束一个标签: script 开始一个标签: script 属性值: ('src', '/Scripts/Home.js') 属性值: ('type', 'text/javascript') 结束一个标签: script 结束一个标签: head 开始一个标签: body 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'top') 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'top_tabs') 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('href', '') 结束一个标签: a 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('id', 'span_userinfo') 属性值: ('class', 'top_links') 结束一个标签: div 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('style', 'clear: both') 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: center 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('id', 'main') 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'logo_index') 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('href', '') 开始一个标签: img 属性值: ('alt', '找找看logo') 属性值: ('src', '/images/logo.gif') 结束一个标签: img 结束一个标签: a 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'index_sozone') 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'index_tab') 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('href', '/n') 属性值: ('onclick', "return channelSwitch('n');") 结束一个标签: a 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('class', 'tab_selected') 属性值: ('href', '/b') 属性值: ('onclick', "return channelSwitch('b');") 结束一个标签: a 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('href', '/k') 属性值: ('onclick', "return channelSwitch('k');") 结束一个标签: a 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('href', '/q') 属性值: ('onclick', "return channelSwitch('q');") 结束一个标签: a 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'search_block') 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'index_btn') 开始一个标签: input 属性值: ('type', 'button') 属性值: ('class', 'btn_so_index') 属性值: ('onclick', 'Search();') 属性值: ('value', '\xa0找一下\xa0') 结束一个标签: input 开始一个标签: span 属性值: ('class', 'help_link') 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('target', '_blank') 属性值: ('href', '/help') 结束一个标签: a 结束一个标签: span 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: input 属性值: ('type', 'text') 属性值: ('onkeydown', 'searchEnter(event);') 属性值: ('class', 'input_index') 属性值: ('name', 'w') 属性值: ('id', 'w') 结束一个标签: input 结束一个标签: div 结束一个标签: div 结束一个标签: div 开始一个标签: div 属性值: ('class', 'footer') 开始一个标签: a 属性值: ('href', '') 结束一个标签: a 结束一个标签: div 结束一个标签: center 结束一个标签: body 结束一个标签: html Process finished with exit code 0 id="main">"index_sozone">"index_tab"> "/n" οnclick="return channelSwitch('n');">新闻 "tab_selected" href="/b" οnclick="return channelSwitch('b');">博客 "/k" οnclick="return channelSwitch('k');">知识库 "/q" οnclick="return channelSwitch('q');">博问"search_block">"index_btn"> "button" class="btn_so_index" οnclick="Search();" value=" 找一下 " /> "help_link">"_blank" href="/help">帮助"text" οnkeydοwn="searchEnter(event);" class="input_index" name="w" id="w" />