我们将通过一个简单的 Demo 来阐述 BaseService 的强大功能,在此之前,我们假设您已经:
在 xxxService
public class TestService extends BaseService<Merchant> {
::: tip
T getSingleEntityById(Serializable id)
R getSingleEntityById(Class tClass, Serializable id)
* 根据Id获取一条数据 (返回类型为当前注入的实体类型)
* @param id
* @return Merchant
public Merchant getMerchantById(long id){
return this.getSingleEntityById(id);
* 根据Id获取一条数据 (返回类型为自定义传入的实体类型)
* @param id
* @return Platform
public Platform getPlatformById(int id){
return this.getSingleEntityById(Platform.class, id);
::: tip
::: tip
Long getSingleValue(String sql)
Long getSingleValue(String sql, Object params)
T getSingleEntity(String sql)
R getSingleEntity(Class tClass, String sql)
Map getSingleMap(String sql)
* 根据Sql获取一条数据 (返回类型为当前注入的实体类型)
* @return Merchant
public Merchant getMerchantBySql(){
* Sql构造器 (SqlWrapper)
String selSql = SqlWrapper.create(Merchant.class).build();
* select * from merchant limit 1;
return this.getSingleEntity(selSql);
* 根据Sql获取一条数据 (返回类型为自定义传入的实体类型)
* @return Platform
public Platform getPlatformBySql(){
* Sql构造器 (SqlWrapper)
String selSql = SqlWrapper.create().build(Platform.class);
* select * from platform limit 1;
return this.getSingleEntity(Platform.class, selSql);
* 根据Sql获取一条数据 (返回类型为当前注入的实体类型)
* @return Merchant
public Merchant getMerchantBySqlWithCondition(String name, String merchantNo){
* Sql构造器 (SqlWrapper)
String selSql = SqlWrapper.create(Merchant.class)
.like(StrUtil.isNotEmpty(name), "merchant_name", name)
.where(StrUtil.isNotEmpty(merchantNo), "merchant_no", merchantNo)
* select * from merchant
* where merchant_name like '%name%'
* and merchant_no = 'merchantNo'
* limit 1;
return this.getSingleEntity(selSql);
* 根据Sql获取一条数据 (返回类型为Map类型)
* @return Map
public Map<String, Object> getOrderRefundRecordBySqlWithCondition(String orderId, String merchantTradeOrderId){
* Sql构造器 (SqlWrapper)
String selSql = SqlWrapper.create(OrderRefundRecord.class)
.like(StrUtil.isNotEmpty(orderId), "order_id", orderId)
.where(StrUtil.isNotEmpty(merchantTradeOrderId), "merchant_trade_order_id", merchantTradeOrderId)
* select * from t_order_refund_record
* where order_id like '%orderId%'
* and merchant_trade_order_id = 'merchantTradeOrderId'
* limit 1;
return this.getSingleMap(selSql);
* 根据Sql获取单独一个字段,如:平均数、总和、总条数
* @return Long
public Long getSingleValueBySqlWithCondition(){
* Sql构造器 (SqlWrapper)
String selSql = SqlWrapper.create(MerchantInfo.class)
* select Max(version) from t_merchant_info
return this.getSingleValue(selSql);
::: tip
::: tip
List getAllListEntity()
List getAllListEntity(Class tClass)
* 获取表中所有数据 (返回类型为当前注入的实体类型)
* @return List
public List<Merchant> getAllMerchantList(){
return this.getAllListEntity();
* 获取表中所有数据 (返回类型为自定义传入的实体类型)
* @return List
public List<BankChannel> getAllBankChannelList(){
return this.getAllListEntity(BankChannel.class);
* 获取表中所有数据 (返回类型为当前注入的实体类型)
* @return List
public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllMerchantListMap(){
return this.getAllListMap();
* 获取表中所有数据 (返回类型为自定义传入的实体类型)
* @return List
public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllBankChannelListMap(){
return this.getAllListMap(BankChannel.class);
::: tip
::: tip
源码方法 :
* Sql构造器 (SqlWrapper)
String selSql = SqlWrapper.create(BuryingPoint.class)
//.select("id, content")
.where("id >", 1)
.where("name !=", "777")
.orWhere("description !=", "777")
.like(StrUtil.isNotEmpty("实体店"), "name", "实体店")
.orLike(StrUtil.isNotEmpty("实体店"), "type", "实体店")
.like("name", "yyyyyy")
.where("name !=", "777")
.orWhere("description !=", "777")
.orderBy("id", "desc")
.orderBy("name", "asc")
`id` > 1
AND `name` != '777'
OR `description` != '777'
AND `name` LIKE '%实体店%' ESCAPE '!'
OR `type` LIKE '%实体店%' ESCAPE '!'
OR ( `name` LIKE '%yyyyyy%' ESCAPE '!' )
AND ( `name` != '777' OR `description` != '777' )
`id` DESC,
`name` ASC
* 根据Sql查询List返回 (返回类型为自定义传入的"BuryingPoint"实体类型)
List<BuryingPoint> merchantListEntity = this.getListEntity(BuryingPoint.class, selSql);
* 取分页List数据 (返回List)
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10);
List<BuryingPoint> pagedListEntity = this.getListEntity(BuryingPoint.class, selSql, pageable);
* 取分页List数据 (返回List
List<Map<String, Object>> pagedListMap = this.getListMap(selSql, pageable);
::: tip
::: tip
Page getPagedListEntity(String sql, Pageable pageable)
Page getPagedListEntity(String sql, Object params, Pageable pageable)
Page getPagedListEntity(Class tClass, String sql, Pageable pageable)
Page getPagedListEntity(Class tClass, String sql, Object params, Pageable pageable)
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10);
* 取分页List数据 (返回Page
Page<Map<String, Object>> pagedModelListMap = this.getPagedListMap(selSql, pageable);
* 取分页List数据 (返回Page)
Page<Merchant> pagedCurrentEntityList = this.getPagedListEntity(selSql, pageable);
* 取分页List数据 (返回Page)
Page<BuryingPoint> pagedBuryingPointEntityList = this.getPagedListEntity(BuryingPoint.class, selSql, pageable);
::: tip
::: tip
Boolean save(T entity)
Boolean saveAndFlush(T entity)
Boolean saveBatch(Collection listEntities)
Boolean save(Class tClass, R entity, boolean... isAutoFlush)
Boolean saveAndFlush(Class tClass, R entity)
Boolean saveBatch(Class tClass, Collection listEntities)
* 创建当前Service泛型注入的对象并赋值
Merchant merchant = new Merchant();
* 保存一条数据并返回数据Id
boolean saveRetId = this.save(merchant);
* 创建自定义的对象并赋值
BuryingPoint buryingPoint = new BuryingPoint();
* 保存自定义的对象一条数据并返回数据Id
boolean saveOtherRetId = this.save(BuryingPoint.class, buryingPoint);
* 创建当前Service泛型注入的对象集合并模拟赋值
List<Merchant> merchantList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) {
Merchant interMerchant = new Merchant();
interMerchant.setMerchantName("特朗普的小店" + Convert.toStr(i));
interMerchant.setMerchantNo("VIP000666" + Convert.toStr(i));
interMerchant.setVipCardNuber("CARD000666" + Convert.toStr(i));
* 保存多条数据并返回Bool
boolean saveStatus = this.saveBatch(merchantList);
* 保存多条数据并返回Bool (保存自定义类型,具体就不多赘述了)
boolean saveOtherStatus = this.saveBatch(Merchant.class, merchantList);
::: tip
::: tip
Boolean updateById(Serializable id, T entity)
Boolean updateById(Class tClass, Serializable id, R entity, boolean... isAutoFlush)
Boolean updateByIdAndFlush(Serializable id, T entity)
Boolean updateByIdAndFlush(Class tClass, Serializable id, R entity)
Boolean updateBatch(Collection listEntities)
* 根据Id更新实体 (当前Service泛型注入的对象)
boolean merchantUpdateStatus = this.updateById(merchant.getId(), merchant);
* 根据Id更新实体 (自定义类型对象更新)
boolean buryingPointUpdateStatus = this.updateById(BuryingPoint.class, buryingPoint.getId(), buryingPoint);
* 更新多条数据 (当前Service泛型注入的对象)
boolean merUpdateBatchStatus = this.updateBatch(merchantList);
* 更新多条数据 (自定义类型对象集合) / 同save方法一致,不多赘述
boolean burUpdateBatchStatus = this.updateBatch(BuryingPoint.class, buryingPointList);
::: tip
Boolean saveOrUpdate(T entity)
Boolean saveOrUpdateAndFlush(T entity)
Boolean saveOrUpdate(Class tClass, R entity, boolean... isAutoFlush)
Boolean saveOrUpdateAndFlush(Class tClass, R entity)
* 保存或者更新一条记录 (当前Service泛型注入的泛型类型)
Boolean saveOrUpdateId = this.saveOrUpdate(merchant);
* 保存或者更新一条记录 (自定义类型对象更新)
Boolean burSaveOrUpdateId = this.saveOrUpdate(BuryingPoint.class, buryingPoint);
::: tip
::: tip
不用手动拼接Select Count(0)语法,getCount方法中会自动拼接为: (SELECT COUNT(0) COUNT_NUM FROM (" + sql + ") AS TOTAL)
所以参数只需要传递正常查数据的Sql就可以, 使用方法如下:
* Sql构造器
String bankCountSql = SqlWrapper.create(BankChannel.class).build();
* 根据Sql查询数据条数
long bankCount = this.getCount(bankCountSql);
* 手动构建Sql语句 + 参数
String recordSql = "SELECT\n" +
"\t* \n" +
"FROM\n" +
"\tt_trade_payment_record,\n" +
"\tmerchant \n" +
"WHERE\n" +
"\t1 = 1 \n" +
"\tAND t_trade_payment_record.id = merchant.id\n" +
"\tAND t_trade_payment_record.bank_channel_name LIKE :channelName \n" +
"\tAND t_trade_payment_record.bank_order_no LIKE :orderNo ";
Map<String, Object> recordParams = new HashMap<>();
recordParams.put("channelName", "%中xxxx微信%");
recordParams.put("orderNo", "YLH%");
* 根据Sql + 参数查询数据条数
long recordCount = this.getCount(recordSql, recordParams);
::: tip
第一个参数是你要查询的这一列对应java里的数据类型,比如Id,数据库是bigint那么可以传递Long.class, 返回List
* Sql构造器 构建查询一列Sql
String idListSql = SqlWrapper.create(Merchant.class).select("Id").build();
* 根据sql查询一列数据 返回List<>
List<Long> singleColumnList = this.getSingleColumnList(Long.class, idListSql);
* 手动构建多表联合查询Sql
String singleColSql = "select m.int_1 from merchant m LEFT JOIN company c on m.id = c.company_id";
* 根据sql查询一列数据 返回List<>
List<Boolean> singleColSqlList = this.getSingleColumnList(Boolean.class, singleColSql);
::: tip
* 手动构建Sql语句 + 参数
String unionSql = "SELECT\n" +
"\t* \n" +
"FROM\n" +
"\tt_trade_payment_record,\n" +
"\tmerchant \n" +
"WHERE\n" +
"\t1 = 1 \n" +
"\tAND t_trade_payment_record.id = merchant.id\n" +
"\tAND t_trade_payment_record.bank_channel_name LIKE :channelName \n" +
"\tAND t_trade_payment_record.bank_order_no LIKE :orderNo ";
Map<String, Object> unionSqlParams = new HashMap<>();
unionSqlParams.put("channelName", "%中投科信微信%");
unionSqlParams.put("orderNo", "YLH%");
* 根据自定义多表关联Sql + 参数查询返回Map
List<Map<String, Object>> unionListMap = this.getListMap(unionSql, unionSqlParams);
* 根据自定义多表关联Sql + 参数查询返回List
List<CoustomXXXModel> unionListEntity = this.getListEntity(CoustomXXXModel.class, unionSql, unionSqlParams);
* 根据自定义多表关联Sql + 参数查询返回Page
Page<Map<String, Object>> pagedListMap1 = this.getPagedListMap(unionSql, unionSqlParams, pageable);
* 根据自定义多表关联Sql + 参数查询返回Page
Page<CoustomXXXModel> pageListEntityCus = this.getPagedListEntity(CoustomXXXModel.class, unionSql, unionSqlParams, pageable);
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public class BaseService<T> extends BeetlSqlCoreService<T>{
protected EntityManager em;
protected final static Long DEFAULT_ID_ERROR_VALUE = -1L;
protected final static String FIELD_UNDERSCORE_NAME = "_";
* 默认Id字段名,如果根据实体查不到id字段,默认返回这个
protected final static String DEFAULT_ID_NAME = "id";
* 获取SqlWrapper对象
* @return SqlWrapper
public SqlWrapper japQuery(){
return this.japQuery(this.getCurrentTClass());
public <R> SqlWrapper japQuery(Class<R> targetClass) {
return SqlWrapper.create(targetClass);
* 根据sql查询一个值 (取一个值,如:平均数,最大值,最小值, 总数)
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return long
public Long jpaGetSingleValue(String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.jpaGetSingleValue(sqlOrSqlId, null);
* 根据sql+参数查询一个值 (取一个值,如:平均数,最大值,最小值, 总数)
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return Long
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Long jpaGetSingleValue(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
try {
* 验证sql是否符合规范
String[] conditions = new String[]{","};
if(!this.validatorSqlSpec(sqlOrSqlId, conditions)){
throw new Exception("Sql: '"+ sqlOrSqlId +"' 传入的Sql语句包含多列,请检查Sql重新调用此方法");
Query query = this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, null, false);
Object singleResult = query.getSingleResult();
return Convert.toLong(singleResult, DEFAULT_ID_ERROR_VALUE);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetSingleValue 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
* 根据sql查询一条记录
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return Map
public T jpaGetSingleEntity(String sqlOrSqlId){
Map<String, Object> objectMap = this.jpaGetSingleMap(sqlOrSqlId);
T entity = BeanUtil.mapToBean(objectMap, this.getCurrentTClass(), true);
this.mergeLostFields(entity, objectMap);
return entity;
* 根据sql查询一条记录
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return Map
public <R> R jpaGetSingleEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId){
Map<String, Object> objectMap = this.jpaGetSingleMap(sqlOrSqlId);
R entity = BeanUtil.mapToBean(objectMap, tClass, true);
this.mergeLostFields(entity, objectMap);
return entity;
* 根据sql查询一条记录
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return Map
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Map<String, Object> jpaGetSingleMap(String sqlOrSqlId){
Query query = this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId);
* 起始对象位置
* 查询对象个数
Map<String, Object> resultMap = MapUtil.createMap(HashMap.class);
try {
List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = query.getResultList();
return Linq.asEnumerable(resultList).firstOrDefault();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetSingleMap 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return resultMap;
* 根据Sql和分页参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param pageable (分页对象)
* @return List
public List<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetListMap(String sqlOrSqlId, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetListMap(sqlOrSqlId, null, pageable);
* 根据Sql查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return List
public List<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetListMap(String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.jpaGetListMap(sqlOrSqlId, null, null);
* 根据Sql和参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return List
public List<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetListMap(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
return this.jpaGetListMap(sqlOrSqlId, params, null);
* 根据Sql和分页参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return List
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public List<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetListMap(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
Query query = this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable);
List<Map<String, Object>> resultList=new ArrayList<>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetListMap 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return resultList;
return resultList;
* 根据SQL语句查询返回分页对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param pageable
* @return Page
public Page<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetPagedListMap(String sqlOrSqlId, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetPagedListMap(sqlOrSqlId, null, pageable);
* 根据SQL+参数查询返回分页对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return Page
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Page<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetPagedListMap(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
Page<Map<String, Object>> pageModel = null;
long totalCount = 0;
Query query = this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable);
List<Map<String, Object>> resultList=new ArrayList<>();
* 获取数据总条数
totalCount = this.jpaGetCount(sqlOrSqlId, params);
try {
if(Validator.isNotNull(pageable) && pageable.getPageNumber() > 0){
pageable = PageRequest.of(pageable.getPageNumber()-1, pageable.getPageSize());
pageModel = new PageImpl<>(resultList, pageable, totalCount);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetPagedListMap 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return pageModel;
* 根据Sql和分页参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param pageable (分页对象)
* @return List
public List<T> jpaGetListEntity(String sqlOrSqlId, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetListEntity(sqlOrSqlId, null, pageable);
* 根据Sql查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return List
public List<T> jpaGetListEntity(String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.jpaGetListEntity(sqlOrSqlId, null, null);
* 根据Sql和参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return List
public List<T> jpaGetListEntity(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
return this.jpaGetListEntity(sqlOrSqlId, params, null);
* 根据Sql和分页参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return List
public List<T> jpaGetListEntity(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
Query query = this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable);
List<T> resultList=new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<Map<String, Object>> resultListMap = query.getResultList();
resultList = Convert.toList(this.getCurrentTClass(), resultListMap);
this.mergeLostFields(resultList, resultListMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetListEntity 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return resultList;
* 根据SQL语句查询返回分页对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param pageable
* @return Page
public Page<T> jpaGetPagedListEntity(String sqlOrSqlId, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetPagedListEntity(sqlOrSqlId, null, pageable);
* 根据SQL+参数查询返回分页对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return Page
public Page<T> jpaGetPagedListEntity(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetPagedListEntity(this.getCurrentTClass(), sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable);
* 根据Sql和分页参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param pageable (分页对象)
* @return List
public <R> List<R> jpaGetListEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetListEntity(tClass, sqlOrSqlId, null, pageable);
* 根据Sql查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return List
public <R> List<R> jpaGetListEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.jpaGetListEntity(tClass, sqlOrSqlId, null, null);
* 根据Sql和参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return List
public <R> List<R> jpaGetListEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
return this.jpaGetListEntity(tClass, sqlOrSqlId, params, null);
* 根据Sql和分页参数查询列表
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return List
public <R> List<R> jpaGetListEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
List<Map<String, Object>> listMap = this.jpaGetListMap(sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable);
List<R> resList = Convert.toList(tClass, listMap);
this.mergeLostFields(resList, listMap);
return resList;
* 根据SQL语句查询返回分页对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param pageable
* @return Page
public <R> Page<R> jpaGetPagedListEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId, Pageable pageable){
return this.jpaGetPagedListEntity(tClass, sqlOrSqlId, null, pageable);
* 根据SQL+参数查询返回分页对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return Page
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public <R> Page<R> jpaGetPagedListEntity(Class<R> tClass, String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
Page<R> pageModel = null;
Page<Map<String, Object>> pagedListMap = this.jpaGetPagedListMap(sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable);
List<R> resultList = Convert.toList(tClass, pagedListMap.getContent());
this.mergeLostFields(resultList, pagedListMap.getContent());
if(Validator.isNotNull(pageable) && pageable.getPageNumber() > 0){
pageable = PageRequest.of(pageable.getPageNumber()-1, pageable.getPageSize());
pageModel = new PageImpl<>(resultList, pageable, pagedListMap.getTotalElements());
return pageModel;
* (基于当前注入泛型)根据Id获取一条数据
* @author: wei.fu
* @param id
* @return T
public T jpaGetSingleEntityById(Serializable id){
Serializable serId = this.convertIdType(this.getCurrentTClass(), id);
return em.find(this.getCurrentTClass(), serId);
* (动态传入泛型)根据Id获取一条数据
* @author: wei.fu
* @param id
* @return R
public <R> R jpaGetSingleEntityById(Class<R> tClass, Serializable id){
Serializable serId = this.convertIdType(tClass, id);
return em.find(tClass, serId);
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetSingleEntityById 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
}finally {
* (基于当前注入泛型)保存方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaSave(T entity){
return this.jpaSave(this.getCurrentTClass(), entity);
* (基于当前注入泛型)保存并Flush方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaSaveAndFlush(T entity){
return this.jpaSave(this.getCurrentTClass(), entity, true);
* (动态传入泛型)保存方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @param isAutoFlush
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaSave(Class<R> tClass, R entity, boolean... isAutoFlush){
boolean isFlush = isAutoFlush.length > 0 && isAutoFlush[0];
return true;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaSave 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
}finally {
* (动态传入泛型)保存并刷新方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaSaveAndFlush(Class<R> tClass, R entity){
return this.jpaSave(tClass, entity, true);
* (基于当前注入泛型)批量更新操作
* @author: wei.fu
* @param listEntities
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaSaveBatch(Collection<T> listEntities){
return this.jpaSaveBatch(this.getCurrentTClass(), listEntities);
* (动态传入泛型)批量创建操作
* @author: wei.fu
* @param listEntities
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaSaveBatch(Class<R> tClass, Collection<R> listEntities){
List<R> listEntity = Convert.toList(tClass, listEntities);
for (int i = 0; i < listEntity.size(); i++) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
return true;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaSaveBatch 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
}finally {
* (基于当前注入泛型)根据Id更新方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param id
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaUpdateById(Serializable id, T entity){
return this.jpaUpdateById(this.getCurrentTClass(), id, entity);
* (动态传入泛型)根据Id更新方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @param id
* @param entity
* @param
* @param isAutoFlush
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaUpdateById(Class<R> tClass, Serializable id, R entity, boolean... isAutoFlush){
boolean isFlush = isAutoFlush.length > 0 && isAutoFlush[0];
R dbEntity = this.jpaGetSingleEntityById(tClass, id);
* 属性拷贝,忽略传入的null值转换
CopyOptions copyOptions = new CopyOptions();
BeanUtil.copyProperties(entity, dbEntity, copyOptions);
* Id重新赋传入的值
ReflectUtil.setFieldValue(dbEntity, this.getIdFieldName(tClass), id);
BeanUtil.copyProperties(dbEntity, entity, true);
return true;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaUpdateById 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
}finally {
* (基于当前注入泛型)根据Id更新并Flush方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param id
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaUpdateByIdAndFlush(Serializable id, T entity){
return this.jpaUpdateById(this.getCurrentTClass(), id, entity, true);
* (动态传入泛型)根据Id更新方法并Flush
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @param id
* @param entity
* @param
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaUpdateByIdAndFlush(Class<R> tClass, Serializable id, R entity){
return this.jpaUpdateById(tClass, id, entity, true);
* (基于当前注入泛型)批量更新操作
* @author: wei.fu
* @param listEntities
* @return boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaUpdateBatch(Collection<T> listEntities){
List<Boolean> retList = new ArrayList<>();
for (T r: listEntities) {
Serializable fieldValue = (Serializable)ReflectUtil.getFieldValue(r, this.getIdFieldName(this.getCurrentTClass()));
retList.add(this.jpaUpdateById(this.getCurrentTClass(), fieldValue, r, false));
return Linq.asEnumerable(retList).any(c -> !c);
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaUpdateBatch 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
}finally {
* (基于当前注入泛型)根据Id删除一条方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param id
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaDeleteById(Serializable id){
return this.jpaDeleteById(this.getCurrentTClass(), id);
* @author: wei.fu
* @param idList
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaDeleteByIds(Collection<? extends Serializable> idList){
return this.jpaDeleteByIds(this.getCurrentTClass(), idList);
* (动态传入泛型)根据Id删除一条方法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param id
* @return boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> boolean jpaDeleteById(Class<R> tClass, Serializable id){
R dbEntity = this.jpaGetSingleEntityById(tClass, id);
return true;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaDeleteById 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
}finally {
* (动态传入泛型)根据IdList删除多条数据
* @author: wei.fu
* @param idList
* @return boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> boolean jpaDeleteByIds(Class<R> tClass, Collection<? extends Serializable> idList){
for (Serializable id: idList) {
R dbEntity = this.jpaGetSingleEntityById(tClass, id);
return true;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaDeleteByIds 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
}finally {
* (基于当前注入泛型)根据实体Id判断是创建还是修改
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaSaveOrUpdate(T entity){
return this.jpaSaveOrUpdate(this.getCurrentTClass(), entity);
* (基于当前注入泛型)根据实体Id判断是创建还是修改并Flush
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Boolean jpaSaveOrUpdateAndFlush(T entity){
return this.jpaSaveOrUpdate(this.getCurrentTClass(), entity, true);
* (动态传入泛型)根据实体Id判断是创建还是修改 并且Flush
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaSaveOrUpdateAndFlush(Class<R> tClass, R entity){
return this.jpaSaveOrUpdate(tClass, entity, true);
* (动态传入泛型)根据实体Id判断是创建还是修改
* @author: wei.fu
* @param entity
* @return Boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaSaveOrUpdate(Class<R> tClass, R entity, boolean... isAutoFlush){
Boolean retStatus = false;
String idFieldName = this.getIdFieldName(tClass);
Object fieldValue = ReflectUtil.getFieldValue(entity, idFieldName);
retStatus = this.jpaSave(tClass, entity, isAutoFlush);
retStatus = this.jpaUpdateById(tClass, this.convertIdType(tClass, fieldValue), entity, isAutoFlush);
return retStatus;
* (动态传入泛型)批量更新操作
* @author: wei.fu
* @param listEntities
* @return boolean
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public <R> Boolean jpaUpdateBatch(Class<R> tClass, Collection<R> listEntities){
List<Boolean> retList = new ArrayList<>();
for (R r: listEntities) {
Serializable fieldValue = (Serializable)ReflectUtil.getFieldValue(r, this.getIdFieldName(tClass));
retList.add(this.jpaUpdateById(tClass, fieldValue, r));
return Linq.asEnumerable(retList).any(c -> !c);
* 根据Sql获取数据Count数
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return Long
public Long jpaGetCount(String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.jpaGetCount(sqlOrSqlId, null);
* 根据Sql和参数获取数据Count数
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return long
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Long jpaGetCount(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
Long totalCount = 0L;
sqlOrSqlId = SqlWrapper.renderTemplate(sqlOrSqlId, params);
sqlOrSqlId = "SELECT COUNT(0) COUNT_NUM FROM (" + sqlOrSqlId + ") AS TOTAL";
Query queryCount = this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, null, false);
Object singleResult = queryCount.getSingleResult();
return totalCount;
return Convert.toLong(singleResult,0L);
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetCount 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return totalCount;
}finally {
* 查询全部数据(返回值类型为 List
public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllListMap(){
String selAllSql = SqlWrapper.create(this.getCurrentTClass()).build();
return this.jpaGetListMap(selAllSql);
* 查询全部数据(返回值类型为 List>)
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @return List>
public <R> List<Map<String, Object>> jpaGetAllListMap(Class<R> tClass){
String selAllSql = SqlWrapper.create(tClass).build();
return this.jpaGetListMap(selAllSql);
* 查询全部数据(返回值类型为 List)
* @author: wei.fu
* @return List
public List<T> jpaGetAllListEntity(){
String selAllSql = SqlWrapper.create(this.getCurrentTClass()).build();
return this.jpaGetListEntity(selAllSql);
* 查询全部数据(返回值类型为 List)
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @return List
public <R> List<R> jpaGetAllListEntity(Class<R> tClass){
String selAllSql = SqlWrapper.create(tClass).build();
return this.jpaGetListEntity(tClass, selAllSql);
* 根据Sql查询某一列集合(返回值类型为 List)
* @author: wei.fu
* @param typeClass (取决于数据库中列字段的类型,可选参数例如:Long.class, Integer.class, Date.class, Double.class ......)
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return List
public <R> List<R> jpaGetSingleColumnList(Class<R> typeClass, String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.jpaGetSingleColumnList(typeClass, sqlOrSqlId, null);
* 根据Sql查询某一列集合(返回值类型为 List)
* @author: wei.fu
* @param typeClass (取决于数据库中列字段的类型,可选参数例如:Long.class, Integer.class, Date.class, Double.class ......)
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return List
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public <R> List<R> jpaGetSingleColumnList(Class<R> typeClass, String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
List<R> resList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String[] conditions = new String[]{",", "*"};
if(!this.validatorSqlSpec(sqlOrSqlId, conditions)){
throw new Exception("Sql: '"+ sqlOrSqlId +"' 传入的Sql语句包含多列,请检查Sql重新调用此方法");
IEnumerable<Map<String, Object>> linqListMap = Linq.asEnumerable(this.jpaGetListMap(sqlOrSqlId, params));
* 判断Map中至少有一个元素的才会执行if里
if(linqListMap.any(c -> c.size() <= 1)){
* where过滤Map不为空并且第一个元素的value有值得才取出
resList = linqListMap.where(m -> Validator.isNotEmpty(Linq.asEnumerable(m.entrySet()).first().getValue())
&& MapUtil.isNotEmpty(m)).select(a -> {
return Convert.convert(typeClass, Linq.asEnumerable(a.entrySet()).first().getValue());
return resList;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.jpaGetSingleColumnList 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return resList;
}finally {
* 根据tClass转换对应的Id类型
* @author: wei.fu
* @param tClass
* @param id
* @param
* @return Serializable
private <R> Serializable convertIdType(Class<R> tClass, Object id){
Serializable retId = DEFAULT_ID_ERROR_VALUE;
String longType = "java.lang.Long";
String intType = "java.lang.Integer";
String strType = "java.lang.String";
IEnumerable<Field> fields = Linq.asEnumerable(ReflectUtil.getFields(tClass));
Field field = fields.firstOrDefault(c -> c.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class));
String fieldType = field == null ? longType : field.getType().getName();
retId = Convert.toLong(id, DEFAULT_ID_ERROR_VALUE);
}else if(intType.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)){
retId = Convert.toInt(id, -1);
}else if(strType.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)){
retId = Convert.toStr(id, "-1");
return retId;
* 合并丢失的字段,有一些字段在查询Map的时候自动转换为小驼峰,但是实体还是下划线分割这种的
* @author: wei.fu
* @param resultEntity
* @param resultMap
private <R> void mergeLostFields(R resultEntity, Map<String, Object> resultMap){
if(Validator.isNotNull(resultEntity) && Validator.isNotNull(resultMap)){
* 获取所有字段看是否有属性包含 "_"
IEnumerable<Field> fields = Linq.asEnumerable(ReflectUtil.getFields(resultEntity.getClass()));
if(fields.any(a -> a.getName().contains(FIELD_UNDERSCORE_NAME))){
List<Field> supFields = fields.where(a -> a.getName().contains(FIELD_UNDERSCORE_NAME)).toList();
supFields.forEach(f -> {
String fieldKey = UnderlineToCamelUtil.underlineToCamel(f.getName());
ReflectUtil.setFieldValue(resultEntity, f.getName(), resultMap.get(fieldKey));
* 合并丢失的字段,有一些字段在查询Map的时候自动转换为小驼峰,但是实体还是下划线分割这种的
* @author: wei.fu
* @param resultList
* @param resultListMap
private <R> void mergeLostFields(List<R> resultList, List<Map<String, Object>> resultListMap) {
if(resultList.size() == resultListMap.size()){
IEnumerable<R> linqList = Linq.asEnumerable(resultList);
if(linqList.any() && Validator.isNotNull(linqList.first())){
R firstEntity = linqList.first();
IEnumerable<Field> fields = Linq.asEnumerable(ReflectUtil.getFields(firstEntity.getClass()));
if(fields.any(a -> a.getName().contains(FIELD_UNDERSCORE_NAME))){
List<Field> supFields = fields.where(a -> a.getName().contains(FIELD_UNDERSCORE_NAME)).toList();
* 遍历转换后的结果集
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size(); i++) {
R tEntity = resultList.get(i);
Map<String, Object> rMap = resultListMap.get(i);
supFields.forEach(f -> {
String fieldKey = UnderlineToCamelUtil.underlineToCamel(f.getName());
ReflectUtil.setFieldValue(tEntity, f.getName(), rMap.get(fieldKey));
* 判断Sql是否合法
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param condition
* @return
private Boolean validatorSqlSpec(String sqlOrSqlId, String... condition) {
int startPos = StrUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(sqlOrSqlId, "select");
int endPos = StrUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(sqlOrSqlId, "from");
String selectSql = StrUtil.sub(sqlOrSqlId, startPos, endPos);
if(Validator.isNull(condition) || startPos <= 0 || endPos <= 0){
return true;
* 判断字符串中是否包含传递过来的condition
IEnumerable<String> retList = Linq.asEnumerable(condition).where(c -> StrUtil.containsIgnoreCase(selectSql, c));
return !retList.any();
* 获取当前泛型的Class
* @author: wei.fu
* @return Class
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private Class<T> getCurrentTClass(){
Class <T> entityClass = null;
entityClass = (Class <T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BaseService.getCurrentTClass 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
return entityClass;
* 公用的 - 构建Query对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return Query
public Query buildQuery(String sqlOrSqlId){
return this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, null, null, true);
* 公用的 - 构建Query对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @return Query
public Query buildQuery(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params){
return this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, null, true);
* 公用的 - 构建Query对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @return Query
public Query buildQuery(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable){
return this.buildQuery(sqlOrSqlId, params, pageable, true);
* 公用的 - 构建Query对象
* @author: wei.fu
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @param params
* @param pageable
* @param isRetMap (是否返回Map)
* @return Query
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Query buildQuery(String sqlOrSqlId, Map<String, Object> params, Pageable pageable, Boolean isRetMap){
sqlOrSqlId = SqlWrapper.renderTemplate(sqlOrSqlId, params);
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sqlOrSqlId);
if(params != null){
for(String key : params.keySet()){
if(StrUtil.containsIgnoreCase(sqlOrSqlId, StrUtil.format(":{}", key))){
query.setParameter(key, params.get(key));
if (null != pageable && pageable.getPageNumber() >= 0 && pageable.getPageSize() != 0) {
* 起始对象位置
query.setFirstResult(pageable.getPageSize() * (pageable.getPageNumber() - 1));
* 查询对象个数
* 转换小驼峰返回
query.unwrap(NativeQueryImpl.class).setResultTransformer(new HashMapResultTransformer(HashMap.class));
return query;
* 根据clazz获取主键字段Name
* @author: wei.fu
* @param clazz
* @param
* @return String
private <R> String getIdFieldName(Class<R> clazz){
String fieldName = Linq.asEnumerable(ReflectUtil.getFields(clazz)).where(c ->
|| c.isAnnotationPresent(SeqID.class)
|| c.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class)
||c.isAnnotationPresent(AutoID.class)).select(a -> a.getName()).distinct().firstOrDefault();
return StrUtil.isNotEmpty(fieldName) ? fieldName : DEFAULT_ID_NAME;
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("BeetlSqlBaseService.internalGetIdFieldName 异常:" + e.getMessage(), e);
* 根据传入的SqlId参数自动判断是sql还是SqlId
* @param sqlOrSqlId
* @return String
private Boolean isTemplateSql(String sqlOrSqlId){
String absolutePath = SqlTemplate.classPathResource.getAbsolutePath();
String removeAllLineBreakStr = StrUtil.removeAllLineBreaks(sqlOrSqlId);
List<String> splitStrList = Linq.asEnumerable(StrUtil.split(removeAllLineBreakStr.replace("\t", ""), ".")).toList();
if(splitStrList.size() > 0) {
splitStrList.remove(splitStrList.size() - 1);
if(splitStrList.size() >= 1 && splitStrList.size() <= 6){
String joinPath = CollUtil.join(splitStrList, "/");
* 判断Sql文件是否存在
if(FileUtil.exist(StrUtil.format("{}/{}.md", absolutePath, joinPath)) || FileUtil.exist(StrUtil.format("{}/{}.sql", absolutePath, joinPath))){
return true;
return false;
::: tip