GPGPU-SIM Code Study (version: 3.1.2)
-by Yong Li
This note is not a tutorial of how to use the GPGPU-Sim simulator. For the official manual and introduction of GPGPU-Sim please refer to http://gpgpu-sim.org/manual/index.php5/GPGPU-Sim_3.x_Manual. This note aims to put together major components from the simulator and help understanding the entire simulation process from the source code level. Emphasis is put on the data structure and software flow of the simulator, which I think is critical for modifying and re-architecting the simulator for various research purposes.
Part 1. Using gdb to Get Start
start gdb and run the BFS benchmark.
When the benchmark starts running and triggers a cuda library call for the first time (with GPGPU-SIM the benchmark actually calls a library call provided by the GPGPU-SIM), the simulator will print information such as *** GPGPU-Sim Simulator Version …. ***. Using grep to search this string and it can be found in the function print_splash() defined in cuda-sim.cc.
Now break at print_splash() function and print stack:
Breakpoint 4, Reading in symbols for gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc...done.
print_splash () at cuda-sim.cc:1425
1425 if ( !splash_printed ) {
(gdb) info stack
Reading in symbols for cuda_runtime_api.cc...done.
#0 print_splash () at cuda-sim.cc:1425
#1 0x00007ffff7af91ef in gpgpu_ptx_sim_init_perf () at gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc:173
#2 0x00007ffff79b6728 in GPGPUSim_Init () at cuda_runtime_api.cc:302
#3 0x00007ffff79b690f in GPGPUSim_Context () at cuda_runtime_api.cc:337
#4 0x00007ffff79bb31a in __cudaRegisterFatBinary (fatCubin=0x61d398) at cuda_runtime_api.cc:1556
#5 0x000000000040400e in __sti____cudaRegisterAll_49_tmpxft_000026e2_00000000_6_bfs_compute_10_cpp1_ii_29cadddc() ()
#6 0x0000000000414dad in __libc_csu_init ()
#7 0x00007ffff6bf8700 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#8 0x0000000000403f39 in _start ()
To understand the two calls on bottom of the stack (_start() and __licc_start_main()), please refer to this: http://linuxgazette.net/issue84/hawk.html
Here is what happens.
There is a more detailed description here and it talks about __libc_csu_init() as well:
A nice figure from the above link:
Yet to understand __libc_csu_init() better and what’s its functionality during the cuda registration phase before the main function is called I found this material:http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~charngda/elf.html. It says the following:
As above call strack trace shows, _init is NOT the only function to be called before main. It is__libc_csu_init function (in Glibc's source file csu/elf-init.c) that determines what functions to be run before main and the order of running them. Its code is like this
void __libc_csu_init (int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
const size_t size = __preinit_array_end - __preinit_array_start;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
(*__preinit_array_start [i]) (argc, argv, envp);
_init ();
const size_t size = __init_array_end - __init_array_start;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
(*__init_array_start [i]) (argc, argv, envp);
(Symbols such as __preinit_array_start, __preinit_array_end, __init_array_start, __init_array_endare defined by the default ld script; look for PROVIDE and PROVIDE_HIDDEN keywords in the output of ld -verbose command.)
The __libc_csu_fini function has similar code, but what functions to be executed at program exit are actually determined by exit:
void __libc_csu_fini (void)
size_t i = __fini_array_end - __fini_array_start;
while (i-- > 0)
(*__fini_array_start [i]) ();
_fini ();
To see what's going on, consider the following C code example:
void preinit(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
void init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
void fini() {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
__attribute__((section(".init_array"))) typeof(init) *__init = init;
__attribute__((section(".preinit_array"))) typeof(preinit) *__preinit = preinit;
__attribute__((section(".fini_array"))) typeof(fini) *__fini = fini;
void __attribute__ ((constructor)) constructor() {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
void __attribute__ ((destructor)) destructor() {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
void my_atexit() {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
void my_atexit2() {
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
int main() {
The output will be
The .preinit_array and .init_array sections must contain function pointers (NOT code!) The prototype of these functions must be
void func(int argc,char** argv,char** envp)
__libc_csu_init executes them in the following order:
The .fini_array section must also contain function pointers and the prototype is like the destructor, i.e. taking no arguments and returning void. If the program exits normally, then the exit function (Glibc source file stdlib/exit.c) is called and it will do the following:
For the **cudaRegisterAll() function I googled it and found the following explanation:
The simplest way to look at how nvcc compiles the ECS (Execution Configuration Syntax) and manages kernel code is to use nvcc’s --cuda switch. This generates a .cu.c file that can be compiled and linked without any support from NVIDIA proprietary tools. It can be thought of as CUDA source files in open source C. Inspection of this file verified how the ECS is managed, and showed how kernel code was managed.
1. Device code is embedded as a fat binary object in the executable’s .rodata section. It has variable length depending on the kernel code.
2. For each kernel, a host function with the same name as the kernel is added to the source code.
3. Before main(..) is called, a function called cudaRegisterAll(..) performs the following work:
• Calls a registration function, cudaRegisterFatBinary(..), with a void pointer to the fat binary data. This is where we can access the kernel code directly.
• For each kernel in the source file, a device function registration function, cudaRegisterFunction(..), is called. With the list of parameters is a pointer to the function mentioned in step 2.
4. As aforementioned, each ECS is replaced with the following function calls from the execution management category of the CUDA runtime API.
• cudaConfigureCall(..) is called once to set up the launch configuration.
• The function from the second step is called. This calls another function, in which, cudaSetupArgument(..) is called once for each kernel parameter. Then, cudaLaunch(..) launches the kernel with a pointer to the function from the second step.
5. An unregister function, cudaUnregisterBinaryUtil(..), is called with a handle to the fatbin data on program exit.
It seems that nvcc keeps track of kernels and kernel launches by registering a list of function pointers (the second step in the list above). All the functions above are undocumented from NVIDIA’s part. The virtual CUDA library solves the problem of registering kernel code and tracking kernel launches by reimplementing each one of them, which we will get to in a minute.
From the __cudaRegisterFatBinary above (GPGPUSim_Context () , GPGPUSim_Init (), etc. ) are functions that GPGPU-SIM defines to mimic the behavior of the CUDA runtime API.
At this point we should now understand why the stack looks like that and the calling sequence at the entry point in GPGPU-SIM.
Here are additional stack information I printed after stepping into the function cudaRegisterAll:
Single stepping until exit from function _ZL86__sti____cudaRegisterAll_49_tmpxft_000026e2_00000000_6_bfs_compute_10_cpp1_ii_29cadddcv,
which has no line number information.
GPGPU-Sim PTX: __cudaRegisterFunction _Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i : hostFun 0x0x404170, fat_cubin_handle = 1
GPGPU-Sim PTX: instruction assembly for function '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'... done.
GPGPU-Sim PTX: finding reconvergence points for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: Finding dominators for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: Finding immediate dominators for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: Finding postdominators for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: Finding immediate postdominators for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: pre-decoding instructions for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: reconvergence points for _Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: 1 (potential) branch divergence @ PC=0x030 (_1.ptx:72) @%p1 bra $Lt_0_5122
GPGPU-Sim PTX: immediate post dominator @ PC=0x1f8 (_1.ptx:147) exit
GPGPU-Sim PTX: 2 (potential) branch divergence @ PC=0x068 (_1.ptx:79) @%p2 bra $Lt_0_5122
GPGPU-Sim PTX: immediate post dominator @ PC=0x1f8 (_1.ptx:147) exit
GPGPU-Sim PTX: 3 (potential) branch divergence @ PC=0x0e0 (_1.ptx:97) @%p3 bra $Lt_0_5122
GPGPU-Sim PTX: immediate post dominator @ PC=0x1f8 (_1.ptx:147) exit
GPGPU-Sim PTX: 4 (potential) branch divergence @ PC=0x140 (_1.ptx:114) @%p4 bra $Lt_0_4354
GPGPU-Sim PTX: immediate post dominator @ PC=0x1d8 (_1.ptx:140) add.s32 %r8, %r8, 1
GPGPU-Sim PTX: 5 (potential) branch divergence @ PC=0x1f0 (_1.ptx:143) @%p5 bra $Lt_0_4098
GPGPU-Sim PTX: immediate post dominator @ PC=0x1f8 (_1.ptx:147) exit
GPGPU-Sim PTX: ... end of reconvergence points for _Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i
GPGPU-Sim PTX: ... done pre-decoding instructions for '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i'.
GPGPU-Sim PTX: finished parsing EMBEDDED .ptx file _1.ptx
Adding _cuobjdump_1.ptx with cubin handle 1
GPGPU-Sim PTX: extracting embedded .ptx to temporary file "_ptx_DIAeer"
Running: cat _ptx_DIAeer | sed 's/.version 1.5/.version 1.4/' | sed 's/, texmode_independent//' | sed 's/\(\.extern \.const\[1\] .b8 \w\+\)\[\]/\1\[1\]/' | sed 's/const\[.\]/const\[0\]/g' > _ptx2_Jxpnzr
Detaching after fork from child process 5632.
GPGPU-Sim PTX: generating ptxinfo using "$CUDA_INSTALL_PATH/bin/ptxas --gpu-name=sm_20 -v _ptx2_Jxpnzr --output-file /dev/null 2> _ptx_DIAeerinfo"
Detaching after fork from child process 5638.
GPGPU-Sim PTX: Kernel '_Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i' : regs=18, lmem=0, smem=0, cmem=84
GPGPU-Sim PTX: removing ptxinfo using "rm -f _ptx_DIAeer _ptx2_Jxpnzr _ptx_DIAeerinfo"
Detaching after fork from child process 5640.
GPGPU-Sim PTX: loading globals with explicit initializers...
GPGPU-Sim PTX: finished loading globals (0 bytes total).
GPGPU-Sim PTX: loading constants with explicit initializers... done.
0x0000000000414dad in __libc_csu_init ()
(gdb) info stack
#0 0x0000000000414dad in __libc_csu_init ()
#1 0x00007ffff6bf8700 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#2 0x0000000000403f39 in _start ()
From the above trace we can see that GPGPU-SIM does some PTX parsing and analysis (e.g., branch divergence) at the very beginning of the simulation (before the main() function in the running benchmark. ) By tracing the message “instruction assembly for function” I found this is actually generated by theptx_assemble() function (defined in cuda-sim.cc), which is called by gpgpu_ptx_assemble() defined in ptx_ir.cc, which is further called by end_function() in ptx_parser.cc.
When the benchmark launches a kernel (at the cudaLaunch breakpoint), I print the stack as follows:
Breakpoint 5, cudaLaunch (hostFun=0x404170 "\351\v\377\377\377ff.\017\037\204") at cuda_runtime_api.cc:906
906 CUctx_st* context = GPGPUSim_Context();
(gdb) info stack
#0 cudaLaunch (hostFun=0x404170 "\351\v\377\377\377ff.\017\037\204") at cuda_runtime_api.cc:906
#1 0x0000000000404167 in __device_stub__Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i(Node*, int*, bool*, bool*, int*, bool*, int) ()
#2 0x0000000000404705 in BFSGraph(int, char**) ()
#3 0x0000000000404b8d in main ()
While the benchmark is running and stop at the step, I use “info stack” to print the stack information as follows:
(gdb) info stack
Reading in symbols for stream_manager.cc...done.
Reading in symbols for cuda_runtime_api.cc...done.
#0 0x00007ffff6c9683d in nanosleep () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#1 0x00007ffff6cc4774 in usleep () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#2 0x00007ffff7b03490 in stream_manager::push (this=0xe413f0, op=...) at stream_manager.cc:383
#3 0x00007ffff79b8b29 in cudaLaunch (hostFun=0x404170 "\351\v\377\377\377ff.\017\037\204")
at cuda_runtime_api.cc:922
#4 0x0000000000404167 in __device_stub__Z6KernelP4NodePiPbS2_S1_S2_i(Node*, int*, bool*, bool*, int*, bool*, int) ()
#5 0x0000000000404705 in BFSGraph(int, char**) ()
#6 0x0000000000404b8d in main ()
Switch to another thread I got:
(gdb) info stack
#0 shader_core_ctx::writeback (this=0x983830) at shader.cc:909
#1 0x00007ffff7a73d10 in shader_core_ctx::cycle (this=0x983830) at shader.cc:1713
#2 0x00007ffff7a7656f in simt_core_cluster::core_cycle (this=0x942440) at shader.cc:2307
#3 0x00007ffff7a5d257 in gpgpu_sim::cycle (this=0x6281b0) at gpu-sim.cc:885
#4 0x00007ffff7af8f8a in gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent () at gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc:115
#5 0x00007ffff69c1e9a in start_thread () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
#6 0x00007ffff6ccacbd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#7 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Part 2. Getting Into the Entry Function __cudaRegisterFatBinary()
From Part 1 we know the entry function in the gpgpu-sim is __cudaRegisterFatBinary(). Let’s get start from here. This function first calls CUctx_st *context = GPGPUSim_Context();, which again calls GPGPUSim_Init(). The code of the GPGPUSim_Context() function is simple and listed as follows:
static CUctx_st* GPGPUSim_Context()
static CUctx_st *the_context = NULL;
if( the_context == NULL ) {
_cuda_device_id *the_gpu = GPGPUSim_Init();
the_context = new CUctx_st(the_gpu);
return the_context;
Note that the_context is static thus there is only one copy of it and the context creation (the_context = new CUctx_st(the_gpu);) and the GPGPUSim_Init(); are only executed once, no matter how many kernels are launched. From the above code we can see that a new context is created and returned byGPGPUSim_Context() with the argument of the_gpu, which has a type of _cuda_device_id.
_cuda_device_id is a struct defined in cuda_runtime_api.cc and it organizes various device IDs in a linked list (it has a struct _cuda_device_id *m_next member pointing to the next id.). It also has an unsigned m_id data member used to retrieve a particular device:
struct _cuda_device_id *get_device( unsigned n )
assert( n < (unsigned)num_devices() );
struct _cuda_device_id *p=this;
for(unsigned i=0; i
p = p->m_next;
return p;
The most important member in the _cuda_device_id struct is the m_gpgpu, which has a type of class gpgpu_sim *. gpgpu_sim is a class that defines all importance interfaces that GPGPU-SIM provides, such as gpu configuration, statistics collection, simulation control, etc. So how and when is an object of gpgpu_sim created? By looking at the gdb stack trace information and the GPGPU-SIM source code, we can find that GPGPUSim_Init() (defined in cuda_runtime_api.cc) invokesgpgpu_ptx_sim_init_perf() (defined in gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc), which creates and returns a new gpgpu_sim object by calling option_parser_cmdline() to parse the input gpgpusim.config file. The function option_parser_cmdline() further calls several other functions such as ParseCommandLine() andParseFile() (defined in option_parser.cc) to do the actual config file parsing. After creating a gpgpu_sim object, GPGPUSim_Init() creates and return a new _cuda_device_id based on the created gpgpu_sim object (the created gpgpu_sim object initializes the m_gpgpu member of the _cuda_device_id object.)
Other than creating a gpgpu_sim object and a corresponding _cuda_device_id from the configuration file, GPGPUSim_Init() also calls the start_sim_thread(1) function:
void start_sim_thread(int api)
if( g_sim_done ) {
g_sim_done = false;
if( api == 1 ) {
} else {
Obviously the start_sim_thread(1) will fork a thread to execute the gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent() function (defined in the gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc):
void *gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent(void*)
// concurrent kernel execution simulation thread
do {
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: *** simulation thread starting and spinning waiting for work ***\n");
while( g_stream_manager->empty_protected() && !g_sim_done )
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: ** START simulation thread (detected work) **\n");
g_sim_active = true;
bool active = false;
bool sim_cycles = false;
do {
// check if a kernel has completed
// launch operation on device if one is pending and can be run
if( g_the_gpu->active() ) {
sim_cycles = true;
active=g_the_gpu->active() || !g_stream_manager->empty_protected();
} while( active );
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: ** STOP simulation thread (no work) **\n");
if(sim_cycles) {
g_sim_active = false;
} while( !g_sim_done );
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: *** simulation thread exiting ***\n");
return NULL;
Note that g_the_gpu is a global variable defined in gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc and is initialized to point to the newly created gpgpu_sim object in gpgpu_ptx_sim_init_perf() .
The above gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent() function is executed in a separate thread and performs the primary simulation work. It communicates with the cuda runtime api (e.g., cudaLaunch()) provided by GPGPU-SIM to initiate, control and update the simulation.
So how do cudaLaunch() and other cuda runtime APIs communicate the kernel launch and memory copying information to the concurrently executed simulation thread (i.e., gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent())? In gpgpusim_entrypoint.cc there is a global stream manager definition: stream_manager *g_stream_manager; This stream_manager object is declared (extern stream_manager *g_stream_manager;) and used bycudaLaunch(), cudaMemcpy(), etc., in cuda_runtime_api.cc. Thus, each time a cuda runtime API is invoked, the simulator captures the corresponding event and read some information (e.g., kernel information) and push the information onto the g_stream_manager, which can be queried, processed or simulated by the concurrent simulation thread gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent(). The main simulation work is done in the outer do....while loop in gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent().
After creating the context, initialization and forking the simulation thread, __cudaRegisterFatBinary() gets into a big IF statement to determine if the cuobjdump tool should be used (When the configuration file instructs GPGPU-Sim to run SASS, a conversion tool, cuobjdump_to_ptxplus, is used to convert the SASS embedded within the binary to PTXPlus.). If the cuobjdump tool is used, mainly do the following:
unsigned fat_cubin_handle = next_fat_bin_handle;
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: __cudaRegisterFatBinary, fat_cubin_handle = %u, filename=%s\n", fat_cubin_handle, filename);
* This function extracts all data from all files in first call
* then for next calls, only returns the appropriate number
assert(fat_cubin_handle >= 1);
if (fat_cubin_handle==1) cuobjdumpInit();
cuobjdumpRegisterFatBinary(fat_cubin_handle, filename);
return (void**)fat_cubin_handle;
Otherwise, execute:
if( found ) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: Loading PTX for %s, capability = %s\n",
info->ident, info->ptx[selected_capability].gpuProfileName );
symbol_table *symtab;
const char *ptx = info->ptx[selected_capability].ptx;
if(context->get_device()->get_gpgpu()->get_config().convert_to_ptxplus() ) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: ERROR ** PTXPlus is only supported through cuobjdump\n"
"\tEither enable cuobjdump or disable PTXPlus in your configuration file\n");
} else {
gpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string( ptx, source_num );
} else {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: warning -- did not find an appropriate PTX in cubin\n");
return (void**)fat_cubin_handle;
From the above description we know there are two primary cases depending on whether cuobjdump tool is used or not. The GPGPU-SIM document presents a high-level explanation of these two cases:
Depending on the configuration file, PTX is extracted either from cubin files or using cuobjdump. This section describes the flow of information for extracting PTX and other information. Figure 14shows the possible flows for the extraction.
__cudaRegisterFatBinary( void *fatCubin ) in the cuda_runtime_api.cc is the function which is responsible for extracting PTX. This function is called by program for each CUDA file. FatbinCubin is a structure which contains different versions of PTX and cubin corresponded to that CUDA file. GPGPU-Sim extract the newest version of PTX which is not newer than forced_max_capability (defines in simulation parameters).
In CUDA version 4.0 and later, the fat cubin file used to extract the ptx and sass is not available any more. Instead, cuobjdump is used. cuobjdump is a tool provided by NVidia along with the toolkit that can extract the PTX, SASS as well as other information from the executable. If the option -gpgpu_ptx_use_cuobjdump is set to "1" then GPGPU-Sim will invoke cuobjdump to extract the PTX, SASS and other information from the binary. If conversion to PTXPlus is enabled, the simulator will invoke cuobjdump_to_ptxplus to convert the SASS to PTXPlus. The resulting program is then loaded.
In the following two subsections let’s dive into these two cases respectively to see how exactly the PTX instructions are extracted.
Part 2.1. Extracting PTX Using cuobjdump
When cuobjdump tool is enabled, the statement cuobjdumpInit(); does the primary “hard” work. This function is defined as follows:
//! Extract the code using cuobjdump and remove unnecessary sections
void cuobjdumpInit(){
CUctx_st *context = GPGPUSim_Context();
extract_code_using_cuobjdump(); //extract all the output of cuobjdump to _cuobjdump_*.*
cuobjdumpSectionList = pruneSectionList(cuobjdumpSectionList, context);
First let’s take a look at what’s in extract_code_using_cuobjdump()
//global variables:
//partial code for extract_code_using_cuobjdump():
std::stringstream cmd;
cmd << "ldd /proc/" << pid.str() << "/exe | grep $CUDA_INSTALL_PATH | awk \'{print $3}\' > _tempfile_.txt";
int result = system(cmd.str().c_str());
std::ifstream libsf;
std::string line;
std::getline(libsf, line);
std::cout << "DOING: " << line << std::endl;
int cnt=1;
std::stringstream libcodfn;
libcodfn << "_cuobjdump_complete_lib_" << cnt << "_";
cmd.str(""); //resetting
cmd << "$CUDA_INSTALL_PATH/bin/cuobjdump -ptx -elf -sass ";
cmd << line;
cmd << " > ";
cmd << libcodfn.str();
std::cout << "Running cuobjdump on " << line << std::endl;
std::cout << "Using command: " << cmd.str() << std::endl;
result = system(cmd.str().c_str());
if(result) {printf("ERROR: Failed to execute: %s\n", command); exit(1);}
std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trying to parse " << libcodfn << std::endl;
cuobjdump_in = fopen(libcodfn.str().c_str(), "r");
std::getline(libsf, line);
libSectionList = cuobjdumpSectionList;
So from above code we should see the extract_code_using_cuobjdump() uses system() to execute cuobjdump command with necessary library support and environment variable settings. The result is stored in libcodfn << "_cuobjdump_complete_lib_" << cnt << "_"; file by the following statements:
cmd << "$CUDA_INSTALL_PATH/bin/cuobjdump -ptx -elf -sass ";
cmd << line;
cmd << " > ";
cmd << libcodfn.str();
Note that cuobjdump_parse(); is called to parse the output of the cuobjdump tool. This function is automatically generated by yacc and lex tool based on the .y and .l files in the gpgpu-sim\v3.x\libcuda\ directory. The code comments describe this function like this:
//! Call cuobjdump to extract everything (-elf -sass -ptx)/*!
* This Function extract the whole PTX (for all the files) using cuobjdump
* to _cuobjdump_complete_output_XXXXXX then runs a parser to chop it up with each binary in
* its own file
* It is also responsible for extracting the libraries linked to the binary if the option is
* enabled
* */
After extract_code_using_cuobjdump(); is executed in cuobjdumpInit() the statement cuobjdumpSectionList = pruneSectionList(cuobjdumpSectionList, context); removes the unnecessary sections.
After cuobjdumpInit() is executed the next statement is cuobjdumpRegisterFatBinary(fat_cubin_handle, filename);, which simply does the following
//! Keep track of the association between filename and cubin handle
void cuobjdumpRegisterFatBinary(unsigned int handle, char* filename){
fatbinmap[handle] = filename;
to keep track filename and the corresponding cubin handle.
Now, __cudaRegisterFunction(...) function is invoked by application for each device function (nvcc injects it into the source code to get the handle to the compiled cubin and to register the program with the runtime.). This function is generate a mapping between device and host functions. Inside register_function(...) GPGPU-sim searches for symbol table associated with that fatCubin in which device function is located. This function generate a map between kernel entry point and CUDA application function address (host function). __cudaRegisterFunction(...) further calls cuobjdumpParseBinary():
//! Either submit PTX for simulation or convert SASS to PTXPlus and submit it
void cuobjdumpParseBinary(unsigned int handle){
if(fatbin_registered[handle]) return;
fatbin_registered[handle] = true;
CUctx_st *context = GPGPUSim_Context();
std::string fname = fatbinmap[handle];
cuobjdumpPTXSection* ptx = findPTXSection(fname);
symbol_table *symtab;
char *ptxcode;
const char *override_ptx_name = getenv("PTX_SIM_KERNELFILE");
if (override_ptx_name == NULL or getenv("PTX_SIM_USE_PTX_FILE") == NULL) {
ptxcode = readfile(ptx->getPTXfilename());
} else {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: overriding embedded ptx with '%s' (PTX_SIM_USE_PTX_FILE is set)\n", override_ptx_name);
ptxcode = readfile(override_ptx_name);
if(context->get_device()->get_gpgpu()->get_config().convert_to_ptxplus() ) {
cuobjdumpELFSection* elfsection = findELFSection(ptx->getIdentifier());
assert (elfsection!= NULL);
char *ptxplus_str = gpgpu_ptx_sim_convert_ptx_and_sass_to_ptxplus(
symtab=gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(ptxplus_str, handle);
printf("Adding %s with cubin handle %u\n", ptx->getPTXfilename().c_str(), handle);
context->add_binary(symtab, handle);
gpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string( ptxcode, handle);
delete[] ptxplus_str;
} else {
symtab=gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(ptxcode, handle);
printf("Adding %s with cubin handle %u\n", ptx->getPTXfilename().c_str(), handle);
context->add_binary(symtab, handle);
gpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string( ptxcode, handle);
//TODO: Remove temporarily files as per configurations
As we can see cuobjdumpParseBinary() calls gpgpu_ptx_sim_convert_ptx_and_sass_to_ptxplus() , gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string , context->add_binary(symtab, handle); andgpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string( ptxcode, handle); if the PTX/SASS should be converted to PTXPlus.
Otherwise symtab=gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(ptxcode, handle);, context->add_binary(symtab, handle); and gpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string( ptxcode, handle); are executed. Here is a paragraph for describing these function in the GPGPU-SIM document:
gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(...) is called. This function basically use Lex/Yacc to parse the PTX code and create symbol table for that PTX file. Then add_binary(...) is called. This function adds created symbol table to CUctx structure which saves all function and symbol table information. Function gpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string(...) is invoked in order to extract some information from PTXinfo file. This function run ptxas (the PTX assembler tool from CUDA Toolkit) on PTX file and parse the output file using Lex and Yacc. It extract some information like number of registers using by each kernel from ptxinfo file. Also gpgpu_ptx_sim_convert_ptx_to_ptxplus(...) is invoked to to create PTXPlus.
Working on.... Note that gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string() (defined in ptx_loader.cc) does the primary PTX parsing work and deserves an in-depth investigation. Also, it is important to make clear how the branch instruction, divergance and post dominator are searched. As stated in part 1, the function ptx_assemble() is highly related to the PTX parsing, branch instruction detection and divergance analysis and thus it is critical to clarify when ptx_assemble() is called and what this function does in details. To answer all the above questions, we get start from gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string() since this function does the actual PTX parsing work and also invokes the ptx_assemble() function, as can be verified by the stack information:
(gdb) info stack
#0 end_function () at ptx_parser.cc:195
#1 0x00002aaaaab30d1c in ptx_parse () at ptx.y:211
#2 0x00002aaaaab3e6b2 in gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string (
p=0xe49e00 "\t.version 1.4\n\t.target sm_10, map_f64_to_f32\n\t// compiled with /afs/cs.pitt.edu/usr0/yongli/gpgpu-sim/cuda/open64/lib//be\n\t// nvopencc 4.0 built on 2011-05-13\n\n\t//", '-'
at ptx_loader.cc:164
#3 0x00002aaaaaafc3ca in useCuobjdump () at cuda_runtime_api.cc:1377 [1]
#4 0x00002aaaaaafcc59 in __cudaRegisterFatBinary (fatCubin=0x6197f0)
at cuda_runtime_api.cc:1421
#5 0x000000000040369e in __sti____cudaRegisterAll_49_tmpxft_0000028b_00000000_6_bfs_compute_10_cpp1_ii_29cadddc() ()
#6 0x0000000000411ad6 in __do_global_ctors_aux ()
Before we get into the source code for gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(), we need to know what arguments are passed to gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string() and the cuobjdump file format.
The first parameter of gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string() is passed with ptxcode, which is derived as follows:
std::string fname = fatbinmap[handle];
cuobjdumpPTXSection* ptx = findPTXSection(fname);
ptxcode = readfile(ptx->getPTXfilename());
In the above code, fname is originally derived from the following code
typedef struct {int m; int v; const unsigned long long* d; char* f;} __fatDeviceText __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
__fatDeviceText * fatDeviceText = (__fatDeviceText *) fatCubin;
// Extract the source code file name that generate the given FatBin.
// - Obtains the pointer to the actual fatbin structure from the FatBin handle (fatCubin).
// - An integer inside the fatbin structure contains the relative offset to the source code file name.
// - This offset differs among different CUDA and GCC versions.
char * pfatbin = (char*) fatDeviceText->d;
int offset = *((int*)(pfatbin+48));
char * filename = (pfatbin+16+offset);
// The extracted file name is associated with a fat_cubin_handle passed
// into cudaLaunch(). Inside cudaLaunch(), the associated file name is
// used to find the PTX/SASS section from cuobjdump, which contains the
// PTX/SASS code for the launched kernel function.
// This allows us to work around the fact that cuobjdump only outputs the
// file name associated with each section.
if (fat_cubin_handle==1) cuobjdumpInit();
cuobjdumpRegisterFatBinary(fat_cubin_handle, filename);
and has been put into an associated array fatbinmap by cuobjdumpRegisterFatBinary(). The statementcuobjdumpPTXSection* ptx = findPTXSection(fname); looks for the section named fname in a global section list std::list
"Fatbin ptx code:"{newline} {
yylval.string_value = strdup(yytext);
"Fatbin elf code:"{newline} {
yylval.string_value = strdup(yytext);
section : PTXHEADER {
snprintf(filename, 1024, "_cuobjdump_%d.ptx", ptxserial++);
ptxfile = fopen(filename, "w");
} headerinfo ptxcode {
snprintf(filename, 1024, "_cuobjdump_%d.elf", elfserial);
elffile = fopen(filename, "w");
} headerinfo elfcode {
snprintf(filename, 1024, "_cuobjdump_%d.sass", elfserial++);
sassfile = fopen(filename, "w");
} sasscode {
(At this point it is clear that after using the cuobjdump tool to extract information from the binary and invoking cuobjdump_parse(); to segregate ptx, elf and sass information into different files, “sections” are created and pushed into a global section list (cuobjdumpSectionList) and each section is attached with an appropriate ptx/elf/sass filename (not the identifier name, which is extracted from fatbin) and relevant arch information. )
Therefore, the first argument passed to gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(), ptxcode, is the name for the ptx file generated during cuobjdump_parse().
The second parameter of gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string() is passed with a handle, which associates an identifier (or the source file name?) in fatbinmap.
Based on the knowledge of section concept, cuobjdump , ptx/sass/elf files, the handle and ptxcodearguments, now let’s explore the function gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(), which parses and analyzes the PTX code and creates symbol tables.
Part 2.1.1 PTX Parsing: Start From gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string
As our convention, we first copy the code here (from gpgpu-sim\v3.x\src\cuda-sim\ptx_loader.cc):
symbol_table *gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string( const char *p, unsigned source_num )
char buf[1024];
snprintf(buf,1024,"_%u.ptx", source_num );
if( g_save_embedded_ptx ) {
FILE *fp = fopen(buf,"w");
symbol_table *symtab=init_parser(buf);
int errors = ptx_parse ();
if ( errors ) {
char fname[1024];
int fd=mkstemp(fname);
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: parser error detected, exiting... but first extracting .ptx to \"%s\"\n", fname);
FILE *ptxfile = fopen(fname,"w");
fprintf(ptxfile,"%s", p );
if ( g_debug_execution >= 100 )
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: finished parsing EMBEDDED .ptx file %s\n",buf);
return symtab;
In the above function a huge majority of the work is done by the ptx_parse () function call. This function is automatically generated from ptx.y and ptx.l files located in gpgpu-sim\v3.x\src\cuda-sim\ directory. The function name is originally yyparse (the default name for the parser function generated by the bison tool)and replaced by ptx_parse in the generated ptx.tab.c file:
/* Substitute the variable and function names. */
#define yyparse ptx_parse
#define yylex ptx_lex
#define yyerror ptx_error
#define yylval ptx_lval
#define yychar ptx_char
#define yydebug ptx_debug
#define yynerrs ptx_nerrs
The ptx.tab.c file is generated from ptx.y file, as can be verified by the following rule in the Makefile in the ...\cuda-sim\ directory:
ptx.tab.c: ptx.y
bison --name-prefix=ptx_ -v -d ptx.y
Thus, to understand what ptx_parse() does it is necessary to dig into the ptx.y and ptx.l files.
At a high level, ptx.y file contains various rules specifying the construction of ptx file format. It recognizes valid tokens (.file .entry directives, types, instruction opcode, etc.) through the rules defined in ptx.l file and builds ptx grammar from ground up. The following code example from the ptx.y file shows the structure ofstatement_list:
statement_list: directive_statement { add_directive(); }
| instruction_statement { add_instruction(); }
| statement_list directive_statement { add_directive(); }
| statement_list instruction_statement { add_instruction(); }
| statement_list statement_block
| statement_block
instruction_statement: instruction SEMI_COLON
| IDENTIFIER COLON { add_label($1); }
| pred_spec instruction SEMI_COLON;
instruction: opcode_spec LEFT_PAREN operand RIGHT_PAREN { set_return(); } COMMA operand COMMA LEFT_PAREN operand_list RIGHT_PAREN
| opcode_spec operand COMMA LEFT_PAREN operand_list RIGHT_PAREN
| opcode_spec operand COMMA LEFT_PAREN RIGHT_PAREN
| opcode_spec operand_list
| opcode_spec
As different components are detected, corresponding functions defined in gpgpu-sim\v3.x\src\cuda-sim\ptx_parser.cc are called to process the component and store the relevant information for later use. In ptx_parser.cc there are lots of different functions for processing different ptx components. For example,add_instruction() add_variables() set_variable_type() add_identifier() add_function_arg(), etc. Specifically, if an instruction is detected, add_instruction() is called to add the detected instruction into a temporary liststatic std::list
void add_instruction()
DPRINTF("add_instruction: %s", ((g_opcode>0)?g_opcode_string[g_opcode]:"
assert( g_shader_core_config != 0 );
ptx_instruction *i = new ptx_instruction( g_opcode,
g_shader_core_config );
g_inst_lookup[g_filename][ptx_lineno] = i;
After an entire function is processed, the end_function() is called:
function_defn: function_decl { set_symtab($1); func_header(".skip"); } statement_block { end_function(); }
| function_decl { set_symtab($1); } block_spec_list { func_header(".skip"); } statement_block { end_function(); }
void end_function()
g_max_regs_per_thread = mymax( g_max_regs_per_thread, (g_current_symbol_table->next_reg_num()-1));
g_func_info->add_inst( g_instructions );
gpgpu_ptx_assemble( g_func_info->get_name(), g_func_info );
g_current_symbol_table = g_global_symbol_table;
DPRINTF("function %s, PC = %d\n", g_func_info->get_name().c_str(), g_func_info->get_start_PC());
As we can see end_function() executes g_func_info->add_inst( g_instructions ) :
void add_inst( const std::list
m_instructions = instructions;
to put all the parsed instructions so far into the m_instructions member in the object pointed by g_func_info pointer ( g_func_info is a static pointer defined in ptx_parser.cc). g_func_info is initialized by the g_global_symbol_table->add_function_decl( name, g_entry_point, &g_func_info, &g_current_symbol_table ) statement in the add_function_name() function. Theadd_function_decl() actually news a function_info object and passes it to the g_func_info pointer. Theg_global_symbol_table- object, on which the add_function_decl() is called, in created in symbol_table *init_parser() function, which is called in the gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string function. All the relevant code is listed as follows:
static symbol_table *g_global_symbol_table = NULL;
symbol_table *init_parser( const char *ptx_filename )
g_filename = strdup(ptx_filename);
if (g_global_allfiles_symbol_table == NULL) {
g_global_allfiles_symbol_table = new symbol_table("global_allfiles", 0, NULL);
g_global_symbol_table = g_current_symbol_table = g_global_allfiles_symbol_table;
else {
g_global_symbol_table = g_current_symbol_table = new symbol_table("global",0,g_global_allfiles_symbol_table);
symbol_table *gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string( const char *p, unsigned source_num )
symbol_table *symtab=init_parser(buf);
void add_function_name( const char *name )
DPRINTF("add_function_name %s %s", name, ((g_entry_point==1)?"(entrypoint)":((g_entry_point==2)?"(extern)":"")));
bool prior_decl = g_global_symbol_table->add_function_decl( name, g_entry_point, &g_func_info, &g_current_symbol_table );
if( g_add_identifier_cached__identifier ) {
add_identifier( g_add_identifier_cached__identifier,
g_add_identifier_cached__array_ident );
free( g_add_identifier_cached__identifier );
g_add_identifier_cached__identifier = NULL;
g_func_info->add_return_var( g_last_symbol );
if( prior_decl ) {
g_global_symbol_table->add_function( g_func_info, g_filename, ptx_lineno );
bool symbol_table::add_function_decl( const char *name, int entry_point, function_info **func_info, symbol_table **sym_table )
std::string key = std::string(name);
bool prior_decl = false;
if( m_function_info_lookup.find(key) != m_function_info_lookup.end() ) {
*func_info = m_function_info_lookup[key];
prior_decl = true;
} else {
*func_info = new function_info(entry_point);
m_function_info_lookup[key] = *func_info;
if( m_function_symtab_lookup.find(key) != m_function_symtab_lookup.end() ) {
assert( prior_decl );
*sym_table = m_function_symtab_lookup[key];
} else {
assert( !prior_decl );
*sym_table = new symbol_table( "", entry_point, this );
symbol *null_reg = (*sym_table)->add_variable("_",NULL,0,"",0);
null_reg->set_regno(0, 0);
m_function_symtab_lookup[key] = *sym_table;
assert( (*func_info)->get_symtab() == *sym_table );
return prior_decl;
After adding instructions into the g_func_info object, end_function() calls gpgpu_ptx_assemble( g_func_info->get_name(), g_func_info), which is defined as follows:
void gpgpu_ptx_assemble( std::string kname, void *kinfo )
function_info *func_info = (function_info *)kinfo;
if((function_info *)kinfo == NULL) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: Warning - missing function definition \'%s\'\n", kname.c_str());
if( func_info->is_extern() ) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: skipping assembly for extern declared function \'%s\'\n", func_info->get_name().c_str() );
gpgpu_ptx_assemble() mainly executes func_info->ptx_assemble(), which callsfunction_info::ptx_assemble(), which does a lot of things including putting instructions intom_instr_mem[],creating the pc-instruction map s_g_pc_to_insn , analyzing the basic block information, branch/divergence information by searching the post-dominators, computing target pc for branch instructions, etc. All these analyzed information are stored in appropriate members in the function_infostructure. The function_info::ptx_assemble() function is defined in gpgpu-sim\v3.x\src\cuda-sim\cuda-sim.cc and its source code is listed here:
void function_info::ptx_assemble()
if( m_assembled ) {
// get the instructions into instruction memory...
unsigned num_inst = m_instructions.size();
m_instr_mem_size = MAX_INST_SIZE*(num_inst+1);
m_instr_mem = new ptx_instruction*[ m_instr_mem_size ];
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: instruction assembly for function \'%s\'... ", m_name.c_str() );
addr_t PC = g_assemble_code_next_pc; // globally unique address (across functions)
// start function on an aligned address
for( unsigned i=0; i < (PC%MAX_INST_SIZE); i++ )
m_start_PC = PC;
addr_t n=0; // offset in m_instr_mem
s_g_pc_to_insn.reserve(s_g_pc_to_insn.size() + MAX_INST_SIZE*m_instructions.size());
for ( i=m_instructions.begin(); i != m_instructions.end(); i++ ) {
ptx_instruction *pI = *i;
if ( pI->is_label() ) {
const symbol *l = pI->get_label();
labels[l->name()] = n;
} else {
g_pc_to_finfo[PC] = this;
m_instr_mem[n] = pI;
assert(pI == s_g_pc_to_insn[PC]);
assert( pI->inst_size() <= MAX_INST_SIZE );
for( unsigned i=1; i < pI->inst_size(); i++ ) {
n += pI->inst_size();
PC += pI->inst_size();
for ( unsigned ii=0; ii < n; ii += m_instr_mem[ii]->inst_size() ) { // handle branch instructions
ptx_instruction *pI = m_instr_mem[ii];
if ( pI->get_opcode() == BRA_OP || pI->get_opcode() == BREAKADDR_OP || pI->get_opcode() == CALLP_OP) {
operand_info &target = pI->dst(); //get operand, e.g. target name
if ( labels.find(target.name()) == labels.end() ) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: Loader error (%s:%u): Branch label \"%s\" does not appear in assembly code.",
pI->source_file(),pI->source_line(), target.name().c_str() );
unsigned index = labels[ target.name() ]; //determine address from name
unsigned PC = m_instr_mem[index]->get_PC();
m_symtab->set_label_address( target.get_symbol(), PC );
printf(" done.\n");
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: finding reconvergence points for \'%s\'...\n", m_name.c_str() );
bool modified = false;
do {
modified = connect_break_targets();
} while (modified == true);
if ( g_debug_execution>=50 ) {
if ( g_debug_execution>=2 ) {
if ( g_debug_execution>=50 ) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: pre-decoding instructions for \'%s\'...\n", m_name.c_str() );
for ( unsigned ii=0; ii < n; ii += m_instr_mem[ii]->inst_size() ) { // handle branch instructions
ptx_instruction *pI = m_instr_mem[ii];
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: ... done pre-decoding instructions for \'%s\'.\n", m_name.c_str() );
m_assembled = true;
Part 2.2. Extracting PTX Without cuobjdump
When the configuration file indicates cuobjdump tool should not be used then the function __cudaRegisterFatBinary() mainly does the following(the other branch is discussed in Part 2.1 ):
gpgpu_ptxinfo_load_from_string( ptx, source_num );
The functions invoked in this path looks similar to the functions called in cuobjdumpParseBinary discussed in part 2.1 except that this time no PTX/SASS->PTXPlus conversion is performed (e.g.,gpgpu_ptx_sim_convert_ptx_and_sass_to_ptxplus() is not called).
Part 3. Kernel Launch
Part 2 introduces creating gpu device/context, initialization, creating simulation thread and parsing kernel information in the __cudaRegisterFatBinary() function. We haven’t entered the simulation code yet. The simulation is triggered when the running application launches a kernel using cuda runtime api such ascudaLaunch(). So what happens in GPGPU-SIM when the benchmark launch a kernel by calling itscudaLaunch() defined in cuda_runtime_api.cc? (Note that for cuda 4.0 and above this function is replaced by cuLaunchKernel(). User code “<<< >>>” for kernel launch will be replaced by cuda runtime APIcudaLaunch() or cuLaunchKernel() when cuda source file is compiled. GPGPU-SIM 3.0 currently usecudaLaunch() )
To answer this question, we first put the most important lines of code in cudaLaunch() in GPGPU-SIM:
kernel_info_t *grid = gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_init_grid(hostFun,config.get_args(),config.grid_dim(),config.block_dim(),context);
std::string kname = grid->name();
dim3 gridDim = config.grid_dim();
dim3 blockDim = config.block_dim();
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: pushing kernel \'%s\' to stream %u, gridDim= (%u,%u,%u) blockDim = (%u,%u,%u) \n",
kname.c_str(), stream?stream->get_uid():0, gridDim.x,gridDim.y,gridDim.z,blockDim.x,blockDim.y,blockDim.z );
stream_operation op(grid,g_ptx_sim_mode,stream);
The primary purpose of calling the gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_init_grid() function is to create and return akernel_info_t object, which contains important information about a kernel such the name, the dimension, etc, as described in the GPGPU-SIM manual:
kernel_info (
There are three members in kernel_info_t that should be investigated in particular:
class function_info *m_kernel_entry;
class memory_space *m_param_mem;
Here is how GPGPU-SIM document says about function_info class:
“Individual PTX instructions are found inside of PTX functions that are either kernel entry points or subroutines that can be called on the GPU. Each PTX function has a function_info object:
function_info (
By looking into the code we know that the function_info class provides methods to query and config function informations such as num_args(), add_param_data(), find_postdominators(),ptx_assemble(), const ptx_instruction *get_instruction(), get_start_PC(), etc.
For example find_postdominators() is defined as follows:
void function_info::find_postdominators( )
// find postdominators using algorithm of Muchnick's Adv. Compiler Design & Implemmntation Fig 7.14
printf("GPGPU-Sim PTX: Finding postdominators for \'%s\'...\n", m_name.c_str() );
assert( m_basic_blocks.size() >= 2 ); // must have a distinquished exit block
(*bb_itr)->postdominator_ids.insert((*bb_itr)->bb_id); // the only postdominator of the exit block is the exit
for (++bb_itr;bb_itr != m_basic_blocks.rend();bb_itr++) { //copy all basic blocks to all postdominator lists EXCEPT for the exit block
for (unsigned i=0; i
bool change = true;
while (change) {
change = false;
for ( int h = m_basic_blocks.size()-2/*skip exit*/; h >= 0 ; --h ) {
assert( m_basic_blocks[h]->bb_id == (unsigned)h );
for (unsigned i=0;i< m_basic_blocks.size();i++)
for ( std::set
intersect(T, m_basic_blocks[*s]->postdominator_ids);
if (!is_equal(T,m_basic_blocks[h]->postdominator_ids)) {
change = true;
m_basic_blocks[h]->postdominator_ids = T;
In addition to these methods, there are some private members in function_info to represent a function:
unsigned m_uid;
unsigned m_local_mem_framesize;
bool m_entry_point;
bool m_extern;
bool m_assembled;
std::string m_name;
ptx_instruction **m_instr_mem;
unsigned m_start_PC;
unsigned m_instr_mem_size;
const symbol *m_return_var_sym;
unsigned num_reconvergence_pairs;
//Registers/shmem/etc. used (from ptxas -v), loaded from ___.ptxinfo along with ___.ptx
struct gpgpu_ptx_sim_kernel_info m_kernel_info;
symbol_table *m_symtab;
static std::vector
static unsigned sm_next_uid;
Now let’s move on another important member in kernel_info_t : std::list
ptx_thread_info (
The current functional simulation engine was developed to support NVIDIA's PTX. PTX is essentially a low level compiler intermediate representation but not the actual machine representation used by NVIDIA hardware (which is known as SASS). Since PTX does not define a binary representation, GPGPU-Sim does not store a binary view of instructions (e.g., as you would learn about when studying instruction set design in an undergraduate computer architecture course). Instead, the text representation of PTX is parsed into a list of objects somewhat akin to a low level compiler intermediate representation.
Individual PTX instructions are found inside of PTX functions that are either kernel entry points or subroutines that can be called on the GPU. Each PTX function has a function_info object:
The third member class memory_space *m_param_mem in the kernel_info_t class is described as follows:
memory_space (
memory_space_impl (
After our introduction to the kernel_info_t now let’s get back to the gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_init_grid() function and look how an object of kernel_info_t is created. In the function gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_init_grid() an object of kernel_info_t is created by this statement: kernel_info_t *result = new kernel_info_t(gridDim,blockDim,entry);
, which invoke the constructor:
kernel_info_t::kernel_info_t( dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, class function_info *entry )
m_uid = m_next_uid++;
m_param_mem = new memory_space_impl<8192>("param",64*1024);
We can see that this constructor initialize some members but not others, most notably the std::list
One interesting point is in the argument entry passed to the kernel_info_t constructor. This can be made clear by looking at, in the function gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_init_grid(), the line before creating thekernel_info_t object:
function_info *entry = context->get_kernel(hostFun);
kernel_info_t *result = new kernel_info_t(gridDim,blockDim,entry);
From above statements it is clear that context->get_kernel() returns entry function for the kernel.
The relevant code for get_kernel is listed here for your curiosity:
struct CUctx_st {
function_info *get_kernel(const char *hostFun)
assert( i != m_kernel_lookup.end() );
return i->second;
_cuda_device_id *m_gpu; // selected gpu
unsigned m_last_fat_cubin_handle;
From the gdb trace in page 6 and the explanation in page 5(• For each kernel in the source file, a device function registration function, cudaRegisterFunction() is called. …....) we know that the__cudaRegisterFunction function (in cuda_runtime_api.cc) is called implicitly by the compiled benchmark at the beginning of a kernel launch. In GPGPU-SIM, __cudaRegisterFunction invokes context->register_function( fat_cubin_handle, hostFun, deviceFun ); to register the kernel entry function based on the hostFun name. It also creates a corresponding function_info object and store the relevant pointer into the m_kernel_lookup, which is the context’s hash table (map) member to store function_info pointers associated with kernel functions.
void register_function( unsigned fat_cubin_handle, const char *hostFun, const char *deviceFun )
if( m_code.find(fat_cubin_handle) != m_code.end() ) {
symbol *s = m_code[fat_cubin_handle]->lookup(deviceFun);
assert( s != NULL );
function_info *f = s->get_pc();
assert( f != NULL );
m_kernel_lookup[hostFun] = f;
} else {
m_kernel_lookup[hostFun] = NULL;
Part 4. Simulation Body: gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent()
From the analyses in previous chapters we understand the context creation, kernel initialization, entry function information generation, etc. This all happens in __cudaRegisterFatBinary() and cudaLaunch(). Once these init work has been done, as the last few lines of code of cudaLaunch() indicates that astream_operation object is created and pushed onto g_stream_manager, which will trigger the simulation in the gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent () function. This part gets into and explains this function.
In Part 2 when we explain GPGPUSim_Init() , we list code for gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent(). Here we list it again to ease our discussion.
void *gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent(void*)
// concurrent kernel execution simulation thread
do {
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: *** simulation thread starting and spinning waiting for work ***\n");
while( g_stream_manager->empty_protected() && !g_sim_done )
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: ** START simulation thread (detected work) **\n");
g_sim_active = true;
bool active = false;
bool sim_cycles = false;
do {
// check if a kernel has completed
// launch operation on device if one is pending and can be run
if( g_the_gpu->active() ) {
sim_cycles = true;
active=g_the_gpu->active() || !g_stream_manager->empty_protected();
} while( active );
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: ** STOP simulation thread (no work) **\n");
if(sim_cycles) {
g_sim_active = false;
} while( !g_sim_done );
if(g_debug_execution >= 3) {
printf("GPGPU-Sim: *** simulation thread exiting ***\n");
return NULL;
The first statement that matters in the above code is g_the_gpu->init(); The effect of executing this is to initialize simulation cycle, control flow, memory access, statistics of various kinds (simulation results), etc. For source code details please refer to gpu-sim.cc file.
Following the init the simulation gets into a do...while loop highlighted in green. This is the main loop that simulates the running cuda application cycle by cycle. Each iteration of this loop simulates one cycle (byg_stream_manager->operation(&sim_cycles); and g_the_gpu->cycle(); ) if the g_the_gpu is active:
bool gpgpu_sim::active()
if (m_config.gpu_max_cycle_opt && (gpu_tot_sim_cycle + gpu_sim_cycle) >= m_config.gpu_max_cycle_opt)
return false;
if (m_config.gpu_max_insn_opt && (gpu_tot_sim_insn + gpu_sim_insn) >= m_config.gpu_max_insn_opt)
return false;
if (m_config.gpu_max_cta_opt && (gpu_tot_issued_cta >= m_config.gpu_max_cta_opt) )
return false;
if (m_config.gpu_deadlock_detect && gpu_deadlock)
return false;
for (unsigned i=0;i
if( m_cluster[i]->get_not_completed()>0 )
return true;;
for (unsigned i=0;i
if( m_memory_partition_unit[i]->busy()>0 )
return true;;
if( icnt_busy() )
return true;
if( get_more_cta_left() )
return true;
return false;
After the loop finishes the simulation results are updated and printed out (highlighted in yellow) if any cycle(s) have been simulated. So the major work is done in the loop by g_stream_manager->operation(&sim_cycles); and g_the_gpu->cycle();. Now let’s dive into these two statements for further analyses.
Part 4.1 Launch Stream Operations
In this subsection the statement g_stream_manager->operation(&sim_cycles); is analyzed in depth. To ease our code study, we first list the surface level code where this statement gets into:
void stream_manager::operation( bool * sim)
bool check=check_finished_kernel();
if(check) m_gpu->print_stats();
stream_operation op =front();
op.do_operation( m_gpu );
To gain a good understanding of what the above code does let’s first take some time to get familiar with the structure of stream_manager. As early in part 2 we learned that g_stream_manager (an object ofstream_manager) plays an important role in communicating information between cudaLaunch() and the actual simulation thread gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent() . It has the following interface:
class stream_manager {
stream_manager( gpgpu_sim *gpu, bool cuda_launch_blocking );
bool register_finished_kernel(unsigned grid_uid );
bool check_finished_kernel( );
stream_operation front();
void add_stream( CUstream_st *stream );
void destroy_stream( CUstream_st *stream );
bool concurrent_streams_empty();
bool empty_protected();
bool empty();
void print( FILE *fp);
void push( stream_operation op );
void operation(bool * sim);
void print_impl( FILE *fp);
bool m_cuda_launch_blocking;
gpgpu_sim *m_gpu;
CUstream_st m_stream_zero;
bool m_service_stream_zero;
pthread_mutex_t m_lock;
From the above definition we can see stream_manager primarily contains a list of CUstream_st(m_streams), a pointer (m_gpu) to the simulation instance (gpgpu_sim), and some flags such as if the cuda launch is blocking or not. The CUstream_st is a struct that contains a list of stream_operation objects (std::list
class stream_operation {
bool is_kernel() const { return m_type == stream_kernel_launch; }
bool is_mem() const {
return m_type == stream_memcpy_host_to_device ||
m_type == stream_memcpy_device_to_host ||
m_type == stream_memcpy_host_to_device;
bool is_noop() const { return m_type == stream_no_op; }
bool is_done() const { return m_done; }
kernel_info_t *get_kernel() { return m_kernel; }
void do_operation( gpgpu_sim *gpu );
void print( FILE *fp ) const;
struct CUstream_st *get_stream() { return m_stream; }
void set_stream( CUstream_st *stream ) { m_stream = stream; }
struct CUstream_st *m_stream;
bool m_done;
stream_operation_type m_type;
size_t m_device_address_dst;
size_t m_device_address_src;
void *m_host_address_dst;
const void *m_host_address_src;
size_t m_cnt;
const char *m_symbol;
size_t m_offset;
bool m_sim_mode;
kernel_info_t *m_kernel;
class CUevent_st *m_event;
Thus, stream_operation essentially keeps track of different types of cuda operations such as kernel launch, memory copy, etc. See the following stream operation type definition:
enum stream_operation_type {
If it is a kernel launch, stream_operation stores the kernel information in its kernel_info_t *m_kernel; member.
At this point we should be familiar with the necessary structures and definitions for further code study. Now let’s get back to the function stream_manager::operation( bool * sim) at the beginning of part 4.1. The first three statements just check if there is a finished kernel and print its statistics if any. Next the first stream operation op is popped out from the list using (stream_operation op =front();) and then the statementop.do_operation( m_gpu ); is executed. The code structure of
is like this:
void stream_operation::do_operation( gpgpu_sim *gpu )
if( is_noop() )
case stream_memcpy_host_to_device:
case stream_memcpy_device_to_host:
if(g_debug_execution >= 3)
printf("memcpy device-to-host\n");
case stream_kernel_launch:
if( gpu->can_start_kernel() ) {
printf("kernel \'%s\' transfer to GPU hardware scheduler\n", m_kernel->name().c_str() );
if( m_sim_mode )
gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_main_func( *m_kernel );
gpu->launch( m_kernel );
case stream_event: {
printf("event update\n");
time_t wallclock = time((time_t *)NULL);
m_event->update( gpu_tot_sim_cycle, wallclock );
It is obvious the above function (stream_operation::do_operation) contains a big switch case statement and gets to different branches based on the type of the stream operation. Since we mainly concern about the kernel launch thus we focus on analyzing the code in yellow background. Based on what mode (performance simulation mode or purely functional simulation mode.) is chosen, these are two paths. Function simulation runs faster but does not collect performance statistics.
The first path (gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_main_func( *m_kernel );) is executed when the running mode is functional simulation. gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_main_func( *m_kernel ) is defined in cuda-sim.cc:
//we excute the kernel one CTA (Block) at the time, as synchronization functions work block wise
functionalCoreSim cta(&kernel, g_the_gpu, g_the_gpu->getShaderCoreConfig()->warp_size);
About the functional simulation we can refer to the official document:
Pure functional simulation (bypassing performance simulation) is implemented in files cuda-sim{.h,.cc}, in function gpgpu_cuda_ptx_sim_main_func(...) and using the functionalCoreSim class. The functionalCoreSim class is inherited from the core_t abstract class, which contains many of the functional simulation data structures and procedures that are used by the pure functional simulation as well as performance simulation.
We focus on tracing the code for performance simulation.
The second path(gpu->launch( m_kernel )), which is executed when performance simulation is chosen, put the kernel_info_t *m_kernel member of this stream_operation object into a “null” or “done” element in the running kernel vector (std::vector
bool gpgpu_sim::get_more_cta_left() const
if (m_config.gpu_max_cta_opt != 0) {
if( m_total_cta_launched >= m_config.gpu_max_cta_opt )
return false;
for(unsigned n=0; n < m_running_kernels.size(); n++ ) {
if( m_running_kernels[n] && !m_running_kernels[n]->no_more_ctas_to_run() )
return true;
return false;
Thus, in the loop with the green background in the void *gpgpu_sim_thread_concurrent(void*) code listed at the beginning of part 4, g_the_gpu->cycle(); will be executed for performance simulation afterg_stream_manager->operation(&sim_cycles); in which gpu->launch( m_kernel ) is executed when performance simulated mode is selected. In the next subsection (part 4.2), we will discuss how a cycle is simulated for performance simulation.
Part 4.2 Simulating One Cycle in Performance Simulation
From the previous discussion we know g_the_gpu->cycle() is executed when performance simulation is selected as the running mode for GPGPU-SIM. As we have done in Part 4.1, we first list the code for the statement g_the_gpu->cycle();here for further discussion (a little bit long):
void gpgpu_sim::cycle()
int clock_mask = next_clock_domain();
if (clock_mask & CORE ) {
// shader core loading (pop from ICNT into core) follows CORE clock
for (unsigned i=0;i
if (clock_mask & ICNT) {
// pop from memory controller to interconnect
for (unsigned i=0;i
mem_fetch* mf = m_memory_partition_unit[i]->top();
if (mf) {
unsigned response_size = mf->get_is_write()?mf->get_ctrl_size():mf->size();
if ( ::icnt_has_buffer( m_shader_config->mem2device(i), response_size ) ) {
if (!mf->get_is_write())
::icnt_push( m_shader_config->mem2device(i), mf->get_tpc(), mf, response_size );
} else {
} else {
if (clock_mask & DRAM) {
for (unsigned i=0;i
m_memory_partition_unit[i]->dram_cycle(); // Issue the dram command (scheduler + delay model)
// L2 operations follow L2 clock domain
if (clock_mask & L2) {
for (unsigned i=0;i
//move memory request from interconnect into memory partition (if not backed up)
//Note:This needs to be called in DRAM clock domain if there is no L2 cache in the system
if ( m_memory_partition_unit[i]->full() ) {
} else {
mem_fetch* mf = (mem_fetch*) icnt_pop( m_shader_config->mem2device(i) );
m_memory_partition_unit[i]->push( mf, gpu_sim_cycle + gpu_tot_sim_cycle );
if (clock_mask & ICNT) {
icnt_transfer(); //function pointer to advance_interconnect() defined in interconnect_interface.cc
if (clock_mask & CORE) {
// L1 cache + shader core pipeline stages
for (unsigned i=0;i
if (m_cluster[i]->get_not_completed() || get_more_cta_left() ) {
if( g_single_step && ((gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle) >= g_single_step) ) {
asm("int $03");
if( g_interactive_debugger_enabled )
// Flush the caches once all of threads are completed.
if (m_config.gpgpu_flush_cache) {
int all_threads_complete = 1 ;
for (unsigned i=0;i
if (m_cluster[i]->get_not_completed() == 0)
all_threads_complete = 0 ;
if (all_threads_complete && !m_memory_config->m_L2_config.disabled() ) {
printf("Flushed L2 caches...\n");
if (m_memory_config->m_L2_config.get_num_lines()) {
int dlc = 0;
for (unsigned i=0;i
dlc = m_memory_partition_unit[i]->flushL2();
assert (dlc == 0); // need to model actual writes to DRAM here
printf("Dirty lines flushed from L2 %d is %d\n", i, dlc );
if (!(gpu_sim_cycle % m_config.gpu_stat_sample_freq)) {
time_t days, hrs, minutes, sec;
time_t curr_time;
unsigned long long elapsed_time = MAX(curr_time - g_simulation_starttime, 1);
days = elapsed_time/(3600*24);
hrs = elapsed_time/3600 - 24*days;
minutes = elapsed_time/60 - 60*(hrs + 24*days);
sec = elapsed_time - 60*(minutes + 60*(hrs + 24*days));
printf("GPGPU-Sim uArch: cycles simulated: %lld inst.: %lld (ipc=%4.1f) sim_rate=%u (inst/sec) elapsed = %u:%u:%02u:%02u / %s",
gpu_tot_sim_cycle + gpu_sim_cycle, gpu_tot_sim_insn + gpu_sim_insn,
(unsigned)((gpu_tot_sim_insn+gpu_sim_insn) / elapsed_time),
if (m_config.gpgpu_runtime_stat && (m_config.gpu_runtime_stat_flag != 0) ) {
if (m_config.gpu_runtime_stat_flag & GPU_RSTAT_BW_STAT) {
for (unsigned i=0;i
printf("maxmrqlatency = %d \n", m_memory_stats->max_mrq_latency);
printf("maxmflatency = %d \n", m_memory_stats->max_mf_latency);
if (m_config.gpu_runtime_stat_flag & GPU_RSTAT_SHD_INFO)
shader_print_runtime_stat( stdout );
if (m_config.gpu_runtime_stat_flag & GPU_RSTAT_L1MISS)
shader_print_l1_miss_stat( stdout );
if (!(gpu_sim_cycle % 20000)) {
// deadlock detection
if (m_config.gpu_deadlock_detect && gpu_sim_insn == last_gpu_sim_insn) {
gpu_deadlock = true;
} else {
last_gpu_sim_insn = gpu_sim_insn;
spill_log_to_file (stdout, 0, gpu_sim_cycle);
It would be helpful to first take a look at how the GPGPU-SIM document describes the SIMT cluster, SIMT core, caches and memory class model before tracing into the source code:
The SIMT core clusters are modelled by the simt_core_cluster class. This class contains an array of SIMT core objects in m_core. The simt_core_cluster::core_cycle() method simply cycles each of the SIMT cores in order. The simt_core_cluster::icnt_cycle() method pushes memory requests into the SIMT Core Cluster's response FIFO from the interconnection network. It also pops the requests from the FIFO and sends them to the appropriate core's instruction cache or LDST unit. Thesimt_core_cluster::icnt_inject_request_packet(...) method provides the SIMT cores with an interface to inject packets into the network.
The SIMT core microarchitecture shown in Figure 5 is implemented with the class shader_core_ctx in shader.h/cc. Derived from class core_t (the abstract functional class for a core), this class combines all the different objects that implements various parts of the SIMT core microarchitecture model:
Every core cycle, shader_core_ctx::cycle() is called to simulate one cycle at the SIMT core. This function calls a set of member functions that simulate the core's pipeline stages in reverse order to model the pipelining effect:
The various pipeline stages are connected via a set of pipeline registers which are pointers to warp_inst_t objects (with the exception of Fetch and Decode, which connects via a ifetch_buffer_t object).
Each shader_core_ctx object refers to a common shader_core_config object when accessing configuration options specific to the SIMT core. All shader_core_ctx objects also link to a common instance of a shader_core_stats object which keeps track of a set of performance measurements for all the SIMT cores.
This section describes the software modelling Fetch and Decode.
The I-Buffer shown in Figure 3 is implemented as an array of shd_warp_t objects inside shader_core_ctx. Each shd_warp_t has a set m_ibuffer of I-Buffer entries (ibuffer_entry) holding a configurable number of instructions (the maximum allowable instructions to fetch in one cycle). Also, shd_warp_t has flags that are used by the schedulers to determine the eligibility of the warp for issue. The decoded instructions stored in an ibuffer_entry as a pointer to a warp_inst_t object. The warp_inst_t holds information about the type of the operation of this instruction and the operands used.
Also, in the fetch stage, the shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer variable acts as a pipeline register between the fetch (instruction cache access) and the decode stage.
If the decode stage is not stalled (i.e. shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer is free of valid instructions), the fetch unit works. The outer for loop implements the round robin scheduler, the last scheduled warp id is stored in m_last_warp_fetched. The first if-statement checks if the warp has finished execution, while inside the second if-statement, the actual fetch from the instruction cache, in case of hit or the memory access generation, in case of miss are done. The second if-statement mainly checks if there are no valid instructions already stored in the entry that corresponds the currently checked warp.
The decode stage simply checks the shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer and start to store the decoded instructions (current configuration decode up to two instructions per cycle) in the instruction buffer entry (m_ibuffer, an object of shd_warp_t::ibuffer_entry) that corresponds to the warp in the shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer.
Within each core, there are a configurable number of scheduler units. The function shader_core_ctx::issue() iterates over these units where each one of them executes scheduler_unit::cycle(), where a round robin algorithm is applied on the warps. In the scheduler_unit::cycle(), the instruction is issued to its suitable execution pipeline using the function shader_core_ctx::issue_warp(). Within this function, instructions are functionally executed by calling shader_core_ctx::func_exec_inst() and the SIMT stack (m_simt_stack[warp_id]) is updated by calling simt_stack::update(). Also, in this function, the warps are held/released due to barriers by shd_warp_t:set_membar() and barrier_set_t::warp_reaches_barrier. On the other hand, registers are reserved by Scoreboard::reserveRegisters() to be used later by the scoreboard algorithm. The scheduler_unit::m_sp_out, scheduler_unit::m_sfu_out, scheduler_unit::m_mem_out points to the first pipeline register between the issue stage and the execution stage of SP, SFU and Mem pipline receptively. That is why they are checked before issuing any instruction to its corresponding pipeline using shader_core_ctx::issue_warp().
For each scheduler unit there is an array of SIMT stacks. Each SIMT stack corresponds to one warp. In the scheduler_unit::cycle(), the top of the stack entry for the SIMT stack of the scheduled warp determines the issued instruction. The program counter of the top of the stack entry is normally consistent with the program counter of the next instruction in the I-Buffer that corresponds to the scheduled warp (Refer toSIMT Stack). Otherwise, in case of control hazard, they will not be matched and the instructions within the I-Buffer are flushed.
The implementation of the SIMT stack is in the simt_stack class in shader.h. The SIMT stack is updated after each issue using this function simt_stack::update(...). This function implements the algorithm required at divergence and reconvergence points. Functional execution (refer to Instruction Execution) is performed at the issue stage before updating the SIMT stack. This allows the issue stage to have information of the next pc of each thread, hence, to update the SIMT stack as required.
The scoreboard unit is instantiated in shader_core_ctx as a member object, and passed to scheduler_unit via reference (pointer). It stores both shader core id and a register table index by the warp ids. This register table stores the number of registers reserved by each warp. The functions Scoreboard::reserveRegisters(...), Scoreboard::releaseRegisters(...) and Scoreboard::checkCollision(...) are used to reserve registers, release register and to check for collision before issuing a warp respectively.
The operand collector is modeled as one stage in the main pipeline executed by the function shader_core_ctx::cycle(). This stage is represented by the shader_core_ctx::read_operands() function. Refer to ALU Pipeline for more details about the interfaces of the operand collector.
The class opndcoll_rfu_t models the operand collector based register file unit. It contains classes that abstracts the collector unit sets, the arbiter and the dispatch units.
The opndcoll_rfu_t::allocate_cu(...) is responsible to allocate warp_inst_t to a free operand collector unit within its assigned sets of operand collectors. Also it adds a read requests for all source operands in their corresponding bank queues in the arbitrator.
However, opndcoll_rfu_t::allocate_reads(...) processes read requests that do not have conflicts, in other words, the read requests that are in different register banks and do not go to the same operand collector are popped from the arbitrator queues. This accounts for write request priority over read requests.
The function opndcoll_rfu_t::dispatch_ready_cu() dispatches the operand registers of ready operand collectors (with all operands are collected) to the execute stage.
The function opndcoll_rfu_t::writeback( const warp_inst_t &inst ) is called at the write back stage of the memory pipeline. It is responsible to the allocation of writes.
This summarizes the highlights of the main functions used to model the operand collector, however, more details are in the implementations of the opndcoll_rfu_t class in both shader.cc and shader.h.
The timing model of SP unit and SFU unit are mostly implemented in the pipelined_simd_unit class defined in shader.h. The specific classes modelling the units (sp_unit and sfu class) are derived from this class with overridden can_issue() member function to specify the types of instruction executable by the unit.
The SP unit is connected to the operation collector unit via the OC_EX_SP pipeline register; the SFU unit is connected to the operand collector unit via the OC_EX_SFU pipeline register. Both units shares a common writeback stage via the WB_EX pipeline register. To prevent two units from stalling for writeback stage conflict, each instruction going into either unit has to allocate a slot in the result bus (m_result_bus) before it is issued into the destined unit (see shader_core_ctx::execute()).
The following figure provides an overview to how pipelined_simd_unit models the throughput and latency for different types of instruction.
Figure 12: Software Design of Pipelined SIMD Unit
In each pipelined_simd_unit, the issue(warp_inst_t*&) member function moves the contents of the given pipeline registers into m_dispatch_reg. The instruction then waits atm_dispatch_reg forinitiation_interval cycles. In the meantime, no other instruction can be issued into this unit, so this wait models the throughput of the instruction. After the wait, the instruction is dispatched to the internal pipeline registers m_pipeline_reg for latency modelling. The dispatching position is determined so that time spent in m_dispatch_reg are accounted towards the latency as well. Every cycle, the instructions will advances through the pipeline registers and eventually into m_result_port, which is the shared pipeline register leading to the common writeback stage for both SP and SFU units.
The throughput and latency of each type of instruction are specified atptx_instruction::set_opcode_and_latency() in cuda-sim.cc. This function is called during pre-decode.
The ldst_unit class inside shader.cc implements the memory stage of the shader pipeline. The class instantiates and operates on all the in-shader memories: texture (m_L1T), constant (m_L1C) and data (m_L1D). ldst_unit::cycle() implements the guts of the unit's operation and is pumped m_config->mem_warp_parts times pre core cycle. This is so fully coalesced memory accesses can be processed in one shader cycle. ldst_unit::cycle() processes the memory responses from the interconnect (stored inm_response_fifo), filling the caches and marking stores as complete. The function also cycles the caches so they can send their requests for missed data to the interconnect.
Cache accesses to each type of L1 memory are done in shared_cycle(), constant_cycle(), texture_cycle() and memory_cycle() respectively. memory_cycle is used to access the L1 data cache. Each of these functions then calls process_memory_access_queue() which is a universal function that pulls an access off the instructions internal access queue and sends this request to the cache. If this access cannot be processed in this cycle (i.e. it neither misses nor hits in the cache which can happen when various system queues are full or when all the lines in a particular way have been reserved and are not yet filled) then the access is attempted again next cycle.
It is worth noting that not all instructions reach the writeback stage of the unit. All store instructions and load instructions where all requested cache blocks hit exit the pipeline in the cycle function. This is because they do not have to wait for a response from the interconnect and can by-pass the writeback logic that book-keeps the cache lines requested by the instruction and those that have been returned.
gpu-cache.h implements all the caches used by the ldst_unit. Both the constant cache and the data cache contain a member tag_array object which implements the reservation and replacement logic. Theprobe() function checks for a block address without effecting the LRU position of the data in question, while access() is meant to model a look-up that effects the LRU position and is the function that generates the miss and access statistics. MSHR's are modeled with the mshr_table class emulates a fully associative table with a finite number of merged requests. Requests are released from the MSHR through the next_access() function.
The read_only_cache class is used for the constant cache and as the base-class for thedata_cache class. This hierarchy can be somewhat confusing because R/W data cache extends from theread_only_cache. The only reason for this is that they share much of the same functionality, with the exception of the access function which deals has to deal with writes in the data_cache. The L2 cache is also implemented with the data_cache class.
The tex_cache class implements the texture cache outlined in the architectural description above. It does not use the tag_array or mshr_table since it's operation is significantly different from that of a conventional cache.
The scheduling of Thread Blocks to SIMT cores occurs in shader_core_ctx::issue_block2core(...). The maximum number of thread blocks (or CTAs or Work Groups) that can be concurrently scheduled on a core is calculated by the function shader_core_config::max_cta(...). This function determines the maximum number of thread blocks that can be concurrently assigned to a single SIMT core based on the number of threads per thread block specified by the program, the per-thread register usage, the shared memory usage, and the configured limit on maximum number of thread blocks per core. Specifically, the number of thread blocks that could be assigned to a SIMT core if each of the above criteria was the limiting factor is computed. The minimum of these is the maximum number of thread blocks that can be assigned to the SIMT core.
In shader_core_ctx::issue_block2core(...), the thread block size is first padded to be an exact multiple of the warp size. Then a range of free hardware thread ids is determined. The functional state for each thread is initialized by calling ptx_sim_init_thread. The SIMT stacks and warp states are initialized by calling shader_core_ctx::init_warps.
When each thread finishes, the SIMT core calls register_cta_thread_exit(...) to update the active thread block's state. When all threads in a thread block have finished, the same function decreases the count of thread blocks active on the core, allowing more thread blocks to be scheduled in the next cycle. New thread blocks to be scheduled are selected from pending kernels.
Now you should have a high-level overview of the software class design for the SIMT core, caches and memories. The structure of the above gpgpu_sim::cycle() function indicates the sequence of simulation operations in one cycle (marked in different colors) includes the shader core loading from NoC, pushing memory requests to NoC, advancing DRAM cycle, moving memory requests from NoC to memory partition /L2 operation, shader core pipeline/L1 operation, thread block scheduling and flushing caches (only be done upon kernel completion). Now we study these simulation operations in the following subsections.
Part 4.2.1 Shader Core Loading (pop from NoC into core) & Response FIFO Simulation for SIMT Cluster (code in red)
At a high level, the code in the red background iterates over SIMT core (i.e., shader core) clusters (defined as class simt_core_cluster **m_cluster; in the gpgpu_sim class) and advances a cycle by executingm_cluster[i]->icnt_cycle().
Since there are lots of relevant classes and structures related to this part of the simulation, it is necessary to get familiar with them before we introducing m_cluster[i]->icnt_cycle(). The following is a list of interfaces of important classes for understanding the simulation details analyzed in this subsection as well as the subsequent subsections. In particular, we list the interfaces for simt_core_cluster, core_t, shader_core_ctx, ldst_unit, warp_inst_t, inst_t, mem_fetch:
class simt_core_cluster {
simt_core_cluster( class gpgpu_sim *gpu,
unsigned cluster_id,
const struct shader_core_config *config,
const struct memory_config *mem_config,
shader_core_stats *stats,
memory_stats_t *mstats );
void core_cycle();
void icnt_cycle();
void reinit();
unsigned issue_block2core();
void cache_flush();
bool icnt_injection_buffer_full(unsigned size, bool write);
void icnt_inject_request_packet(class mem_fetch *mf);
// for perfect memory interface
bool response_queue_full() {
return ( m_response_fifo.size() >= m_config->n_simt_ejection_buffer_size );
void push_response_fifo(class mem_fetch *mf) {
unsigned max_cta( const kernel_info_t &kernel );
unsigned get_not_completed() const;
void print_not_completed( FILE *fp ) const;
unsigned get_n_active_cta() const;
gpgpu_sim *get_gpu() { return m_gpu; }
void display_pipeline( unsigned sid, FILE *fout, int print_mem, int mask );
void print_cache_stats( FILE *fp, unsigned& dl1_accesses, unsigned& dl1_misses ) const;
unsigned m_cluster_id;
gpgpu_sim *m_gpu;
const shader_core_config *m_config;
shader_core_stats *m_stats;
memory_stats_t *m_memory_stats;
shader_core_ctx **m_core;
unsigned m_cta_issue_next_core;
* This abstract class used as a base for functional and performance and simulation, it has basic functional simulation data structures and procedures.
class core_t {
virtual ~core_t() {}
virtual void warp_exit( unsigned warp_id ) = 0;
virtual bool warp_waiting_at_barrier( unsigned warp_id ) const = 0;
virtual void checkExecutionStatusAndUpdate(warp_inst_t &inst, unsigned t, unsigned tid)=0;
class gpgpu_sim * get_gpu() {return m_gpu;}
void execute_warp_inst_t(warp_inst_t &inst, unsigned warpSize, unsigned warpId =(unsigned)-1);
bool ptx_thread_done( unsigned hw_thread_id ) const ;
void updateSIMTStack(unsigned warpId, unsigned warpSize, warp_inst_t * inst);
void initilizeSIMTStack(unsigned warps, unsigned warpsSize);
warp_inst_t getExecuteWarp(unsigned warpId);
void get_pdom_stack_top_info( unsigned warpId, unsigned *pc, unsigned *rpc ) const;
kernel_info_t * get_kernel_info(){ return m_kernel;}
class gpgpu_sim *m_gpu;
kernel_info_t *m_kernel;
simt_stack **m_simt_stack; // pdom based reconvergence context for each warp
class ptx_thread_info ** m_thread;
class shader_core_ctx : public core_t {
void cycle();
void reinit(unsigned start_thread, unsigned end_thread, bool reset_not_completed );
void issue_block2core( class kernel_info_t &kernel );
void cache_flush();
void accept_fetch_response( mem_fetch *mf );
void accept_ldst_unit_response( class mem_fetch * mf );
void set_kernel( kernel_info_t *k )
int test_res_bus(int latency);
void init_warps(unsigned cta_id, unsigned start_thread, unsigned end_thread);
virtual void checkExecutionStatusAndUpdate(warp_inst_t &inst, unsigned t, unsigned tid);
address_type next_pc( int tid ) const;
void fetch();
void register_cta_thread_exit( unsigned cta_num );
void decode();
void issue();
friend class scheduler_unit; //this is needed to use private issue warp.
friend class TwoLevelScheduler;
friend class LooseRoundRobbinScheduler;
void issue_warp( register_set& warp, const warp_inst_t *pI, const active_mask_t &active_mask, unsigned warp_id );
void func_exec_inst( warp_inst_t &inst );
void read_operands();
void execute();
void writeback();
// CTA scheduling / hardware thread allocation
unsigned m_n_active_cta; // number of Cooperative Thread Arrays (blocks) currently running on this shader.
unsigned m_cta_status[MAX_CTA_PER_SHADER]; // CTAs status
unsigned m_not_completed; // number of threads to be completed (==0 when all thread on this core completed)
// thread contexts
thread_ctx_t *m_threadState;
// interconnect interface
mem_fetch_interface *m_icnt;
shader_core_mem_fetch_allocator *m_mem_fetch_allocator;
// fetch
read_only_cache *m_L1I; // instruction cache
int m_last_warp_fetched;
// decode/dispatch
barrier_set_t m_barriers;
ifetch_buffer_t m_inst_fetch_buffer;
Scoreboard *m_scoreboard;
opndcoll_rfu_t m_operand_collector;
// execute
unsigned m_num_function_units;
ldst_unit *m_ldst_unit;
static const unsigned MAX_ALU_LATENCY = 512;
unsigned num_result_bus;
std::vector< std::bitset
// used for local address mapping with single kernel launch
unsigned kernel_max_cta_per_shader;
unsigned kernel_padded_threads_per_cta;
class ldst_unit: public pipelined_simd_unit {
ldst_unit( mem_fetch_interface *icnt,
shader_core_mem_fetch_allocator *mf_allocator,
shader_core_ctx *core,
opndcoll_rfu_t *operand_collector,
Scoreboard *scoreboard,
const shader_core_config *config,
const memory_config *mem_config,
class shader_core_stats *stats,
unsigned sid, unsigned tpc );
// modifiers
virtual void issue( register_set &inst );
virtual void cycle();
void fill( mem_fetch *mf );
void flush();
void writeback();
// accessors
virtual unsigned clock_multiplier() const;
virtual bool can_issue( const warp_inst_t &inst ) const
…................//definition of can_issue()
virtual bool stallable() const { return true; }
bool response_buffer_full() const;
void print(FILE *fout) const;
void print_cache_stats( FILE *fp, unsigned& dl1_accesses, unsigned& dl1_misses );
bool shared_cycle();
bool constant_cycle();
bool texture_cycle();
bool memory_cycle();
mem_stage_stall_type process_memory_access_queue( cache_t *cache, warp_inst_t &inst );
const memory_config *m_memory_config;
class mem_fetch_interface *m_icnt;
shader_core_mem_fetch_allocator *m_mf_allocator;
class shader_core_ctx *m_core;
unsigned m_sid;
unsigned m_tpc;
tex_cache *m_L1T; // texture cache
read_only_cache *m_L1C; // constant cache
l1_cache *m_L1D; // data cache
opndcoll_rfu_t *m_operand_collector;
Scoreboard *m_scoreboard;
mem_fetch *m_next_global;
warp_inst_t m_next_wb;
unsigned m_writeback_arb; // round-robin arbiter for writeback contention between L1T, L1C, shared
unsigned m_num_writeback_clients;
…..........................//debug, other information, etc.
class inst_t {
memset(out, 0, sizeof(unsigned));
memset(in, 0, sizeof(unsigned));
space = memory_space_t();
latency = 1;
initiation_interval = 1;
for( unsigned i=0; i < MAX_REG_OPERANDS; i++ ) {
arch_reg.src[i] = -1;
arch_reg.dst[i] = -1;
bool valid() const { return m_decoded; }
bool is_load() const { return (op == LOAD_OP || memory_op == memory_load); }
bool is_store() const { return (op == STORE_OP || memory_op == memory_store); }
address_type pc; // program counter address of instruction
unsigned isize; // size of instruction in bytes
op_type op; // opcode (uarch visible)
_memory_op_t memory_op; // memory_op used by ptxplus
address_type reconvergence_pc; // -1 => not a branch, -2 => use function return address
unsigned out[4];
unsigned in[4];
unsigned char is_vectorin;
unsigned char is_vectorout;
int pred; // predicate register number
int ar1, ar2;
// register number for bank conflict evaluation
struct {
} arch_reg;
//int arch_reg[MAX_REG_OPERANDS]; // register number for bank conflict evaluation
unsigned latency; // operation latency
unsigned initiation_interval;
unsigned data_size; // what is the size of the word being operated on?
memory_space_t space;
cache_operator_type cache_op;
bool m_decoded;
virtual void pre_decode() {}
class warp_inst_t: public inst_t {
void issue( const active_mask_t &mask, unsigned warp_id, unsigned long long cycle )
void completed( unsigned long long cycle ) const;
void generate_mem_accesses();
void memory_coalescing_arch_13( bool is_write, mem_access_type access_type );
void memory_coalescing_arch_13_atomic( bool is_write, mem_access_type access_type );
void memory_coalescing_arch_13_reduce_and_send( bool is_write, mem_access_type access_type, const transaction_info &info, new_addr_type addr, unsigned segment_size );
void add_callback(unsigned lane_id,
void (*function)(const class inst_t*, class ptx_thread_info*),
const inst_t *inst,
class ptx_thread_info *thread )
void set_active( const active_mask_t &active );
void clear_active( const active_mask_t &inactive );
void set_not_active( unsigned lane_id );
bool active( unsigned thread ) const { return m_warp_active_mask.test(thread); }
unsigned active_count() const { return m_warp_active_mask.count(); }
unsigned issued_count() const { assert(m_empty == false); return m_warp_issued_mask.count(); } // for instruction counting
bool empty() const { return m_empty; }
unsigned warp_id() const
bool isatomic() const { return m_isatomic; }
unsigned warp_size() const { return m_config->warp_size; }
unsigned m_uid;
bool m_empty;
bool m_cache_hit;
unsigned long long issue_cycle;
unsigned cycles; // used for implementing initiation interval delay
bool m_isatomic;
bool m_is_printf;
unsigned m_warp_id;
const core_config *m_config;
active_mask_t m_warp_active_mask; // dynamic active mask for timing model (after predication)
active_mask_t m_warp_issued_mask; // active mask at issue (prior to predication test) -- for instruction counting
dram_callback_t callback;
new_addr_type memreqaddr[MAX_ACCESSES_PER_INSN_PER_THREAD]; // effective address, upto 8 different requests (to support 32B access in 8 chunks of 4B each)
bool m_per_scalar_thread_valid;
bool m_mem_accesses_created;
static unsigned sm_next_uid;
class mem_fetch {
mem_fetch( const mem_access_t &access,
const warp_inst_t *inst,
unsigned ctrl_size,
unsigned wid,
unsigned sid,
unsigned tpc,
const class memory_config *config );
void set_status( enum mem_fetch_status status, unsigned long long cycle );
void set_reply()
void do_atomic();
const addrdec_t &get_tlx_addr() const { return m_raw_addr; }
unsigned get_data_size() const { return m_data_size; }
void set_data_size( unsigned size ) { m_data_size=size; }
unsigned get_ctrl_size() const { return m_ctrl_size; }
unsigned size() const { return m_data_size+m_ctrl_size; }
new_addr_type get_addr() const { return m_access.get_addr(); }
new_addr_type get_partition_addr() const { return m_partition_addr; }
bool get_is_write() const { return m_access.is_write(); }
unsigned get_request_uid() const { return m_request_uid; }
unsigned get_sid() const { return m_sid; }
unsigned get_tpc() const { return m_tpc; }
unsigned get_wid() const { return m_wid; }
bool istexture() const;
bool isconst() const;
enum mf_type get_type() const { return m_type; }
bool isatomic() const;
void set_return_timestamp( unsigned t ) { m_timestamp2=t; }
void set_icnt_receive_time( unsigned t ) { m_icnt_receive_time=t; }
unsigned get_timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
unsigned get_return_timestamp() const { return m_timestamp2; }
unsigned get_icnt_receive_time() const { return m_icnt_receive_time; }
enum mem_access_type get_access_type() const { return m_access.get_type(); }
const active_mask_t& get_access_warp_mask() const { return m_access.get_warp_mask(); }
mem_access_byte_mask_t get_access_byte_mask() const { return m_access.get_byte_mask(); }
address_type get_pc() const { return m_inst.empty()?-1:m_inst.pc; }
const warp_inst_t &get_inst() { return m_inst; }
enum mem_fetch_status get_status() const { return m_status; }
const memory_config *get_mem_config(){return m_mem_config;}
// request source information
unsigned m_request_uid;
unsigned m_sid;
unsigned m_tpc;
unsigned m_wid;
// where is this request now?
enum mem_fetch_status m_status;
unsigned long long m_status_change;
// request type, address, size, mask
mem_access_t m_access;
unsigned m_data_size; // how much data is being written
unsigned m_ctrl_size; // how big would all this meta data be in hardware (does not necessarily match actual size of mem_fetch)
new_addr_type m_partition_addr; // linear physical address *within* dram partition (partition bank select bits squeezed out)
addrdec_t m_raw_addr; // raw physical address (i.e., decoded DRAM chip-row-bank-column address)
enum mf_type m_type;
// requesting instruction (put last so mem_fetch prints nicer in gdb)
warp_inst_t m_inst;
To summarize the above classes, simt_core_cluster models the SIMT core clusters. This class contains an array of SIMT core objects (the member shader_core_ctx **m_core in the simt_core_cluster class) modelled by the shader_core_ctx class. The simt_core_cluster::core_cycle() method simply cycles each of the SIMT cores in order. The simt_core_cluster::icnt_cycle()method pushes memory requests into the SIMT Core Cluster's response FIFO (the member std::list
The shader_core_ctx class models the SIMT core. Other than the read_only_cache *m_L1 and ldst_unit *m_ldst_unit; members, the shader_core_ctx class also has other important components such as the registers for communication between two pipeline stages (e.g., the member std::vector
The core_t class just provides an abstract base class for shader_core_ctx to inherit. core_t contains basic information such as the kernel information (the member kernel_info_t *m_kernel), ptx thread information (the member class ptx_thread_info ** m_thread), SIMT stack (the member simt_stack **m_simt_stack) and the current simulation instance (the member gpgpu_sim *m_gpu).
The ldst_unit class,a member in the shader_core_ctx class, contains various memory related components of a shader core including texture caches, constant caches, data caches.
Both the simt_core_cluster and the ldst_unit class (a shader core’s load store unit) defines a member named m_response_fifo, which is actually a list of mem_fetch pointers. The mem_fetch class abstracts memory fetch operations with various relevant information such as the memory access type, source, destination, current status, fetched instruction (if it’s an instruction access), etc. In particular, it has members warp_inst_t m_inst and mem_access_t m_access. The mem_access_t class just includes simple members related to a memory access such as the address, write or read, requested size, access type and active mask. The warp_inst_t class represents an instruction in a warp and comprises information such as the memory accesses incurred by the instruction (the memberstd::list
After introducing simt_core_cluster, core_t, shader_core_ctx, ldst_unit, warp_inst_t, inst_t, mem_fetchclasses, now let’s get back to the interconnect (or NoC, icnt for short) entry function of the shader core class (i.e., icnt_cycle()) to see how a shader core loads instruction and data access requests from the NoC.
This call (icnt_cycle()) is defined in gpgpu-sim\v3.x\src\gpgpu-sim\shader.cc and the full code is as follows:
void simt_core_cluster::icnt_cycle()
if( !m_response_fifo.empty() ) {
mem_fetch *mf = m_response_fifo.front();
unsigned cid = m_config->sid_to_cid(mf->get_sid());
if( mf->get_access_type() == INST_ACC_R ) {
// instruction fetch response
if( !m_core[cid]->fetch_unit_response_buffer_full() ) {
} else {
// data response
if( !m_core[cid]->ldst_unit_response_buffer_full() ) {
if( m_response_fifo.size() < m_config->n_simt_ejection_buffer_size ) {
mem_fetch *mf = (mem_fetch*) ::icnt_pop(m_cluster_id);
if (!mf)
assert(mf->get_tpc() == m_cluster_id);
assert(mf->get_type() == READ_REPLY || mf->get_type() == WRITE_ACK );
From the above code we can see that if simt_core_cluster.m_response_fifo is not empty, mem_fetch *mf is retrieved from the front of the m_response_fifo and mf‘s type is checked. If it’s an instruction access execute m_core[cid]->accept_fetch_response(mf);, otherwise do m_core[cid]->accept_ldst_unit_response(mf).
The accept_fetch_response() and accept_ldst_unit_response() functions fill the shader’s L1 instruction cache and ldst unit based on the mem_fetch *mf ,respectively:
void shader_core_ctx::accept_fetch_response( mem_fetch *mf )
void shader_core_ctx::accept_ldst_unit_response(mem_fetch * mf)
Part 4.2.2 Popping from Memory Controller to NoC (code in orange)
The second part of our analysis starts from the following code:
if (clock_mask & ICNT) {
// pop from memory controller to interconnect
for (unsigned i=0;i
mem_fetch* mf = m_memory_partition_unit[i]->top();
if (mf) {
unsigned response_size = mf->get_is_write()?mf->get_ctrl_size():mf->size();
if ( ::icnt_has_buffer( m_shader_config->mem2device(i), response_size ) ) {
if (!mf->get_is_write())
::icnt_push( m_shader_config->mem2device(i), mf->get_tpc(), mf, response_size );
} else {
} else {
The above code is almost self explainable with its comments except that the m_memory_partition_unitneeds some extra study. m_memory_partition_unit is a member of the gpgpu_sim class:
class memory_partition_unit **m_memory_partition_unit;
The memory_partition_unit class is defined as follows:
class memory_partition_unit
memory_partition_unit( unsigned partition_id, const struct memory_config *config, class memory_stats_t *stats );
bool busy() const;
void cache_cycle( unsigned cycle );
void dram_cycle();
bool full() const;
void push( class mem_fetch* mf, unsigned long long clock_cycle );
class mem_fetch* pop();
class mem_fetch* top();
void set_done( mem_fetch *mf );
unsigned flushL2();
// data
unsigned m_id;
const struct memory_config *m_config;
class dram_t *m_dram;
class l2_cache *m_L2cache;
class L2interface *m_L2interface;
partition_mf_allocator *m_mf_allocator;
// model delay of ROP units with a fixed latency
struct rop_delay_t
unsigned long long ready_cycle;
class mem_fetch* req;
// model DRAM access scheduler latency (fixed latency between L2 and DRAM)
struct dram_delay_t
unsigned long long ready_cycle;
class mem_fetch* req;
// these are various FIFOs between units within a memory partition
class mem_fetch *L2dramout;
unsigned long long int wb_addr;
class memory_stats_t *m_stats;
friend class L2interface;
To gain a high-level overview of the memory partition I refer to the document:
The Memory Partition is modelled by the memory_partition_unit class defined inside l2cache.h andl2cache.cc. These files also define an extended version of themem_fetch_allocator,partition_mf_allocator, for generation of mem_fetch objects (memory requests) by the Memory Partition and L2 cache.
From the sub-components described in the Memory Partition micro-architecture model section, the member object of type data_cache models the L2 cache and type dram_t the off-chip DRAM channel. The various queues are modelled using the fifo_pipeline class. The minimum latency ROP queue is modelled as a queue of rop_delay_t structs. The rop_delay_t structs store the minimum time at which each memory request can exit the ROP queue (push time + constant ROP delay). Them_request_tracket object tracks all in-flight requests not fully serviced yet by the Memory Partition to determine if the Memory Partition is currently active.
The Atomic Operation Unit does not have have an associated class. This component is modelled simply by functionally executing the atomic operations of memory requests leaving the L2->icnt queue. The next section presents further details.
The gpgpu_sim::cycle() method clock all the architectural components in GPGPU-Sim, including the Memory Partition's queues, DRAM channel and L2 cache bank.
The code segment
::icnt_push( m_shader_config->mem2device(i), mf->get_tpc(), mf, response_size );
injects memory requests into the interconnect from the Memory Partition's L2->icnt queue. The call tomemory_partition_unit::pop() functionally executes atomic instructions. The request tracker also discards the entry for that memory request here indicating that the Memory Partition is done servicing this request.
The call to memory_partition_unit::dram_cycle() moves memory requests from L2->dram queue to the DRAM channel, DRAM channel to dram->L2 queue, and cycles the off-chip GDDR3 DRAM memory.
The call to memory_partition_unit::push() ejects packets from the interconnection network and passes them to the Memory Partition. The request tracker is notified of the request. Texture accesses are pushed directly into the icnt->L2 queue, while non-texture accesses are pushed into the minimum latencyROP queue. Note that the push operations into both the icnt->L2 and ROPqueues are throttled by the size of icnt->L2 queue as defined in the memory_partition_unit::full() method.
The call to memory_partition_unit::cache_cycle() clocks the L2 cache bank and moves requests into or out of the L2 cache. The next section describes the internals ofmemory_partition_unit::cache_cycle().
Part 4.2.3 One Cycle in DRAM (code in yellow)
The relevant code in this part is:
if (clock_mask & DRAM) {
for (unsigned i=0;i
m_memory_partition_unit[i]->dram_cycle(); // Issue the dram command (scheduler + delay model)
The above code simply invokes m_memory_partition_unit[i]->dram_cycle(), which has the following definition:
void memory_partition_unit::dram_cycle()
// pop completed memory request from dram and push it to dram-to-L2 queue
if ( !m_dram_L2_queue->full() ) {
mem_fetch* mf = m_dram->pop();
if (mf) {
if( mf->get_access_type() == L1_WRBK_ACC ) {
delete mf;
} else {
if( !m_dram->full() && !m_L2_dram_queue->empty() ) {
// L2->DRAM queue to DRAM latency queue
mem_fetch *mf = m_L2_dram_queue->pop();
dram_delay_t d;
d.req = mf;
d.ready_cycle = gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle + m_config->dram_latency;
// DRAM latency queue
if( !m_dram_latency_queue.empty() && ( (gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle) >= m_dram_latency_queue.front().ready_cycle ) && !m_dram->full() ) {
mem_fetch* mf = m_dram_latency_queue.front().req;
In the above memory_partition_unit::dram_cycle(), other than moving mf- between two queues,m_dram->cycle(); is executed to model the DRAM read/write operation:
void dram_t::cycle() {
if( !returnq->full() ) {
dram_req_t *cmd = rwq->pop();
if( cmd ) {
cmd->dqbytes += m_config->dram_atom_size;
if (cmd->dqbytes >= cmd->nbytes) {
mem_fetch *data = cmd->data;
if( data->get_access_type() != L1_WRBK_ACC && data->get_access_type() != L2_WRBK_ACC ) {
} else {
delete data;
delete cmd;
/* check if the upcoming request is on an idle bank */
/* Should we modify this so that multiple requests are checked? */
switch (m_config->scheduler_type) {
case DRAM_FIFO: scheduler_fifo(); break;
case DRAM_FRFCFS: scheduler_frfcfs(); break;
printf("Error: Unknown DRAM scheduler type\n");
if ( m_config->scheduler_type == DRAM_FRFCFS ) {
unsigned nreqs = m_frfcfs_scheduler->num_pending();
if ( nreqs > max_mrqs) {
max_mrqs = nreqs;
ave_mrqs += nreqs;
ave_mrqs_partial += nreqs;
} else {
if (mrqq->get_length() > max_mrqs) {
max_mrqs = mrqq->get_length();
ave_mrqs += mrqq->get_length();
ave_mrqs_partial += mrqq->get_length();
unsigned k=m_config->nbk;
bool issued = false;
// check if any bank is ready to issue a new read
for (unsigned i=0;i
unsigned j = (i + prio) % m_config->nbk;
unsigned grp = j>>m_config->bk_tag_length;
if (bk[j]->mrq) { //if currently servicing a memory request
// correct row activated for a READ
if ( !issued && !CCDc && !bk[j]->RCDc &&
!(bkgrp[grp]->CCDLc) &&
(bk[j]->curr_row == bk[j]->mrq->row) &&
(bk[j]->mrq->rw == READ) && (WTRc == 0 ) &&
(bk[j]->state == BANK_ACTIVE) &&
!rwq->full() ) {
if (rw==WRITE) {
bk[j]->mrq->txbytes += m_config->dram_atom_size;
CCDc = m_config->tCCD;
bkgrp[grp]->CCDLc = m_config->tCCDL;
RTWc = m_config->tRTW;
bk[j]->RTPc = m_config->BL/m_config->data_command_freq_ratio;
bkgrp[grp]->RTPLc = m_config->tRTPL;
issued = true;
bwutil += m_config->BL/m_config->data_command_freq_ratio;
bwutil_partial += m_config->BL/m_config->data_command_freq_ratio;
printf("\tRD Bk:%d Row:%03x Col:%03x \n",
j, bk[j]->curr_row,
bk[j]->mrq->col + bk[j]->mrq->txbytes - m_config->dram_atom_size);
// transfer done
if ( !(bk[j]->mrq->txbytes < bk[j]->mrq->nbytes) ) {
bk[j]->mrq = NULL;
} else
// correct row activated for a WRITE
if ( !issued && !CCDc && !bk[j]->RCDWRc &&
!(bkgrp[grp]->CCDLc) &&
(bk[j]->curr_row == bk[j]->mrq->row) &&
(bk[j]->mrq->rw == WRITE) && (RTWc == 0 ) &&
(bk[j]->state == BANK_ACTIVE) &&
!rwq->full() ) {
if (rw==READ) {
bk[j]->mrq->txbytes += m_config->dram_atom_size;
CCDc = m_config->tCCD;
bkgrp[grp]->CCDLc = m_config->tCCDL;
WTRc = m_config->tWTR;
bk[j]->WTPc = m_config->tWTP;
issued = true;
bwutil += m_config->BL/m_config->data_command_freq_ratio;
bwutil_partial += m_config->BL/m_config->data_command_freq_ratio;
printf("\tWR Bk:%d Row:%03x Col:%03x \n",
j, bk[j]->curr_row,
bk[j]->mrq->col + bk[j]->mrq->txbytes - m_config->dram_atom_size);
// transfer done
if ( !(bk[j]->mrq->txbytes < bk[j]->mrq->nbytes) ) {
bk[j]->mrq = NULL;
// bank is idle
if ( !issued && !RRDc &&
(bk[j]->state == BANK_IDLE) &&
!bk[j]->RPc && !bk[j]->RCc ) {
printf("\tACT BK:%d NewRow:%03x From:%03x \n",
// activate the row with current memory request
bk[j]->curr_row = bk[j]->mrq->row;
bk[j]->state = BANK_ACTIVE;
RRDc = m_config->tRRD;
bk[j]->RCDc = m_config->tRCD;
bk[j]->RCDWRc = m_config->tRCDWR;
bk[j]->RASc = m_config->tRAS;
bk[j]->RCc = m_config->tRC;
prio = (j + 1) % m_config->nbk;
issued = true;
// different row activated
if ( (!issued) &&
(bk[j]->curr_row != bk[j]->mrq->row) &&
(bk[j]->state == BANK_ACTIVE) &&
(!bk[j]->RASc && !bk[j]->WTPc &&
!bk[j]->RTPc &&
!bkgrp[grp]->RTPLc) ) {
// make the bank idle again
bk[j]->state = BANK_IDLE;
bk[j]->RPc = m_config->tRP;
prio = (j + 1) % m_config->nbk;
issued = true;
printf("\tPRE BK:%d Row:%03x \n", j,bk[j]->curr_row);
} else {
if (!CCDc && !RRDc && !RTWc && !WTRc && !bk[j]->RCDc && !bk[j]->RASc
&& !bk[j]->RCc && !bk[j]->RPc && !bk[j]->RCDWRc) k--;
if (!issued) {
printf("\tNOP ");
if (k) {
// decrements counters once for each time dram_issueCMD is called
for (unsigned j=0;j
for (unsigned j=0; j
The DRAM timing model is implemented in the files dram.h and dram.cc. The timing model also includes an implementation of a FIFO scheduler. The more complicated FRFCFS scheduler is located in dram_sched.h and dram_sched.cc.
The function dram_t::cycle() represents a DRAM cycle. In each cycle, the DRAM pops a request from the request queue then calls the scheduler function to allow the scheduler to select a request to be serviced based on the scheduling policy. Before the requests are sent to the scheduler, they wait in theDRAM latency queue for a fixed number of SIMT core cycles. This functionality is also implemented insidedram_t::cycle().
case DRAM_FIFO: scheduler_fifo(); break;
case DRAM_FRFCFS: scheduler_frfcfs(); break;
The DRAM timing model then checks if any bank is ready to issue a new request based on the different timing constraints specified in the configuration file. Those constraints are represented in the DRAM model by variables similar to this one
unsigned int CCDc; //Column to Column Delay
Those variables are decremented at the end of each cycle. An action is only taken when all of its constraint variables have reached zero. Each taken action resets a set of constraint variables to their original configured values. For example, when a column is activated, the variable CCDc is reset to its original configured value, then decremented by one every cycle. We cannot scheduler a new column until this variable reaches zero. The Macro DEC2ZERO decrements a variable until it reaches zero, and then it keeps it at zero until another action resets it.
Part 4.2.4 Moving Memory Requests from NoC to Memory Partition & L2 Operation (code in green)
// L2 operations follow L2 clock domain
if (clock_mask & L2) {
for (unsigned i=0;i
//move memory request from interconnect into memory partition (if not backed up)
//Note:This needs to be called in DRAM clock domain if there is no L2 cache in the system
if ( m_memory_partition_unit[i]->full() ) {
} else {
mem_fetch* mf = (mem_fetch*) icnt_pop( m_shader_config->mem2device(i) );
m_memory_partition_unit[i]->push( mf, gpu_sim_cycle + gpu_tot_sim_cycle );
Other than popping out memory requests from NoC into m_memory_partition_unit[i], the most important statement in the above code is m_memory_partition_unit[i]->cache_cycle, which advances an L2 cycle:
void memory_partition_unit::cache_cycle( unsigned cycle )
// L2 fill responses
if( !m_config->m_L2_config.disabled()) {
if ( m_L2cache->access_ready() && !m_L2_icnt_queue->full() ) {
mem_fetch *mf = m_L2cache->next_access();
if(mf->get_access_type() != L2_WR_ALLOC_R){ // Don't pass write allocate read request back to upper level cache
delete mf;
// DRAM to L2 (texture) and icnt (not texture)
if ( !m_dram_L2_queue->empty() ) {
mem_fetch *mf = m_dram_L2_queue->top();
if ( !m_config->m_L2_config.disabled() && m_L2cache->waiting_for_fill(mf) ) {
} else if ( !m_L2_icnt_queue->full() ) {
// prior L2 misses inserted into m_L2_dram_queue here
if( !m_config->m_L2_config.disabled() )
// new L2 texture accesses and/or non-texture accesses
if ( !m_L2_dram_queue->full() && !m_icnt_L2_queue->empty() ) {
mem_fetch *mf = m_icnt_L2_queue->top();
if ( !m_config->m_L2_config.disabled() &&
( (m_config->m_L2_texure_only && mf->istexture()) || (!m_config->m_L2_texure_only) )
) {
// L2 is enabled and access is for L2
if ( !m_L2_icnt_queue->full() ) {
enum cache_request_status status = m_L2cache->access(mf->get_partition_addr(),mf,gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle,events);
bool write_sent = was_write_sent(events);
bool read_sent = was_read_sent(events);
if ( status == HIT ) {
if( !write_sent ) {
// L2 cache replies
if( mf->get_access_type() == L1_WRBK_ACC ) {
delete mf;
} else {
} else {
} else if ( status != RESERVATION_FAIL ) {
// L2 cache accepted request
} else {
// L2 cache lock-up: will try again next cycle
} else {
// L2 is disabled or non-texture access to texture-only L2
// ROP delay queue
if( !m_rop.empty() && (cycle >= m_rop.front().ready_cycle) && !m_icnt_L2_queue->full() ) {
mem_fetch* mf = m_rop.front().req;
Several paragraphs from the GPGPU-SIM document are put here to explain the above function (i.e.,memory_partition_unit::cache_cycle):
“Inside memory_partition_unit::cache_cycle(), the call mem_fetch *mf = m_L2cache->next_access(); generates replies for memory requests waiting in filled MSHR entries, as described in theMSHR description. Fill responses, i.e. response messages to memory requests generated by the L2 on read misses, are passed to the L2 cache by popping from the dram->L2 queue and calling
Fill requests that are generated by the L2 due to read misses are popped from the L2's miss queue and pushed into the L2->dram queue by calling m_L2cache->cycle();
L2 access for memory request exiting the icnt->L2 queue is done by the call
enum cache_request_status status = m_L2cache->access(mf->get_partition_addr(),mf,gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle,events)
On a L2 cache hit, a response is immediately generated and pushed into the L2->icnt queue. On a miss, no request is generated here as the code internal to the cache class has generated a memory request in its miss queue. If the L2 cache is disabled, then memory requests are pushed straight from the icnt->L2 queue to the L2->dram queue.
Also in memory_partition_unit::cache_cycle(), memory requests are popped from the ROP queue and inserted into the icnt->L2 queue.”
Part 4.2.5 One Cycle in NoC (code in light green)
if (clock_mask & ICNT) {
icnt_transfer(); //function pointer to advance_interconnect() defined in interconnect_interface.cc
NoC simulation is done using a modified booksim simulator. Skip this part since it’s not our focus.
Part 4.2.6 Shader Core Pipeline Stages + L1 Cache (code in blue)
if (clock_mask & CORE) {
// L1 cache + shader core pipeline stages
for (unsigned i=0;i
if (m_cluster[i]->get_not_completed() || get_more_cta_left() ) {
if( g_single_step && ((gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle) >= g_single_step) ) {
asm("int $03");
if( g_interactive_debugger_enabled )
This part of simulation simulates the shader core pipeline stages for instruction execution and thus is our main focus. At a high level, the above code just iterates over each shader core cluster and check if there is any running Cooperative Thread Array (CTA), or Thread Block left in the shader core cludyrt. If there is still some cta left,then invoke m_cluster[i]->core_cycle(); to advance a shader core cluster cycle. Inside m_cluster[i]->core_cycle(); each shader core is iterated and cycle() is called:
void simt_core_cluster::core_cycle()
for( std::list
if (m_config->simt_core_sim_order == 1) {
m_core_sim_order.splice(m_core_sim_order.end(), m_core_sim_order, m_core_sim_order.begin());
To see how a cycle is simulated in a shader core, let’s get into m_core[*it]->cycle(), which corresponds to the following code:
void shader_core_ctx::cycle()
Note that the functions for different pipeline stages are reversely called in shader_core_ctx::cycle()
to mimic the pipeline operations in a shader core (this preserves the initial condition in the pipeline). We discuss these functions in the original order as they appear in a real machine.
As we have done in part 4.2.1, we first list the source code for several important structures necessary for understanding this part of simulation. The interface of these structures (i.e., std::vector
class shd_warp_t {
shd_warp_t( class shader_core_ctx *shader, unsigned warp_size)
void reset();
void init( address_type start_pc, unsigned cta_id, unsigned wid, const std::bitset
bool functional_done() const;
bool waiting(); // not const due to membar
bool hardware_done() const;
bool done_exit() const { return m_done_exit; }
void set_done_exit() { m_done_exit=true; }
unsigned get_n_completed() const { return n_completed; }
void set_completed( unsigned lane )
void set_last_fetch( unsigned long long sim_cycle ) { m_last_fetch=sim_cycle; }
unsigned get_n_atomic() const { return m_n_atomic; }
void inc_n_atomic() { m_n_atomic++; }
void dec_n_atomic(unsigned n) { m_n_atomic-=n; }
void set_membar() { m_membar=true; }
void clear_membar() { m_membar=false; }
bool get_membar() const { return m_membar; }
address_type get_pc() const { return m_next_pc; }
void set_next_pc( address_type pc ) { m_next_pc = pc; }
void ibuffer_fill( unsigned slot, const warp_inst_t *pI )
assert(slot < IBUFFER_SIZE );
bool ibuffer_empty();
void ibuffer_flush();
const warp_inst_t *ibuffer_next_inst() { return m_ibuffer[m_next].m_inst; }
bool ibuffer_next_valid() { return m_ibuffer[m_next].m_valid; }
void ibuffer_free()
m_ibuffer[m_next].m_inst = NULL;
m_ibuffer[m_next].m_valid = false;
void ibuffer_step() { m_next = (m_next+1)%IBUFFER_SIZE; }
bool imiss_pending() const { return m_imiss_pending; }
void set_imiss_pending() { m_imiss_pending=true; }
void clear_imiss_pending() { m_imiss_pending=false; }
bool stores_done() const { return m_stores_outstanding == 0; }
void inc_store_req() { m_stores_outstanding++; }
void dec_store_req() ;
bool inst_in_pipeline() const { return m_inst_in_pipeline > 0; }
void inc_inst_in_pipeline() { m_inst_in_pipeline++; }
void dec_inst_in_pipeline() ;
unsigned get_cta_id() const { return m_cta_id; }
static const unsigned IBUFFER_SIZE=2;
class shader_core_ctx *m_shader;
unsigned m_cta_id;
unsigned m_warp_id;
unsigned m_warp_size;
address_type m_next_pc;
unsigned n_completed; // number of threads in warp completed
bool m_imiss_pending;
struct ibuffer_entry {
ibuffer_entry() { m_valid = false; m_inst = NULL; }
const warp_inst_t *m_inst;
bool m_valid;
ibuffer_entry m_ibuffer[IBUFFER_SIZE];
unsigned m_next;
unsigned m_n_atomic; // number of outstanding atomic operations
bool m_membar; // if true, warp is waiting at memory barrier
bool m_done_exit; // true once thread exit has been registered for threads in this warp
unsigned long long m_last_fetch;
unsigned m_stores_outstanding; // number of store requests sent but not yet acknowledged
unsigned m_inst_in_pipeline;
struct ifetch_buffer_t {
bool m_valid;
address_type m_pc;
unsigned m_nbytes;
unsigned m_warp_id;
class cache_t {
virtual ~cache_t() {}
virtual enum cache_request_status access( new_addr_type addr, mem_fetch *mf, unsigned time, std::list
class baseline_cache : public cache_t {
baseline_cache( const char *name, const cache_config &config, int core_id, int type_id, mem_fetch_interface *memport, enum mem_fetch_status status )
: m_config(config), m_tag_array(config,core_id,type_id), m_mshrs(config.m_mshr_entries,config.m_mshr_max_merge)
virtual enum cache_request_status access( new_addr_type addr, mem_fetch *mf, unsigned time, std::list
/// Sends next request to lower level of memory
void cycle();
/// Interface for response from lower memory level (model bandwidth restictions in caller)
void fill( mem_fetch *mf, unsigned time );
/// Checks if mf is waiting to be filled by lower memory level
bool waiting_for_fill( mem_fetch *mf );
/// Are any (accepted) accesses that had to wait for memory now ready? (does not include accesses that "HIT")
bool access_ready() const {return m_mshrs.access_ready();}
/// Pop next ready access (does not include accesses that "HIT")
mem_fetch *next_access(){return m_mshrs.next_access();}
// flash invalidate all entries in cache
void flush(){m_tag_array.flush();}
void print(FILE *fp, unsigned &accesses, unsigned &misses) const;
void display_state( FILE *fp ) const;
std::string m_name;
const cache_config &m_config;
tag_array m_tag_array;
mshr_table m_mshrs;
enum mem_fetch_status m_miss_queue_status;
mem_fetch_interface *m_memport;
struct extra_mf_fields {
extra_mf_fields() { m_valid = false;}
extra_mf_fields( new_addr_type a, unsigned i, unsigned d )
m_valid = true;
m_block_addr = a;
m_cache_index = i;
m_data_size = d;
bool m_valid;
new_addr_type m_block_addr;
unsigned m_cache_index;
unsigned m_data_size;
typedef std::map
extra_mf_fields_lookup m_extra_mf_fields;
/// Checks whether this request can be handled on this cycle. num_miss equals max # of misses to be handled on this cycle
bool miss_queue_full(unsigned num_miss){ }
/// Read miss handler without writeback
void send_read_request(new_addr_type addr, new_addr_type block_addr, unsigned cache_index, mem_fetch *mf,
unsigned time, bool &do_miss, std::list
/// Read miss handler. Check MSHR hit or MSHR available
void send_read_request(new_addr_type addr, new_addr_type block_addr, unsigned cache_index, mem_fetch *mf,
unsigned time, bool &do_miss, bool &wb, cache_block_t &evicted, std::list
class read_only_cache : public baseline_cache {
read_only_cache( const char *name, const cache_config &config, int core_id, int type_id, mem_fetch_interface *memport, enum mem_fetch_status status )
: baseline_cache(name,config,core_id,type_id,memport,status){}
/// Access cache for read_only_cache: returns RESERVATION_FAIL if request could not be accepted (for any reason)
virtual enum cache_request_status access( new_addr_type addr, mem_fetch *mf, unsigned time, std::list
Now let’s look at how instruction fetch stage works in a shader pipeline. The source code forshader_core_ctx::fetch() is as follows:
void shader_core_ctx::fetch()
if( !m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_valid ) {
// find an active warp with space in instruction buffer that is not already waiting on a cache miss
// and get next 1-2 instructions from i-cache...
for( unsigned i=0; i < m_config->max_warps_per_shader; i++ ) {
unsigned warp_id = (m_last_warp_fetched+1+i) % m_config->max_warps_per_shader;
// this code checks if this warp has finished executing and can be reclaimed
if( m_warp[warp_id].hardware_done() && !m_scoreboard->pendingWrites(warp_id) && !m_warp[warp_id].done_exit() ) {
bool did_exit=false;
for(unsigned t=0; t
unsigned tid=warp_id*m_config->warp_size+t;
if( m_threadState[tid].m_active == true ) {
m_threadState[tid].m_active = false;
unsigned cta_id = m_warp[warp_id].get_cta_id();
m_not_completed -= 1;
assert( m_thread[tid]!= NULL );
if( did_exit )
// this code fetches instructions from the i-cache or generates memory requests
if( !m_warp[warp_id].functional_done() && !m_warp[warp_id].imiss_pending() && m_warp[warp_id].ibuffer_empty() ) {
address_type pc = m_warp[warp_id].get_pc();
address_type ppc = pc + PROGRAM_MEM_START;
unsigned nbytes=16;
unsigned offset_in_block = pc & (m_config->m_L1I_config.get_line_sz()-1);
if( (offset_in_block+nbytes) > m_config->m_L1I_config.get_line_sz() )
nbytes = (m_config->m_L1I_config.get_line_sz()-offset_in_block);
mem_access_t acc(INST_ACC_R,ppc,nbytes,false);
mem_fetch *mf = new mem_fetch(acc, NULL, READ_PACKET_SIZE, warp_id, m_sid,
m_tpc, m_memory_config );
enum cache_request_status status = m_L1I->access( (new_addr_type)ppc, mf, gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle,events);
if( status == MISS ) {
} else if( status == HIT ) {
m_inst_fetch_buffer = ifetch_buffer_t(pc,nbytes,warp_id);
delete mf;
} else {
assert( status == RESERVATION_FAIL );
delete mf;
if( m_L1I->access_ready() ) {
mem_fetch *mf = m_L1I->next_access();
delete mf;
At the first glance I was confused with the role of m_inst_fetch_buffer and I found the following paragraph in the official document regarding the fetch operation helpful in understanding the fetch operation:
“The I-Buffer shown in Figure 3 is implemented as an array of shd_warp_t objects inside shader_core_ctx. Each shd_warp_t has a set m_ibuffer of I-Buffer entries (ibuffer_entry) holding a configurable number of instructions (the maximum allowable instructions to fetch in one cycle). Also, shd_warp_t has flags that are used by the schedulers to determine the eligibility of the warp for issue. The decoded instructions stored in an ibuffer_entry as a pointer to a warp_inst_t object. The warp_inst_t holds information about the type of the operation of this instruction and the operands used.
Also, in the fetch stage, the shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer variable acts as a pipeline register between the fetch (instruction cache access) and the decode stage.
If the decode stage is not stalled (i.e. shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer is free of valid instructions), the fetch unit works. The outer for loop implements the round robin scheduler, the last scheduled warp id is stored in m_last_warp_fetched. The first if-statement checks if the warp has finished execution, while inside the second if-statement, the actual fetch from the instruction cache, in case of hit or the memory access generation, in case of miss are done. The second if-statement mainly checks if there are no valid instructions already stored in the entry that corresponds the currently checked warp.”
From the above code and the official document we know that the variable m_inst_fetch_buffer services as a register between the fetch and decode stage. The first statement if( !m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_valid ) inshader_core_ctx::fetch() just checks if m_inst_fetch_buffer is free of valid instructions (if the decode stage does not stall, m_inst_fetch_buffer will be freed by setting m_valid to false: m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_valid = false;). If m_inst_fetch_buffer is free of valid instructions (m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_valid == false), then enters an outer for loop to iterate through every wrap running on the shader (warp_id = (m_last_warp_fetched+1+i) % m_config->max_warps_per_shader;). Inside the outer for loop the current warp being iterated is first checked to see if it has finished executing and can be reclaimed. If the current warp is finished (m_warp[warp_id].hardware_done() && !m_scoreboard->pendingWrites(warp_id) && !m_warp[warp_id].done_exit()), enters an inner for loop to iterate every thread in the current warp and check for active threads (m_threadState[tid].m_active == true). The inner for loop does some cleanup work for each active thread and set the did_exit flag to be true if any thread is cleaned up. Setting flag to be true also triggers the execution of m_warp[warp_id].set_done_exit();after the inner loop. Next, still in the outer for loop, fetch instructions or generate memory requests for each warp if the condition!m_warp[warp_id].functional_done() && !m_warp[warp_id].imiss_pending() && m_warp[warp_id].ibuffer_empty() is satisfied. To fetch an instruction, first get relevant information such as the PC/PPC[2] address and the block offset of the instruction to be fetched. Then create a memory fetch object, with the relevant information for this instruction fetch, by executing the following two statements:
mem_access_t acc(INST_ACC_R,ppc,nbytes,false);
mem_fetch *mf = new mem_fetch(acc, NULL, READ_PACKET_SIZE, warp_id, m_sid,
m_tpc, m_memory_config );
After creating the memory fetch object mf then access the shader’s instruction cache by invoking:
enum cache_request_status status = m_L1I->access( (new_addr_type)ppc, mf, gpu_sim_cycle+gpu_tot_sim_cycle,events);
Based on the return status of the cache access, there are several situations. First, if there is a HIT, create a new ifetch_buffer_t object and copy it to m_inst_fetch_buffer (by executing m_inst_fetch_buffer = ifetch_buffer_t(pc,nbytes,warp_id)), which will be accessed by decode stage in the next cycle (remember that m_inst_fetch_buffer services as a register between fetch and decode stages and it stores. Essentially,m_inst_fetch_buffer associates an instruction in m_warp[] by keeping track of the address_type m_pc and unsigned m_warp_id; , which can be used by the decode stage to index m_warp[] for the corresponding instruction). After updating m_inst_fetch_buffer and recording the last fetched time (bym_warp[warp_id].set_last_fetch(gpu_sim_cycle)), the mem_fetch *mf is deleted. Second, if it is a RESERVATION_FAIL, simply remember m_last_warp_fetched=warp_id and then delete the mem_fetch *mf. The third case is a MISS, then do the following:
The outer for loop terminates here. Next m_L1I->cycle(); is called:
/// Sends next request to lower level of memory
void baseline_cache::cycle(){
if ( !m_miss_queue.empty() ) {
mem_fetch *mf = m_miss_queue.front();
if ( !m_memport->full(mf->get_data_size(),mf->get_is_write()) ) {
The above code simply sends next memory request to lower level of memory by pushing the cache misses (mem_fetch *mf = m_miss_queue.front();) to memory port m_memport->push(mf).
After ,fetch() checks if L1 has ready access ( if( m_L1I->access_ready() ) ) and if so then get next available access, clear the pending miss request and delete mf:
mem_fetch *mf = m_L1I->next_access(); m_warp[mf->get_wid()].clear_imiss_pending(); delete mf;
Part Decode
The decode stage in a shader core is significantly related to the m_inst_fetch_buffer structure, which services as a conduit for communication between the fetch and decode stage. See the following official description for the decode stage:
“The decode stage simply checks the shader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer and start to store the decoded instructions (current configuration decode up to two instructions per cycle) in the instruction buffer entry (m_ibuffer, an object of shd_warp_t::ibuffer_entry) that corresponds to the warp in theshader_core_ctx::m_inst_fetch_buffer.”
void shader_core_ctx::decode()
if( m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_valid ) {
// decode 1 or 2 instructions and place them into ibuffer
address_type pc = m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_pc;
const warp_inst_t* pI1 = ptx_fetch_inst(pc);
if( pI1 ) {
const warp_inst_t* pI2 = ptx_fetch_inst(pc+pI1->isize);
if( pI2 ) {
m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_valid = false;
Based on the information (pc, warp id, etc.) stored in m_inst_fetch_buffer, the decode stage first executesconst warp_inst_t* pI1 = ptx_fetch_inst(pc);, which has the following source code:
const warp_inst_t *ptx_fetch_inst( address_type pc )
return function_info::pc_to_instruction(pc);
One step further, function_info::pc_to_instruction() again has the following definition in ptx_ir.h
static const ptx_instruction* pc_to_instruction(unsigned pc)
if( pc < s_g_pc_to_insn.size() )
return s_g_pc_to_insn[pc];
return NULL;
Thus, it is important that we understand how s_g_pc_to_insn is created and maintained. After examining the usage of s_g_pc_to_insn throughout the GPGPU-SIM source code, it can be found thats_g_pc_to_insn is created and maintained by the function function_info::ptx_assemble(), which is invoked by gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string(), as stated in the red text in part 2.1 (Part 2.1. Extracting PTX Using cuobjdump). The function gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string() basically uses Lex/Yacc to parse the PTX code in a PTX file and create symbol table for that PTX file. The function ptx_assemble() is highly related to the PTX parsing, branch instruction detection and divergance analysis. For the details of these two functions please refer to Part 2.1. Extracting PTX Using cuobjdump and its subsections( e.g., Part 2.1.1 PTX Parsing: Start From gpgpu_ptx_sim_load_ptx_from_string).
After getting an instruction by const warp_inst_t* pI1 = ptx_fetch_inst(pc) the decode stage executesm_warp[m_inst_fetch_buffer.m_warp_id].ibuffer_fill(0,pI1);to fill the instruction(s) into the I-Buffer (the ibuffer_entry m_ibuffer[IBUFFER_SIZE];member in the std::vector
Part Issue
Again, we need some context and knowledge of relevant data structures to understand the simulation details in this part. In particular, we present classes scheduler_unit and TwoLevelScheduler:
class scheduler_unit { //this can be copied freely, so can be used in std containers.
virtual ~scheduler_unit(){}
virtual void add_supervised_warp_id(int i) {
virtual void cycle()=0;
shd_warp_t& warp(int i);
int m_last_sup_id_issued;
shader_core_stats *m_stats;
shader_core_ctx* m_shader;
// these things should become accessors: but would need a bigger rearchitect of how shader_core_ctx interacts with its parts.
Scoreboard* m_scoreboard;
simt_stack** m_simt_stack;
register_set* m_sp_out;
register_set* m_sfu_out;
register_set* m_mem_out;
class TwoLevelScheduler : public scheduler_unit {
TwoLevelScheduler (shader_core_stats* stats, shader_core_ctx* shader,
Scoreboard* scoreboard, simt_stack** simt,
register_set* sp_out,
register_set* sfu_out,
register_set* mem_out,
unsigned maw)
: scheduler_unit (stats, shader, scoreboard, simt, warp, sp_out, sfu_out, mem_out),
maxActiveWarps = maw;
virtual ~TwoLevelScheduler () {}
virtual void cycle ();
virtual void add_supervised_warp_id(int i) {
unsigned maxActiveWarps;
Now let’s analyze what the issue stage does. In the issue stage, the following code is executed:
void shader_core_ctx::issue(){
for (unsigned i = 0; i < schedulers.size(); i++) {
The schedulers in the above code is a member (std::vector
void TwoLevelScheduler::cycle() {
//Move waiting warps to pendingWarps
for (std::list
bool waiting = warp(*iter).waiting();
for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
const warp_inst_t* inst = warp(*iter).ibuffer_next_inst();
//Is the instruction waiting on a long operation?
if ( inst && inst->in[i] > 0 && this->m_scoreboard->islongop(*iter, inst->in[i])){
waiting = true; } }
//If there is space in activeWarps, try to find ready warps in pendingWarps
if (this->activeWarps.size() < maxActiveWarps){
for ( std::list
break; } } }
//Do the scheduling only from activeWarps
//If you schedule an instruction, move it to the end of the list
bool valid_inst = false; // there was one warp with a valid instruction to issue (didn't require flush due to control hazard)
bool ready_inst = false; // of the valid instructions, there was one not waiting for pending register writes
bool issued_inst = false; // of these we issued one
for (std::list
unsigned checked=0;
unsigned issued=0;
unsigned max_issue = m_shader->m_config->gpgpu_max_insn_issue_per_warp;
while(!warp(*warp_id).waiting() && !warp(*warp_id).ibuffer_empty() && (checked < max_issue) && (checked <= issued) && (issued < max_issue) ) {
const warp_inst_t *pI = warp(*warp_id).ibuffer_next_inst();
bool valid = warp(*warp_id).ibuffer_next_valid();
bool warp_inst_issued = false;
unsigned pc,rpc;
if( pI ) {
if( pc != pI->pc ) {
// control hazard
else {
valid_inst = true;
if ( !m_scoreboard->checkCollision(*warp_id, pI) ) {
ready_inst = true;
const active_mask_t &active_mask = m_simt_stack[*warp_id]->get_active_mask();
assert( warp(*warp_id).inst_in_pipeline() );
if ( (pI->op == LOAD_OP) || (pI->op == STORE_OP) || (pI->op == MEMORY_BARRIER_OP) ) {
if( m_mem_out->has_free() ) {
warp_inst_issued = true;
// Move it to pendingWarps
unsigned currwarp = *warp_id;
} else {
bool sp_pipe_avail = m_sp_out->has_free();
bool sfu_pipe_avail = m_sfu_out->has_free();
if( sp_pipe_avail && (pI->op != SFU_OP) ) {
// always prefer SP pipe for operations that can use both SP and SFU pipelines
warp_inst_issued = true;
//Move it to end of the activeWarps
unsigned currwarp = *warp_id;
} else if ( (pI->op == SFU_OP) || (pI->op == ALU_SFU_OP) ) {
if( sfu_pipe_avail ) {
warp_inst_issued = true;
//Move it to end of the activeWarps
unsigned currwarp = *warp_id;
} else if( valid ) {
// this case can happen after a return instruction in diverged warp
if ( issued ) {
Note that the std::vector
From the source code and comments (it’s a bit messy after being copied here, please refer to the original code structure) for the issue stage we know that it first moves waiting warps (warps that contain instructions that are waiting on a long operation) to pendingWarps.
Then check if there is space in activeWarps, try to find ready warps in pendingWarps and move them toactiveWarps.
Next get into a big for loop to iterate the activeWarps for scheduling. This loop goes until the end of the entire TwoLevelScheduler::cycle() function. This big for loop first check condition while(!warp(*warp_id).waiting() && !warp(*warp_id).ibuffer_empty() && (checked < max_issue) && (checked <= issued) && (issued < max_issue) ) {.. If the condition is met then get into the while loop. Inside the while loop a warp instruction is first retrieved from the I-Buffer: warp_inst_t *pI = warp(*warp_id).ibuffer_next_inst().
Then execute:
unsigned pc,rpc;
if( pI ) {
if( pc != pI->pc ) {
// control hazard
} else { …........
The above few lines of code is explained by the following paragraph:
For each scheduler unit there is an array of SIMT stacks. Each SIMT stack corresponds to one warp. In the scheduler_unit::cycle(), the top of the stack entry for the SIMT stack of the scheduled warp determines the issued instruction. The program counter of the top of the stack entry is normally consistent with the program counter of the next instruction in the I-Buffer that corresponds to the scheduled warp (Refer toSIMT Stack). Otherwise, in case of control hazard, they will not be matched and the instructions within the I-Buffer are flushed.
If there is no control hazard, the flow goes to the else branch, where data hazard is checked by executing
if( !m_scoreboard->checkCollision(*warp_id, pI)...
If there is no data hazard, then the active mask is computed by const active_mask_t &active_mask = m_simt_stack[*warp_id]->get_active_mask().
After getting the active mask, the flow splits into two branches to handle memory related instructions (if ( (pI->op == LOAD_OP) || (pI->op == STORE_OP) || (pI->op == MEMORY_BARRIER_OP) )) and non-memory related instructions (else{...}) . The memory related branch executes the following code
if( m_mem_out->has_free() ) {
warp_inst_issued = true;
// Move it to pendingWarps
unsigned currwarp = *warp_id;
to issue the instruction by calling m_shader->issue_warp() with the m_mem_out argument.
On the other hand, the non-memory branch executes the following code
bool sp_pipe_avail = m_sp_out->has_free();
bool sfu_pipe_avail = m_sfu_out->has_free();
if( sp_pipe_avail && (pI->op != SFU_OP) ) {
// always prefer SP pipe for operations that can use both SP and SFU pipelines
warp_inst_issued = true;
//Move it to end of the activeWarps
unsigned currwarp = *warp_id;
else if ( (pI->op == SFU_OP) || (pI->op == ALU_SFU_OP) ) {
if( sfu_pipe_avail ) {
warp_inst_issued = true;
//Move it to end of the activeWarps
unsigned currwarp = *warp_id;
to issue the instruction to the SP or SFU function unit based on the type/opcode of the issued instruction.
From the above code we can see that the issue stage calls issue_warp() with different arguments, namelyscheduler_unit::m_sp_out, scheduler_unit::m_sfu_out and scheduler_unit::m_mem_out, for different types of instructions. The three objects scheduler_unit::m_sp_out, scheduler_unit::m_sfu_outand scheduler_unit::m_mem_out service as registers between the issue and execute stages of SP,SFU and Memory pipeline, respectively.
This paragraph summarizes the issue operation at a high level:
“the instruction is issued to its suitable execution pipeline using the functionshader_core_ctx::issue_warp(). Within this function, instructions are functionally executed by callingshader_core_ctx::func_exec_inst() and the SIMT stack (m_simt_stack[warp_id]) is updated by callingsimt_stack::update(). Also, in this function, the warps are held/released due to barriers byshd_warp_t:set_membar() and barrier_set_t::warp_reaches_barrier. On the other hand, registers are reserved by Scoreboard::reserveRegisters() to be used later by the scoreboard algorithm. Thescheduler_unit::m_sp_out, scheduler_unit::m_sfu_out, scheduler_unit::m_mem_out points to the first pipeline register between the issue stage and the execution stage of SP, SFU and Mem pipeline receptively. That is why they are checked before issuing any instruction to its corresponding pipeline usingshader_core_ctx::issue_warp().”
The source code of issue_warp() is as follows:
void shader_core_ctx::issue_warp( register_set& pipe_reg_set, const warp_inst_t* next_inst, const active_mask_t &active_mask, unsigned warp_id )
warp_inst_t** pipe_reg = pipe_reg_set.get_free();
**pipe_reg = *next_inst; // static instruction information
(*pipe_reg)->issue( active_mask, warp_id, gpu_tot_sim_cycle + gpu_sim_cycle ); // dynamic instruction information
func_exec_inst( **pipe_reg );
if( next_inst->op == BARRIER_OP )
else if( next_inst->op == MEMORY_BARRIER_OP )
m_warp[warp_id].set_next_pc(next_inst->pc + next_inst->isize);
Inside shader_core_ctx::issue_warp, the statement warp_inst_t** pipe_reg = pipe_reg_set.get_free(); is first executed to get free slots in the register set. From the earlier code we know the pipe_reg_set could actually be scheduler_unit::m_sp_out, scheduler_unit::m_sfu_out or scheduler_unit::m_mem_out ,depending what type of instruction is going to be issued. These three register sets (i.e. register_set class) service as conduit for communication between the issue and the execute stages. The register_set class is simply a wrapper of a vector of instructions of a particular type. It has the following interface:
//register that can hold multiple instructions.
class register_set {
warp_inst_t ** get_free(){
for( unsigned i = 0; i < regs.size(); i++ ) {
if( regs[i]->empty() ) {
return ®s[i];
After obtaining a free register slot in a right register set, shader_core_ctx::issue_warp executes **pipe_reg = *next_inst; to retrieve the next instruction to be issued for execution.
Next, (*pipe_reg)->issue() is executed to store the relevant information for the issued instruction into the register set, which will be later process by the execution stage. The (*pipe_reg)->issue() statement actually invokes the following function defined in the abstract_hardware_model.h:
void issue( const active_mask_t &mask, unsigned warp_id, unsigned long long cycle )
m_warp_active_mask = mask;
m_warp_issued_mask = mask;
m_uid = ++sm_next_uid;
m_warp_id = warp_id;
issue_cycle = cycle;
cycles = initiation_interval;
After putting the issued instruction into the correct register set, shader_core_ctx::issue_warp() further callsshader_core_ctx::func_exec_inst(), which is defined as follows:
void shader_core_ctx::func_exec_inst( warp_inst_t &inst )