

1. short by 还差...

e.g. we're short by 30.

※ 联想 shy of 不足[五道口]

e.g. We are still two players shy (of a full team).

2. I could've sworn that... 我发誓我绝对...

3. dot your i's and cross your t's  (完成任务时)一丝不苟,注重细节 [i点上点,t划上横]

mind your p's and q's 小心谨慎有礼貌

【Mind your P's and Q's.的意思是"小心谨慎。",用于指某人的活动尤其是社交场合的活动。这个词语已经有好几百年的历史了,关于它的故事也很多。

其一是说这个成语跟酒店有关。当时,在酒店里有两种器具:品脱(pint)和夸脱(quart),品脱小,夸脱大,一夸脱等于两品脱。因此,酒店侍者必须要记清喝酒人到底用的是哪种器具。酒店老板也不断告诫他们:"注意你们的品脱和夸脱(Mind your pints and quarts.)。"后来,pints和quarts逐渐简写成"P's and Q's"了。

另外,学生们很容易将字母"p"和"q"混淆。所以,老师不得不经常提醒他们:"注意你们的p和q(Mind your P's and Q's.)。又如:You should mind your P's and Q's when talking to the foreign guests.(跟外宾交谈时你应该谨慎小心。】

4. make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做[5月晨读]

※ make a meal of sth

5. blow things out of proportion 夸大其词

6. drop the ball 犯错;处理失当

7. bitter pill to swallow 难以下咽的苦果

e.g. When John found out about his wife's affair with his best friend, it was a bitter pill to swallow.

8. up to scratch/snuff 达到要求,合乎标准


e.g. Her performance wasn't up to scratch.

9. asleep at the wheel  心不在焉 [在方向盘上睡着了]

10. R&R= Rest and Recuperation 休养与恢复

11. push the envelope 超越界线;突破

e.g. That guy really likes to push the envelope.

12. pull sth off 成功完成,做成困难的事情

e.g. We were doubtful the plan would work, but he managed to pull it off.

13. keep one's eye on the prize 把目光放在最终的目标上

e.g. I know it's difficult going to class after work, but just keep your eye on the prize.

14. hunker down

基本含义「蹲下,坐下」 → ① 努力工作 ② 蜗在家里躲坏天气 ③保持低调,避免引人注目

15. pitch in 参与,协力

e.g. If we all pitch in together, it shouldn't take too long.

16. all in a day’s work 日常工作的一部份;习以为常的;不足为奇

17. shell out 为…花费一大笔钱

e.g. I'm going to have to shell out for these shoes.

※ fork out 掏腰包(不太情愿)

e.g. I’m not forking out £400 on ski clothes!

※  splurge 挥霍

I splurged on the good ones.

 ※ blow 挥霍

e.g. Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future. 在把钱全砸到一趟海上豪华游之前,多少考虑一下日后怎么办。

18. cover oneself / one's behind/back/rear/ ass/butt 保护自己(免受批评、谴责等);辩解

19. fall guy 替罪羊

※ scapegoat (可做动词) e.g. He was scapegoated for the company's failures.

※ whipping-boy

20. go on about sth 喋喋不休,没完没了

21. strike gold 打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路

e.g. He has struck gold with his latest novel.

22. pass the buck 推卸责任

※ The buck stops here / The buck stops with me 不踢皮球了,我来处理,我来承担责任。

23. wash one's hands of 洗手不干

24. Dream on!痴心妄想!做你的梦吧!

25. take the blame 承担责任

26. point fingers/ the finger at sb 指责

27. track down 追踪追寻

e.g. She had spent years trying to track down her parents.

28. no big deal / biggie 没啥大不了的

29. burn mid-night oil 熬夜

※ pull an all nighter

30. talk into 说服,劝服

※ talk out of 说服...放弃


1. ˈdental floss 重音在前

2. ˈteam player 重音在前

3. ˈfall guy重音在前

4. golf /ɡɒlf/ 不是 oʊ

5. ˈwhipping boy 重音在前
