Deep TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and Recognition Framework
结果:state-of-the-art accuracy in the end-to-end text recognition on two standard datasets – ICDAR 2013 and ICDAR 2015,并且速度快了10倍,达到10 fps.
we use YOLOv2 architecture [22] for its lower complexity, we use the bilinear sampling to produce tensors of variable width to deal with character sequence recognition and we employ a different (and significantly faster) classification stage.
使用YOLOv2的原因:YOLOv2更精确,并且比标准的VGG-16 architecture的复杂度低很多。场景图像中的文本可能很小,所以分辨率要高才行,否则很多小的不可读。
本文移除了YOLOv2的全连接层。模型最终的大小是W/32× H/32×1024。
与Faster R-CNN [23] 和 YOLOv2 [22]一样使用了 Region Proposal Network (RPN)来生成区域建议,但是添加了rθ,在最后一个卷积层的每个位置都预测k个旋转的边界框。对于每个边界框r,我们预测6个特征 - 其位置rx,ry,其尺寸rw,rh,其旋转rθ及其得分rp。
训练阶段输入图像尺寸:352, 416, 480, 544, 608,每20batches改变一次。A positive sample is the region with the highest intersection over union with the ground truth, the other intersecting regions are negatives.
这里使用bilinear sampling替代faster rcnn中的Roi pooling,将原图中w × h × C的region映射到固定高度的张量,wH/h×H × C tensor (H = 32)
识别阶段输入W × 32 region, CTC output W/4× |Aˆ| as the most probable class at given column ,其中Aˆ是所有英文字符,包括特殊符号。一个region中的所有字符都使用同一个分类器来分每个字符。
ICDAR2013时,每个图像被resize到544x544,ICDAR2015resize到608x608,110ms/幅,模型对于Blurred and noisy text (top), vertical text (top) and small text (bottom)文本的识别效果不好。对小文本检测识别效果不好,可能是因为训练集上没有。
训练:detection CNN using the SynthText dataset,recognition CNN is pre-trained on the Synthetic Word dataset,最后train both networks simultaneously for 3 epochs on a combined dataset consisting of the SynthText dataset, the Synthetic Word dataset, the ICDAR 2013 Training dataset [13] (229 scene images captured by a professional camera) and the ICDAR 2015 Training。
本文的实验结果表面the state-of-the-art object detection methods [22, 23] can be extended for text detection and recognition。结果还表明,联合训练更好。