hive的job运行结束后,数据导入分区报错:Stats aggregator of type counter cannot be connected to


[Error 30017]: Skipping stats aggregation by error org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: [Error 30015]: Stats aggregator of type counter cannot be connected to

2015-05-25 13:19:22,270 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 26%, Cumulative CPU 119.02 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:23,302 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 30%, Cumulative CPU 119.99 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:24,333 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 36%, Cumulative CPU 122.36 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:25,365 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 46%, Cumulative CPU 126.01 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:26,393 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 55%, Cumulative CPU 129.21 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:27,421 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 65%, Cumulative CPU 133.23 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:28,451 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 67%, Cumulative CPU 137.67 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:34,681 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 80%, Cumulative CPU 161.0 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:36,746 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 81%, Cumulative CPU 167.69 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:37,788 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 84%, Cumulative CPU 168.42 sec
2015-05-25 13:19:39,858 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 174.31 sec
MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 2 minutes 54 seconds 310 msec
Ended Job = job_1427862114883_20334
Loading data to table 
[Error 30017]: Skipping stats aggregation by error org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: [Error 30015]: Stats aggregator of type counter cannot be connected to
MapReduce Jobs Launched: 
Job 0: Map: 2  Reduce: 10   Cumulative CPU: 47.33 sec   HDFS Read: 35901149 HDFS Write: 4661055 SUCCESS
Job 1: Map: 2  Reduce: 10   Cumulative CPU: 40.75 sec   HDFS Read: 4663895 HDFS Write: 2932195 SUCCESS
Job 2: Map: 4  Reduce: 10   Cumulative CPU: 174.31 sec   HDFS Read: 35089647 HDFS Write: 187955 SUCCESS
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 4 minutes 22 seconds 390 msec


hadoop的namenode节点运行: start historyserver
