

(1)Post-80s  generation majority of China's middle class80后成为中国中产阶级主力军

middle class中产阶级

the post-80s generation80后

a survey conducted by sb被 实施/组织的研究

is due to China's unique social evolution是由于中国独特的社会变革

figures showed that数据显示

first-tier cities一线城市

total income 总收入

pay for loans付租金

daily expenses日常花费

be sure about their future对未来不确定

be concerned about inflation担忧通货膨胀

food safety事物安全

property purchase restriction房产限购

obtain a house拥有一栋房子

provide sb sth

provide the middle class a great sense of security给中产阶级带来了巨大的安全感

according to the study据研究

(2)Trump to Order Review of US Tax,Financial Reform Laws特朗普下令要审查美国税收,财政改革法

sign an executive order签署一份美国总统的行政命令

You  are  remembered for  the  rules you  break.打破规则,然后被铭记。0424
