
From 【薛兆丰的北大经济学课 第59讲】

财产原则 政府:确权

An entitlement is protected by a property rule to the extent that someone who wishes to remove the entitlement from its holder must buy it from him in a voluntary transaction in which the value of the entitlement is agreed upon by the seller.
政府 确权之后,财产权的 让渡完全是别人的 事情,产权人和 其他人进行的自愿的交易,政府不再干预。

责任原则 政府:确权;定价

Whenever someone may destroy the initial entitlement if he is willing to pay a third-kparty determined value for it, an entitlement is protected by a Liability Rule. This vulue may be what it is thought the oribinal holder of the entitlement would have sold it.
产权的价格不由财产权原来的所有者决定,而是由第三方决定,叫责任原则。政府对财产权 发生了两次干预:第一次是确权;第二次是当发生侵权行为时,政府决定赔偿的金额。

不可转让原则 政府:确权;定价;禁止买卖

An entitlement is inalienable to the extent that its transfer is not permitted between a willing buyer and a willing seller.
政府对财产权 产生三重 干预 :第一,确权;第二,如果发生侵权行为,政府 决定侵权的赔偿金额;第三,政府禁止原来的所有者出让他的产权,不准卖。
