就12个动作,不要你 肚子上有肥肉!


Strong abs not only look great, they alsohelp you perform better at sports, lift more weight in the gym, maintain goodposture and even prevent back pain. So how do you get them without endlesscrunches?

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Try any or all of these ab movesindividually, as an add-on to your workout or all together as an abs-centriccircuit. If you’re performing them as a circuit, do one set of each movsequentially with 15 to 30 seconds in between exercises, repeating the fulcircuit up to three times total. And remember: Amazing abs begin in thekitchen, so it’s crucial to pair these moves with a healthy diet (and a gooddose of fat-torching cardio).

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1、BIRD DOGBuild better core strength in both your absand lower back (in addition to your glutes and thighs) when you do the birddog.


HOWTO DO IT: Begin on hands and knees with your hands positioned under shouldersand your knees directly under hips. Engage your abs and extend right leg behindhip as left arm extends by ear, palm facing down. Return to start, keeping yourtorso as steady and still as possible during the entire exercise. Do three setsof 20 alternating reps.

你的双手和双肩都需要在刚开始时,支撑地面同时与肩部和臀部垂直,左手伸展的同时你的右腿也同时伸展,到达与背部同在的平面之后,复原,在整个动作进行过程中,你的躯干需要保持稳定不动。(3sets 20reps)


Pump up the cardio while activating yourabs with this multi-tasking, calorie-blasting move.


HOW TO DO IT: Begin in a full plank

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position with arms extended under shoulders and legs extended straight withfeet hip width and abs drawn in tight (body should create a diagonal line frohead to heels). Quickly bend right knee into chest (without rounding back) thenimmediately return to start. Do 3 sets of 20 quick (almost at a running pace)alternating reps.



This exercise is harder than it looks!Build strength, stamina and flexibility all at the same time with thichallenging move that comes to us from yoga.


HOW TO DO IT: Begin seated, balancing onyour butt with your knees bent into chest. Keeping your spine naturallystraight, extend your legs and hinge slightly back (avoid rounding your spineengaging your abs to lift your legs until body resembles a letter V with armsextended on sides of thighs. Make it easier by keeping knees bent in V positionf needed. Hold for 30 to 90 seconds. Do three sets.




HOWTO DO IT: Begin lying on one side, with your bottom elbow bent under yourshoulder and your legs extended straight with hips and heels stacked and yourtop hand on your hip. Engage your abs and lift your hip off the floor and pressup into a side plank position. Lower your hip lightly to the floor and thenimmediately repeat. Do three sets of 12 reps on each side.




HOWTO DO IT: Begin lying face up with legs fully extended and arms overhead, onepalm stacked on top of the other. Engage your abs and round your spine, liftingyour head, neck, shoulders and legs off the floor to make a C shape with yourbody. Your arms should stay extended by ears. Hold for five to 15 seconds, andthen return to start. Do three sets of five to eight reps.

双手和双脚相对伸展,俯卧位与地面,一只手放于另一张手上方,发力起始于腹部,使得你的躯干屈曲,使得两头的部位都提起,形成C的形状,保持15s(3sets 5-8reps)


This move effectively targets the abdominalwall, with an extra emphasis on the lower region (often referred to as thelower abs).


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HOW TO DO IT: Begin lying face up with yourarms extended by your sides and your knees at a 90-degree angle above hips.Draw your abs into your spine and lift your hips and lower back off the floor,tucking your knees in toward your chest. (Use your arms to help lift yourhips.) Slowly and with control, lower your back and hips to the startinposition. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.



This MMA-style move may not look like it’sdoing much for your abs, but it will have your core muscles activated likecrazy while also pumping up your heart rate and chiseling your arms, shoulders,legs and glutes, too.


HOWTO DO IT: From an all-fours position with your toes tucked under, engage yourabs and lift your knees slightly off the floor. Your hips should stay in linewith your shoulders. Keeping your shoulders and hips in a straight line, take astep forward with your left hand and left foot. Immediately repeat on the rightside. Crawl forward as quickly as possible with good form taking 20 “steps”forward at a time. Try up to three sets.



A twist on the traditional crunch, theraised leg position in this move makes it impossible to cheat by using theglutes or legs, which can help deepen the contraction of the abdominal wall.


HOW TO DO IT: Begin lying face up with yourknees bent at 90 degrees over your hips and your hands clasped behind yourhead. Exhale and round your spine, lifting your head and shoulders off thefloor. Twist your torso and draw your left knee in so that your right elbowtouches it. Twist the opposite way so that your left elbow meets your rightknee. Continue alternating sides for three sets of 15 reps (both sides equalsone rep).



This advanced move is a challenge for theabdominals and requires some flexibility, so feel free to modify by bending theknees as much as needed to build strength and mastery.


HOWTO DO IT: Begin lying on your back with your arms extended overhead and yourpalms facing up and legs out straight with your feet hip-width apart. Engageyour abdominals and sit all the way up into a V position, lifting your legs andtrying to touch the tops of your feet with your fingertips. Lower with controlback to starting position. Try up to three sets of 10 reps.



CHOPThis functional exercise works theabdominal muscles and lower back together, with an extra emphasis on theobliques.


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HOW TO DO IT: Begin standing with your feetwide and your knees slightly bent, holding onto the handle of an anchored cableor resistance band with your arms extended out in front of your lower chest.Brace your abs tightly and begin to move your arms across your torso from side toside, keeping your hips steady while rotating your torso through the shoulders.Do four sets of 15 reps (two sets on each side).



WALKIt may not look like an abs move, but thissingle-arm variation of the farmer’s walk exercise will have your core musclesworking overtime to stabilize your spine with every unevenly weighted step.


HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet underyour hips, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell to the side of your body with yourpalm facing in. Keeping your back tall, abs engaged and shoulders square. Takefive steps forward, turn around and take five steps back to start. That’s one rep.Do three sets of five reps on both sides.


12、BURPEE TUCK JUMPThis advanced double whammy abs move is notonly a dynamic way to work the core, it’s also a killer way to blast off majorcalories to help reduce body fat fast.


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HOW TO DO IT: Begin standing with your feethip-width apart and your arms by your sides. Squat down to the floor and placeyour hands under your shoulders. Jump your legs back into a full plankposition, bracing your abs tightly and immediately lower into a push-up. Thenjump your feet back into a squat position and swing your arms up andimmediately jump straight up, tucking your knees into your chest. Land in asquat position and repeat as quickly as possible with good form. Do three setsof five to 10 reps.


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