Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)

Unity3D 导航网格自动寻路(Navigation Mesh)



Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第1张图片

2.选中上图三个Cube,并在Inspector面板中选中为静态(static)下拉选项的Navigation Static,如下图。

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第2张图片

3.依次选择菜单栏中的Windows - Navigation ,打开后面板如下

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第3张图片


Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第4张图片


首先新建一个Cube为目标位置,起名TargetCube。然后创建一个capsule(胶囊)运动体,为该胶囊挂在一个Nav Mesh Agent(Component - Navigation - Nav Mesh Agent);最后写一个脚本就可以实现自动寻路了。脚本如下:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Run : MonoBehaviour {

   public GameObject target;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                // target.transform.position = hit.point;
                GetComponent().destination = hit.point;



Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第5张图片


下面介绍 Navigation 组件和 Nav Mesh Agent 组件的相关参数。


Navigation Static:勾选后表示该对象参与导航网格的烘培。
OffMeshLink Generation:勾选后可跳跃(Jump)导航网格和下落(Drop)。
Max Slope:斜坡的坡度。
Ste Height:台阶高度。
Drop Height:允许最大的下落距离。
Jump Distance:允许最大的跳跃距离。
Min Region Area:网格面积小于该值则不生成导航网格。
Width Inaccuracy:允许最大宽度的误差。
Height Inaccuracy:允许最大高度的误差。
Height Mesh:勾选后会保存高度信息,同时会消耗一些性能和存储空间。
Nav Mesh Agent:导航组建参数面板

Augular Speed:行进过程中转向时的角速度。
Stopping Distance:离目标距离还有多远时停止。
Auto Traverse Off Mesh Link:是否采用默认方式度过链接路径。
Auto Repath:在行进某些原因中断后是否重新开始寻路。
Base Offset:碰撞模型和实体模型之间的垂直偏移量。
Obstacle Avoidance Type:障碍躲避的的表现登记,None选项为不躲避障碍,另外等级越高,躲避效果越好,同时消耗的性能越多。
Avoidance Priority:躲避优先级。
NavMesh Walkable:该物体可以行进的网格层掩码。

Unity 提供了相关的接口:NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation
利用这个接口能够获取到NavMesh 的数据,顶点以及顶点索引。
下面是我写的一个简单的示例,用来把NavMesh 数据导出到一个 obj 文件,obj 是一种文本形式存储的模型文件格式。导出之后直接拖到Unity 中可以看到NavMesh 的形状。

 * 文件名:ExportNavMesh.cs
 * 描述:导出NavMesh数据给服务器使用
 * 创建人:吕磊
 * 创建日期:20170808
 * ************************************************/

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class ExportNavMesh:MonoBehaviour
    static void Export()

       UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshTriangulation tmpNavMeshTriangulation = UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();

        string tmpPath = Application.dataPath + "/" + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + ".obj";
        StreamWriter tmpStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(tmpPath);

        for (int i=0;i

Unity5.6新功能High-level NavMesh之组件介绍


Unity5.6之前的navmesh系统的确操作起来十分容易上手,门槛很低。我们只需要将场景内需要烘焙navmesh的区域勾选上Navigation Static选项,之后就可以在Navigation窗口中烘焙整个场景了。
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这样,我们针对不同的角色的NavMeshAgent组件设置不同的agent type并和烘焙好的两个navmesh匹配好就可以了。






void Start(){ surface = GetComponent();}void Update(){ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { surface.BuildNavMesh (); }}



这里同样需要NavMeshSurface组件,在inspector视窗我们可以选择collect object中的volume,之后设定size的值就可以值烘焙这个范围内的navmesh了。之后随着玩家的移动,再动态烘焙新的navmesh就可以了。

官方文档 High-level NavMesh组件
背景:之前一段时间用Unity5.5在开发一款需要强寻路AI的游戏,NavMesh是最方便的一种导航方式,但是旧版本Unity并没有完全提供一个开放自由的API。但由于动态障碍物众多,再加上巨大的场景,使用NavMeshObstacle挖洞的方式并不是很理想,故一直在寻求一个更完美的解决方案,直到看到了Unity5.6版本NavMesh的新功能,便开启了High-level NavMesh的学习之旅。

  1. 旧的NavMesh存在的缺陷

    我们都知道,要传统的要烘培NavMesh时的做法,就是将一个地板设置为Navigation Static属性,然后bake就出来了。但这样做的缺陷在于烘培的NavMesh是静态的,不能随地形变化而变化,如下图所示:
    Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第9张图片



2.High-Level NavMesh实时动态烘培
LocalNavMeshBuilder组件:该组件是High-level NavMesh组件包的一个脚本组件,用来构建并实时更新绑定有NavMeshSourceTag组件的物体局部的NavMesh,面板属性介绍如下:

Size: 局部烘培NavMesh的范围大小

NavMeshSourceTag组件:该组件用来标识那些物体被用于 LocalNavMeshBuilder组件的NevMesh烘培中,支持 mesh-filterterrain,能被拓展到 physicsprimitives

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第10张图片

此时,将需要参与实时烘培的地面添加NavMeshSourceTag组件即可,线框方块所包围之内的所有绑有NavMeshSourceTag组件的游戏物体都将是烘培的对象,不需要Navigation Static属性,效果如下:

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第11张图片
  1. 如何使用NavMesh新组件

2.NavMesh Surface组件

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第12张图片
NavMesh Surface组件
High-level NavMesh 最核心的组件
NavMeshSuface组件代表agent可以走的区域,定义世界中哪部分应该被bake成NavMesh 一个场景中可以有多个NavMesh Surface组件

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第13张图片
NavMesh Surface组件

NavMeshSurface组件可以被加在任何游戏物体上,可以用来定义那些物体可以用来生成NavMesh( 有了该组件后可以不需要设置物体Navigition static的静态属性,以前的静态属性只适用于editor模式,不适用于实时bake的特性)
参数介绍: Agent Type: 用来匹配NavMeshAgent
Collect Object: 定义哪些物体用来bake生成NavMesh All: 使用全部激活状态的物体(无论是否是父子物体)
Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第14张图片

Volume: 被体积盒包围的物体,或者是包围在内的物体的部分
Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第15张图片

Children: 有NavMeshSurface组件的物体及其子物体
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Include Layers: 定义哪些层的物体要被bake
Use Geometry: 选择使用网格或者碰撞体来bake Render Meshes - 使用Mesh Renderer 和 Terrains
Physics Colliders - 使用Colliders和Terrains(推荐)

Advanced:高级设置(一般默认就可以) Default Area: 默认生成区域类型
Override Voxel Size: 覆盖默认的Voxel Size,体素尺寸,用来调整精度,场景比较精密的可以把该值调小,值越小精度越高,精度越高,bake越慢,该值与Tile Size共同影响bake的效果
Override Tile Size: 覆盖默认的Tile Size,块大小,默认是256voxel作为一块,为了让bake有较多平行与增加内存效率才有了此设置,在障碍物多的时候,可以将块减小以提升运行效率。或者打算实时bake的时候,可以用更小的Tile Size来降低内存消耗

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Tile Size 64
Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第18张图片
Tile Size 64

Build Height Mesh: 不再被支持

其它说明: NavMesh Surface组件用来设置一片大范围内要被bake的物体的信息,而用NavMeshModifer组件可以对这些物体逐个进行微调
如果物体身上有NavMesh Agent或者NavMesh Obstacle组件则不会被bake进去,会在bake的时候剔除他们,因为他们是来用NavMesh的,不是来建造这个NavMesh的

3.NavMesh Modifier组件

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NavMesh Modifier组件

NavMesh Modifier组件允许对一些要用来被NavMeshSurface组件bake的物体进行微调
NavMesh Modifier组件的作用效果包括其下的所有子物体
NavMesh Modifier组件可用于实时bake,且不需要static标志

Ignore From Build: 是否无视bake
Override Area Type:生成区域类型
Affected Agents: 针对某个agents的微调,比如可以选择排除该agents的某些特定的障碍

4.NavMesh Modifier Volume 组件

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第20张图片
NavMesh Modifier Volume 组件

(上图用NavMesh Modifier Volume将门的一片区域设置为不可走)
NavMesh Modifier Volume与NavMesh Modifier差不多
参数说明: Size和Center:调整体积盒的大小位置,其它和NavMesh Modifier一样

5.NavMesh Link 组件

Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第21张图片
NavMesh Link 组件

NavMesh Link组件允许在两个区域间创建一条可通行的通道
NavMesh Link组件对于连接两个不同的NavMesh Surfaces是必须的

Agent Type: 哪种Agent才可以使用这个NavMesh Link
Start Point:开始点
End Point:结束点
Align Transform To Points: 将绑定该NavMesh Link组件的物体的Tranfrom属性与Link匹配,位置移动到link的中心,方向也对着link的方向
Cost Modifier: 测试不出有什么用,默认即可,原文→(when the cost modifier value is non-negative the cost of moving over the NavMeshLink is equivalent to the cost modifier value times the Euclidean distance between NavMeshLink and points.)
Bidirectional: 勾上时线的方向为双向,没勾时只能start-to-end单向
Area Type: 区域类型

  1. 将多个NavMesh Surfaces连接注意事项

    Unity NavMesh寻路 & A*(A star)分析及实例应用(一)_第22张图片
    多个NavMesh Surfaces连接

    可以使用多个 NavMesh Link连接多个NavMesh surfaces
    如果场景中已经有了Link,然后再添加NavMesh Surface的时候检测会不会连接到不想连接的Surface

High‐level NavMesh Building Components
Here we introduce four high level components for the navigation system:
● NavMeshSurface – for building and enabling a navmesh surface for one agent type.
● NavMeshModifier – affects the navmesh generation of navmesh area types, based on
the transform hierarchy.
● NavMeshModifierVolume – affects the navmesh generation of navmesh area types,
based on volume.
● NavMeshLink – connects same or different navmesh surfaces for one agent type.
These components comprise the high level controls for building and using NavMeshes at runtime as well as edit time.

The NavMeshSurface component represents the walkable area for a specific agent type. The NavMesh Surface component defines a part of the world where a NavMesh should be built. A scene can contain multiple NavMesh Surfaces.
The preferred way to use the NavMeshSurface component is to create an empty Game Object containing the NavMeshSurface component. There’s a menu option for that: GameObject > AI > NavMesh Surface. This creates an empty Game Object with a NavMeshSurface component attached to it.
The NavMeshSurface component can be also added to any game object. This is useful for cases where you want to use the Hierarchy to define which objects contribute to the NavMesh.
● Agent Type – the agent type which will use this NavMesh Surface. The agent type is used
for bake settings, as well as to match a NavMeshAgent to proper surface during
● Collect Objects – defines on a high level which objects should be used for baking.
○ All – use all active objects.
○ Volume – use all active objects overlapping the bounding volume (defined later)
○ Children – use all active objects which are children to the NavMeshSurface
component, in addition to the object the component is placed on.
● Include Layers – defines the layers on which the objects must be to be included in the
bake. This allows further culling of objects from inclusion in the bake e.g. effects or
animated characters.
● Use Geometry – selects which geometry is used for baking.
○ Render Meshes – use geometry from rendered meshes and terrains
○ Physics Colliders – use geometry from colliders and terrains. When using physics
this is usually a better option than Render Meshes. This way the agents will be closer to the physical bounds of the environment.
The main settings for the NavMesh Surface component allow you to filter the input geometry on a broad scale. To fine tune how input geometry is treated on a per­object level when building a navmesh, see NavMeshModifer component.
Game Objects which have a NavMesh Agent or NavMesh Obstacle will be excluded from the baking process automatically. They are dynamic users of the navmesh – and hence should not contribute to the navmesh building.
Advanced Settings
The main settings will cater for most use cases, but for anything not covered by the main settings, the advanced section has the following additional parameters
● Default Area – defines the area type generated when building the navmesh. The default value is Walkable. The NavMeshModifer component can be used to modify the area type in more detail.
● Override Voxel Size – The override voxel size controls how accurately the input geometry is processed for NavMesh baking. It is a tradeoff between speed and accuracy. A good value to start with is 3 voxels per agent radius (6 per diameter). This allows to capture most of the narrow passages, like doors and still have quick baking. If you have big open areas, you might go down to 1 or 2 to speed things up. Or if you have tight indoor spots, you can use smaller voxels, and use maybe 4­6 voxels per radius. More than 8 is usually not really worth it.
● Override Tile Size – In order to make the bake process parallel and memory efficient, the world is divided into tiles for baking. The white lines you can see on your NavMesh are tile boundaries. The default tiles size is 256 voxels. It is a good trade­off between memory usage and NavMesh fragmentation. The smaller the tiles are the more fragmented the NavMesh is, and this can sometimes cause non­optimal paths. NavMesh carving also operates on tiles. If you have a lot of obstacles, you can potentially speed up carving by making the tile size smaller, say 64­128. Also, if you plan to bake the NavMesh at runtime, you may choose to use smaller tile size to keep the maximum memory usage low.
● Build Height Mesh – Not supported yet.
Advanced Debug Visualization [Not yet available]
The debug visualization is not generally needed, but when things go south, this can be a valuable tool to let us help you to find the culprit.
The different options show each step of the NavMesh building process from input scene voxelization to region splitting, contour generation and finally the NavMesh polygons. Since the process can generate a lot of data, some of which overlapping, the Focus Points helps you to narrow down the visualization for just one tile.

NavMesh Modifier
NavMesh Modifier allows to fine tune how a specific object behaves during NavMesh baking. In the above picture, the lower platform has modifier attached to it, which sets the object to have Lava area type.
The NavMesh Modifier affects hierarchically, that is, the Game Object where the Components is attached and all of its’ children are affected. If another NavMesh Modifier is found further down the transform hierarchy it will override the modification for its children.
The NavMesh Modifier affects the NavMesh generation process, this means the NavMesh has to be updated to reflect changes to NavMesh Modifiers.
Note: This component is a replacement for the old setting which could be enabled from the Navigation window Objects tab as well as the static flags dropdown on the GameObject. This component is available for baking at runtime, whereas the static flags are available in the editor only.
● Ignore From Build – when checked, the object and all if its’ children are skipped from the
build process.
● Override Area Type – when checked the area type will be overridden for the game object
containing the Modifier and all of it’s children.
○ Area Type – new area type to apply
● Affected Agents – a selection of agents the Modifier affects. For example, you may choose to exclude certain obstacles from specific agent.

NavMesh Modifier Volume
NavMesh Modifier Volume allows you to mark the area that falls inside the volume with specific area type. Where NavMesh Modifier marks certain objects with an area type, the Modifier Volume allows change the area type even more locally based on a volume.
The modifier is useful for annotating certain areas over walkable surfaces which might not be represented as separate geometry, e.g. danger areas. It can be even be used to make certain areas non­walkable.
The NavMesh Modifier Volume affects the NavMesh generation process, this means the NavMesh has to be updated to reflect changes to NavMesh Modifier Volumes.
● Size – dimensions of the modifier volume.
● Center – center of the modifier volume relative to the GameObject center.
● Area Type – describes the area type which the volume applies.
● Affected Agents – a selection of agents the Modifier affects. For example, you may
choose to create danger zone for specific agent type only.

NavMesh Link
NavMesh Link allows to create a navigable link between two locations. The link can be from point­to­point, or it can be wider in which case the agent uses the nearest location along entry edge to cross the link.
The link is necessary to connect different NavMesh Surfaces
● Agent Type – the agent type which can use the link.
● Start Point – start point of the link, relative to the Game Object.
● End Point – end point of the link, relative to the Game Object.
● Align Transform To Points – clicking this button will move the Game Object at the links
center point and alight the transform’s forward axis towards the end point.
● Cost Modifier – When the cost modifier value is non­negative the cost of moving over the
NavMeshLink is equivalent to the cost modifier value times the Euclidean distance
between NavMeshLink end points.
● Bidirectional – when checked the link can be traversed from start­to­end and
end­to­start, when unchecked only from start­to­end.
● Area Type – the area type of the link (affects path finding cost)
Connecting Multiple NavMesh Surfaces Together

If it is desired to allow an agent to move along multiple NavMesh Surfaces in a Scene, the surfaces need to be connected together using NavMesh Links.
In the example scene above, the blue and red NavMeshes are defined in different NavMesh Surfaces. A wide NavMesh Link is added, it spans from one surface to another.
Things to keep in mind when connecting surfaces:
● You can connect surfaces using multiple links.
● Both the surfaces and the link must have same agent type.
● The link’s start and end point must be only on one surface. It is OK to have multiple
NavMeshes at the same location, but then selecting a NavMesh becomes ambiguous.
● If you are loading a second NavMesh Surface additively and you have “dangling” links in
the first scene, check that they do not connect to unwanted surfaces.
API Reference NavMesh Surface
● agentTypeID – ID describing the agent type the NavMesh should be built for.

● collectObjects – defines how input geometry is collected from the scene, one of UnityEngine.AI.CollectObjects:
○ All – use all objects in the scene.
○ Volume – use all objects in the scene which touch the bounding volume (see size
and center)
○ Children – use all objects which are children to the Game Object where the
NavMesh Surface is attached to.
● size – dimensions of the build volume. The size is not affected by scaling.
● center – center of the build volume relative to the Transform center.
● layerMask – bitmask defining the layers on which the objects must be to be included in the
● useGeometry – defined which geometry is used for baking, one of
○ RenderMeshes – use geometry from render meshes and terrains
○ PhysicsColliders – use geometry from colliders and terrains.
● defaultArea – default area type for all input geometries, unless otherwise specified
● ignoreNavMeshAgent – true if Game Objects with a NavMeshAgent components should
be ingnored as input
● ignoreNavMeshObstacle – true if Game Objects with a NavMeshAgent components
should be ingnored as input
● overrideTileSize – true if tile size is set
● tileSize – tile size in voxels (the component desc has explanation how to choose tile size)
● overrideVoxelSize – true if the voxel size is set
● voxelSize – size of the voxel in world units (the component desc has explanation how to
choose tile size)
● buildHeightMesh – Not implemented.
● navMeshData – reference to the NavMeshData the surface uses, or null if not set.
● activeSurfaces – list of all active NavMeshSurfaces
Note: The above values affect how the bake results, thus, you must call BuildNavMesh() to make them count.
Public Functions
void BuildNavMesh ()
Builds a new NavMeshData based on the parameters set on NavMesh Surface. The data can be accessed via navMeshData.
NavMesh Modifier
● overrideArea – true if the modifier overrides area type
● area – new area type to apply
● ignoreFromBuild – true if the GameObject which contains the modifier and its’ children
should be not be used to NavMesh baking.
● activeModifiers – list of all active NavMeshModifiers
Public Functions
bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)
Returns true if the modifier applies to the specified agent type, otherwise false.
NavMesh Modifier Volume
● size – size of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform affects the size.
● center – center of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform affects the center.
● area – area type to apply for the NavMesh areas that are inside the bounding volume.
Public Functions
bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)
Returns true of the the modifier applies for the specified agent type.
NavMesh Link
● agentTypeID – the type of agent that can use the link.
● startPoint – start point of the link in local space units. Transform affects the location.
● endPoint – end point of the link in local space units. Transform affects the location.
● width – width of the link in world length units.
● costModifier – when the cost modifier value is non­negative the cost of moving over the
NavMeshLink is equivalent to the cost modifier value times the Euclidean distance
between NavMeshLink end points.
● bidirectional – if true the link can be traversed both ways, if false the link can be traversed
only from start to end.
● autoUpdate – if true the link updates the endpoints to follow the transform of the
GameObject every frame.
● area – area type of the link (used for pathfinding cost).
Public Functions
void UpdateLink()
Updates the link to match the associated transform. This is useful for updating a link explicitly after e.g. changing the transform position. It is not necessary if the autoUpdate property is enabled. However calling UpdateLink can have a much smaller performance impact if you rarely change the link transform.

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关于 Unity NavMesh 数据的导出和使用

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