K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解


K-means Hashing: anAffinity-Preserving Quantization Method for Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解:



•       Hamming-basedmethods  (LSH)

•        lookup-based methods (vector quantization,product quantization)



K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第1张图片

•       Hamming-based的方法检索速度快,1.5ms内可以扫描完1百万64bit的hamming码,但是量化使用超平面,误差大,检索结果又没有基于查找表的好

•       lookup-based的方法使用k-means量化,在最小化量化误差上是最优的,使用相同的编码长度,具有更高的精度,但距离计算比Hamming-based慢。(把每个聚类中心之间的距离存放在一张表里)


K-means Hashing:同时考虑了量化和距离计算

•       量化:Affinity-PreservingK-means。k-均值聚类阶段保留了欧式距离和hamming距离相似性

•       K-meansHashing:结合了k-means量化误差小,Hamming计算距离快的优点


codebook codeword

map a d-dimensional vector       

         to another vector

q(x) ∈ C = {ci | ci∈Rd, 0 ≤ i ≤ k − 1}. The set C

is known as a codebook, ci is a codeword, and k is thenumber of codewords. Givenb bits for indexing, there are at most    


vector quantization

•       VQ:用两个向量码字之间的距离近似代替两个向量之间的距离。



•       利用hamming距离计算的优点

4.A Naive Two-step Method

•       第一步:通过K-means量化得到


•       第二步:给每一个码字分配一个最优索引。

•       combinatoriallycomplex: there are (2b)! (b是编码的位数)

•       b≤3bits this problem is feasible. Whenb = 4 it takes over one dayfor exhausting, and ifb > 4 it is highly intractable.

Affinity-Preserving K-means

•       NaiveMethod 没有考虑第一步k-means的量化误差,本论文,同事考虑quantizationerror and the affinity error



K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第2张图片


Assignment step: fix{ci}and optimize i(x).    类似于k-means分类,把x分配到距离最近的码字

Update step: fix i(x)and optimize {ci}.


K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第3张图片

K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第4张图片

迭代优化,initializethe indicesi(x)使用PCA-hashing

Relation to Existing Methods

•       VectorQuantization:只考虑量化误差,没有用hamming编码,少了affinityerror。Affinity-PreservingK-meansSettingλ = 0退化到VQ

•       IterativeQuantization:假设数据是b维,如果d(・,・),dh(・,・)相同,个码字必须来自b维超立方体的顶点


•       {rt}are b-dimensional orthogonal bases


K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第5张图片

•       如果d(・,・),dh(・,・)相同,等价于本方法中λ=

Geometric View

•       vectorquantization method using the vertexes of a rotatedhyper-cube as thecodewords.

•       Thismethod allows to “stretch” the hyper-cube while rotating

Generalization to a Product Space

K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第6张图片

•       hamming编码的码字计算和存放需要空间,而且b个bit的hamming码最多只能表示


K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第7张图片

具体请参考product quantization for nearest neighbor search这篇论文。


•       评价指标:Therecall is defined as the fraction of retrieved true nearest neighbors to thetotal number of true nearest neighbors.  set K=10 in the experiments.


K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第8张图片

K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第9张图片

K-means Hashing: Learning Binary Compact Codes论文理解_第10张图片


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