Grace Gong Art Course 秀娟书画茶课程

中秋节月饼 -mooncake speciel class - le fête de lune

长寿松树 - longevity of pain -longevity du sapin

小朋友猫猫/ cat with 6 years old / le chat pour les petits enfants

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旗袍/花瓶竹子 -bamboo on qipao and vase -le’ bammboo sur le qipao et le vase

荷花/福字/笑字书法红色圆形纸- lotus flower/happiness/smille caracters on rondes circle paper - le lotus /le bonheur / le souris’ sur le papier rouge spéciale

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黄鹤楼扇面-yellow crane town on the fan-le tour de grenu jaune sur l’éventail

“家”字书法扇面-famille caracter of “jia” Calligraphy on fan -la Calligraphie de famille sur l’envatail

牡丹瓶赏-pevoine in vase - le pivoine dans la vase .

隶书吉祥字书法册页-meaning caraters of li in notebook-calligrahie de li shu sur les cahier chinoise

手工布包包-handmade bags paintings-le sac à la main

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竹子面具-masque of bamboo-la masque du bamboo

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“爱”字书法 -“love “ caracter-la calligrphie de l’amour

卡片制作 handmade card - le card de preparer


“善”字小伞 -caracter of “ kind “-la calligraphy de gentil

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福字书法 -16,书字书法盒子-caracter of Calligraphy -calligraphy de longevity

书法春夏秋冬/spring summer automne and winter / le printemps l’été l’automne et l’hiver

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儿童小汽车-kids car paintings-kids cars

熊猫-panda - le panda

荷花面具-lotus masque-le masque avec les fleurs lotus

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老房子/白布卷轴-old building / white tissus - la maison ancienne et le tissu blanc

生日卡片-birthday cards-le carde d’anniversaire

伞上月季/Chinese rose / le rose de chine

百合扇面-lily flower on fan-le fleur lis sur l’éventail


紫藤花/Wisteria flower/Fleur de glycine


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画灯笼-paintings on lantern-les dessins sur lanterne

猫猫绘画-cat painting-le sujet du chat

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手绘包装盒-handmade box-le dessin à la main sur le boite

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十二生肖书法-the Chinese zodiac calligraphy- la Calligraphie de signe

武汉每天不一样-calligraphy of wuhan change everyone - Wuhan change tous les jours .

荷花家庭绘画-famille lotus paintings-lotus famille paint

莲蓬-lotus roots-la racine du lotus

隶书吉祥字-calligraphy of li style in han dynasty-la calligraphie de li sur le dynast de han

猫猫扇面绘画-cat on fan-le chat sur l’envantal

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雪人-snow Man-l’homme neige

女士背影/back of beauty / la belle femme

“情”字书法-love character-amore caractère


荷花围巾-lotus paint on scarf-le fleur dessiner sur l’echarp

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品茶和茶字书法-tea ceremony and tea calligraphy-le ceremy du thé et la calligraphy du thé


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春天/Spring/le printemps

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建筑特别预定-special order of achitecture-le commanders special d’architecture


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红色扇面小和尚-spécial red fan with monke-l'éventail rouge avec le moine


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红鱼/golden fish / le possion rouge

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Natalie et Christine

大师学习/artist learning / apprendre  avec les grand maîtres

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新年绘画/new year painting/le sujet d’en nouvel an chine

“福”企业课程/happiness company class/les cours d’en bonheur d’entreprise

梅花企业课程/plum blossom company course / le fleur de prunier de cour d’entreprise

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红酒-艺术晚宴/party of red wine-art / le vin rouge et l’art

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波尔多-武汉 Bordeaux -Wuhan

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艺术美学-中国艺术史课程-绘画欣赏/art aesthetic-Chinese art history-Chinese painting showing/l’art d'esthétique-l’art histoire chinois-la peinture chinois partager dessiner

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中法交流儿童工作坊/Chinese and French students international craft exchange / l’échange et le communication pour les enfants entre le france et le chine

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武汉波尔多第九届红酒姐/艺术作品/文创展art show in international french vin festival in Wuhan -l’export d’art Pendant le festival de Bordeaux du vin rouge

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意大利-威尼斯-武汉 土家吊脚楼非物质文化遗产展览 Italy-Venice-Wuhan Non-material Cultural Heritage of Tujia Diaojiao Building -Exposition Italie-Venise-Wuhan Tujia Diaolou sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel

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国际茶艺旅行/International Tea trip /le voyage international  du thé

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龚秀娟,出生于湖北恩施,家族从事茶叶经营。2011年毕业于江汉大学艺术学院美术教育专业,主修国画。其毕业作品《困》被江汉大学艺术学院留校收藏。2009年至今,作为中国画和书法老师,她的学生包括长江国际学校、法国国际学校,江汉大学国际学院,武汉商学院,武汉高层管理,各领事馆,外籍专家家属。2012年,实习于北京798画廊,草场地国际艺术中心“福藏”高级传统服饰定制,“viking”瑞士“武汉-重庆”豪华游轮“中国画艺术家”;2013年,成立“秀娟书画茶”工作室;2015-2016年期间,被武汉法语联盟邀请为武汉当地艺术家,和武汉法国领事馆总领事,法国波尔多-巴黎艺术家,“艺术-红酒”文化艺术交流晚宴,“武汉-巴黎”国际儿童工作坊画展等。2016年开始至今,在武汉物外书店和汤湖美术馆进行“书画欣赏-欧洲艺术美学旅行”等公益讲座和展览。2016年,2017, 2018年,受巴黎卢浮宫学院邀请,进修西方艺术史课程。

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XiuJuan Gong, born in a Tea-business family in Enshi, Hubei. She graduated from art education department belong to academy of arts in Jianghan University.And her major is traditional Chinese painting.Her graduation work 《 Trapped》was kept in school till now. As a Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher from 2009, now her students are from WYIS, French International school, international academy from Jianghan University,Wuhan Business University, top management team,the  different consulates and some foreign experts 's family .As an internship in 2012, she worked for 798 art gallery, high--class clothing creation for Fuzang in Caochangdi International studio, Beijing. And also as the Chinese painting artist sailing with "Viking" from Wuhan to Chongqin . Congrats! She opened her own studio " Xiujuan's Calligraphy & Tea " in 2013. From 2015 to 2016, she was invited as local Wuhan artist by Alliance Franciase, attended "art--wine" culture exchange , and "Wuhan--Paris" international children's work show exhibition with French Consul general in Wuhan, and artists from Bordeaux-- Paris . Till 2016, she opened several public free sharing and exhibition in Wuwai Library and art gallery in Tanghu. During summer vacation in  2016 and 2017, 2018, she was invited to have the Western art history course in Louvre school Paris , in France.


龚秀娟, 中国画书法老师,出生富硒茶之乡-恩施,家族从事茶叶经营,英语法语艺术文化交流旅行,绘画创作。Gong Xiujuan. Chinese painting calligraphy teacher, born in rich tea Area - Enshi, family business and management of tea , English and french art/culture of communication and traveling , painting creation. Gong Xiujuan. Le professeur de peinture chinoise et Calligraphie,  né riche du thé région- Enshi,  mon famille est dans la gestion du thé, le communication et voyage d’art et cultural avec l’anglais et le  français  ,  l’art création.

我的网站 -my website-mon site l’internet -

我的邮箱[email protected]

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