当函数在某些特别的上下文执行时,对其接收或返回的参数进行检查是很有用的。例如,如果某个函数将通过 XML-RPC 的方式被调用时,Python 将无法像那些静态类型语言一样能直接提供函数的完整签名。该特性需要在XML-RPC 客户端请求函数签名时提供自省能力。
注释:XML-RPC 协议
XML-RPC 是一个轻量级的远程过程调用协议,该协议在 HTTP 上使用 XML 来编码它的调用。在简单的客户端-服务器交互中,常使用该协议,而不使用SOAP。不像 SOAP 会提供一个列出所有可调用函数(WSDL)的页面,XML-RPC 没有可用函数的目录。关于扩展该协议,以允许发现服务器 API 的提议已经被提出,并且 Python 的 xmlrpc 模块已经实现了该功能(参考:https://docs.python.org/3/library/xmlrpc.server.html)
rpc_info = {}
def xmlrpc(in_=(), out=(type(None),)):
def _xmlrpc(function):
# registering the signature
func_name = function.__name__
rpc_info[func_name] = (in_, out)
def _check_types(elements, types):
"""Subfunction that checks the types."""
if len(elements) != len(types):
raise TypeError('argument count is wrong')
typed = enumerate(zip(elements, types))
for index, couple in typed:
arg, of_the_right_type = couple
if isinstance(arg, of_the_right_type):
raise TypeError('arg #%d should be %s' % (index, of_the_right_type))
# wrapped function
def __xmlrpc(*args): # no keywords allowed
# checking what goes in
checkable_args = args[1:] # removing self
_check_types(checkable_args, in_)
# running the function
res = function(*args)
# checking what goes out
if not type(res) in (tuple, list):
checkable_res = (res,)
checkable_res = res
_check_types(checkable_res, out)
# the function and the type
# checking succeeded
return res
return __xmlrpc
return _xmlrpc
class RPCView:
@xmlrpc((int, int)) # two int -> None
def meth1(self, int1, int2):
print('received %d and %d' % (int1, int2))
@xmlrpc((str,), (int,)) # string -> int
def meth2(self, phrase):
print('received %s' % phrase)
return 12
当这个类被读入后,该类的定义就会被存在 rpc_info 这个字典中,这些信息可以在一些需要检查参数类型的特殊环境中使用。
>>> rpc_info
{'meth2': ((,), (,)), 'meth1': ((, ), (,))}
>>> my = RPCView()
>>> my.meth1(1, 2)
received 1 and 2
>>> my.meth2(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "", line 26, in __xmlrpc
File "", line 20, in _check_types
TypeError: arg #0 should be
import time
import hashlib
import pickle
cache = {}
def is_obsolete(entry, duration):
return time.time() - entry['time']> duration
def compute_key(function, args, kw):
key = pickle.dumps((function.__name__, args, kw))
return hashlib.sha1(key).hexdigest()
def memoize(duration=10):
def _memoize(function):
def __memoize(*args, **kw):
key = compute_key(function, args, kw)
# do we have it already ?
if (key in cache and not is_obsolete(cache[key], duration)):
print('we got a winner')
return cache[key]['value']
# computing
result = function(*args, **kw)
# storing the result
cache[key] = {
'value': result,
'time': time.time()
return result
return __memoize
return _memoize
>>> @memoize()
... def very_very_very_complex_stuff(a, b):
... # if your computer gets too hot on this calculation
... # consider stopping it
... return a + b
>>> very_very_very_complex_stuff(2, 2)
>>> very_very_very_complex_stuff(2, 2)
we got a winner
>>> @memoize(1) # invalidates the cache after 1 second
... def very_very_very_complex_stuff(a, b):
... return a + b
>>> very_very_very_complex_stuff(2, 2)
>>> very_very_very_complex_stuff(2, 2)
we got a winner
>>> cache
{'c2727f43c6e39b3694649ee0883234cf': {'value': 4, 'time': 1199734132.7102251)}
>>> time.sleep(2)
>>> very_very_very_complex_stuff(2, 2)