1.blockTransferService默认为NettyBlockTransferService ,它使用Netty法人一步时间驱动的网络应用框架,提供web服务及客户端,获取远程节点上的Block集合。
// =================================.创建块传输服务BlockTransferService;===========================
val blockTransferService =
new NettyBlockTransferService(conf, securityManager, bindAddress, advertiseAddress,
blockManagerPort, numUsableCores)
package org.apache.spark.network
import java.io.{Closeable, File}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.{ManagedBuffer, NioManagedBuffer}
import org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.{BlockFetchingListener, ShuffleClient}
import org.apache.spark.storage.{BlockId, StorageLevel}
import org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils
abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging {
* Initialize the transfer service by giving it the BlockDataManager that can be used to fetch
* local blocks or put local blocks.
* 通过提供可以用来获取本地块或放置本地块的BlockDataManager来初始化传输服务。
def init(blockDataManager: BlockDataManager): Unit
* Tear down the transfer service.
* 拆除transfer服务
def close(): Unit
* Port number the service is listening on, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 服务正在监听的端口号,只有在[[init]]调用后才可用。
def port: Int
* Host name the service is listening on, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 服务的主机名是监听的,只有在[[init]]调用后才可以使用。
def hostName: String
* Fetch a sequence of blocks from a remote node asynchronously,
* available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 以异步方式从远程节点获取块序列,仅在[[init]]调用后才可用。
* Note that this API takes a sequence so the implementation can batch requests, and does not
* return a future so the underlying implementation can invoke onBlockFetchSuccess as soon as
* the data of a block is fetched, rather than waiting for all blocks to be fetched.
* 请注意,这个API采用了一个序列,因此实现可以批量请求,而且不会返回一个future,因此底层实现可以在一个块的数据被获取时调用
* onBlockFetchSuccess,而不是等待所有的块都被获取。
override def fetchBlocks(
host: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockIds: Array[String],
listener: BlockFetchingListener,
shuffleFiles: Array[File]): Unit
* Upload a single block to a remote node, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 将单个块上载到远程节点,仅在[[init]]之后才可使用。
def uploadBlock(
hostname: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockId: BlockId,
blockData: ManagedBuffer,
level: StorageLevel,
classTag: ClassTag[_]): Future[Unit]
* A special case of [[fetchBlocks]], as it fetches only one block and is blocking.
* 一个特殊的例子[[fetchBlocks]],因为它只读取一个块并且阻塞。
* It is also only available after [[init]] is invoked.
* 只有在调用[[init]]后才可以使用它。
def fetchBlockSync(host: String, port: Int, execId: String, blockId: String): ManagedBuffer = {
// 监控等待的线程.
// A monitor for the thread to wait on.
val result = Promise[ManagedBuffer]()
fetchBlocks(host, port, execId, Array(blockId),
new BlockFetchingListener {
override def onBlockFetchFailure(blockId: String, exception: Throwable): Unit = {
override def onBlockFetchSuccess(blockId: String, data: ManagedBuffer): Unit = {
val ret = ByteBuffer.allocate(data.size.toInt)
result.success(new NioManagedBuffer(ret))
}, shuffleFiles = null)
ThreadUtils.awaitResult(result.future, Duration.Inf)
* Upload a single block to a remote node, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 将单个块上载到远程节点,仅在[[init]]之后才可使用。
* This method is similar to [[uploadBlock]], except this one blocks the thread
* until the upload finishes.
* 这种方法类似于[[uploadBlock]],除非这个方法阻塞线程,直到上传完成。
def uploadBlockSync(
hostname: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockId: BlockId,
blockData: ManagedBuffer,
level: StorageLevel,
classTag: ClassTag[_]): Unit = {
val future = uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level, classTag)
ThreadUtils.awaitResult(future, Duration.Inf)
package org.apache.spark.network.netty
import java.io.File
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.network._
import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.ManagedBuffer
import org.apache.spark.network.client.{RpcResponseCallback, TransportClientBootstrap, TransportClientFactory}
import org.apache.spark.network.crypto.{AuthClientBootstrap, AuthServerBootstrap}
import org.apache.spark.network.server._
import org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.{BlockFetchingListener, OneForOneBlockFetcher, RetryingBlockFetcher}
import org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.protocol.UploadBlock
import org.apache.spark.network.util.JavaUtils
import org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer
import org.apache.spark.storage.{BlockId, StorageLevel}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* A BlockTransferService that uses Netty to fetch a set of blocks at time.
* 一个块传输服务,它使用Netty在同一时间内获取一组块的集合。
private[spark] class NettyBlockTransferService(
conf: SparkConf,
securityManager: SecurityManager,
bindAddress: String,
override val hostName: String,
_port: Int,
numCores: Int)
extends BlockTransferService {
// TODO: Don't use Java serialization, use a more cross-version compatible serialization format.
// 不要使用java的序列化 使用更跨版本的兼容序列化格式。
private val serializer = new JavaSerializer(conf)
// Spark负责安全的类。 检查是否启用了Spark通信协议的身份验证。
private val authEnabled = securityManager.isAuthenticationEnabled()
private val transportConf = SparkTransportConf.fromSparkConf(conf, "shuffle", numCores)
private[this] var transportContext: TransportContext = _
private[this] var server: TransportServer = _
private[this] var clientFactory: TransportClientFactory = _
private[this] var appId: String = _
override def init(blockDataManager: BlockDataManager): Unit = {
// 1.创建RpcServer;
val rpcHandler = new NettyBlockRpcServer(conf.getAppId, serializer, blockDataManager)
var serverBootstrap: Option[TransportServerBootstrap] = None
var clientBootstrap: Option[TransportClientBootstrap] = None
if (authEnabled) {
serverBootstrap = Some(new AuthServerBootstrap(transportConf, securityManager))
clientBootstrap = Some(new AuthClientBootstrap(transportConf, conf.getAppId, securityManager))
// 2.构建TransportContext;
transportContext = new TransportContext(transportConf, rpcHandler)
clientFactory = transportContext.createClientFactory(clientBootstrap.toSeq.asJava)
server = createServer(serverBootstrap.toList)
appId = conf.getAppId
logInfo(s"Server created on ${hostName}:${server.getPort}")
/** Creates and binds the TransportServer, possibly trying multiple ports. */
private def createServer(bootstraps: List[TransportServerBootstrap]): TransportServer = {
def startService(port: Int): (TransportServer, Int) = {
val server = transportContext.createServer(bindAddress, port, bootstraps.asJava)
(server, server.getPort)
Utils.startServiceOnPort(_port, startService, conf, getClass.getName)._1
* NettyBlockTransferService的fetchBlocks方法用于获取远程shuffle文件,实际上是利用NettyBlockTransferService
* 中创建的netty服务。
* 获取远程节点上的shuffle文件
override def fetchBlocks(
host: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockIds: Array[String],
listener: BlockFetchingListener,
shuffleFiles: Array[File]): Unit = {
logTrace(s"Fetch blocks from $host:$port (executor id $execId)")
try {
val blockFetchStarter = new RetryingBlockFetcher.BlockFetchStarter {
override def createAndStart(blockIds: Array[String], listener: BlockFetchingListener) {
val client = clientFactory.createClient(host, port)
new OneForOneBlockFetcher(client, appId, execId, blockIds.toArray, listener,
transportConf, shuffleFiles).start()
val maxRetries = transportConf.maxIORetries()
if (maxRetries > 0) {
// Note this Fetcher will correctly handle maxRetries == 0; we avoid it just in case there's
// a bug in this code. We should remove the if statement once we're sure of the stability.
new RetryingBlockFetcher(transportConf, blockFetchStarter, blockIds, listener).start()
} else {
blockFetchStarter.createAndStart(blockIds, listener)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError("Exception while beginning fetchBlocks", e)
blockIds.foreach(listener.onBlockFetchFailure(_, e))
override def port: Int = server.getPort
* NettyBlockTransferService的uploadBlock方法用于上传shuffle文件到远程Executor,实际上也是利用NettyBlockTransferService
* 中创建的Netty服务。其中步骤如下:
* 1.创建Netty服务的客户端,客户端连接的hostname和port正式我们随机选择的BlockManager的hostname和port.
* 2.将Block的存储级别Storagelevel序列化。
* 3.将BlockByteBuffer转换为数组,便于序列化。
* 4.将appId,execId,blockId,序列化的Storagelevel,转换为数组的Block封装为UploadBlock,并将UploadBlock序列化为字节数组。
* 5.最终调用Netty客户端的sendRpc方法将字节数组上传,回调函数RpcResponseCallback根据RPC的结果更改上传状态。
override def uploadBlock(
hostname: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockId: BlockId,
blockData: ManagedBuffer,
level: StorageLevel,
classTag: ClassTag[_]): Future[Unit] = {
val result = Promise[Unit]()
val client = clientFactory.createClient(hostname, port)
// StorageLevel and ClassTag are serialized as bytes using our JavaSerializer.
// Everything else is encoded using our binary protocol.
val metadata = JavaUtils.bufferToArray(serializer.newInstance().serialize((level, classTag)))
// Convert or copy nio buffer into array in order to serialize it.
val array = JavaUtils.bufferToArray(blockData.nioByteBuffer())
client.sendRpc(new UploadBlock(appId, execId, blockId.toString, metadata, array).toByteBuffer,
new RpcResponseCallback {
override def onSuccess(response: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
logTrace(s"Successfully uploaded block $blockId")
result.success((): Unit)
override def onFailure(e: Throwable): Unit = {
logError(s"Error while uploading block $blockId", e)
override def close(): Unit = {
if (server != null) {
if (clientFactory != null) {