[Quora] 是否可以制造出隐蔽性的极高的核武器?

Is it possible to conceal a nuclear weapon and send it in a container that looks benign?



Gary Stein:

The lightest nuclear warhead ever acknowledged to have been manufactured by the U.S. is the W54, which was used in both the Davy Crockett 120 mm recoilless rifle–launched warhead, and the backpack-carried version called the Mk-54 SADM (Special Atomic Demolition Munition). The bare warhead package was an 11 in by 16 in (28 cm by 41 cm) cylinder that weighed 51 lbs (23 kg). It was, however, small enough to fit in a footlocker-sized container. Mk-54 (SADM) — approximate yield from 10 tons to 1 kiloton.
有史以来最轻的核武器由美国制造,就是 W54 ,可以使用在 Davy Crockett 的 120mm 无后坐力来福炮的弹头,以及还有被称为 Mk-54(特种原子爆破弹药)的背包式版本。单纯的弹头体积为 11 英寸乘 16 英寸(28cm 乘 41cm)的圆柱体,重量为51 磅(23kg)。这个大小和体积足够放入军用手提箱。Mk-54(SADM)威力大约为 10 吨到 1000 吨当量TNT。

Former Under-Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers has claimed that he, along with other Green Beret special forces troops, practiced infiltrating Warsaw pact countries with backpack-sized nuclear weapons, with a mission to "detonate a portable nuclear bomb."
前情报部门副部长 Michael Vickers 曾宣称他和一些绿色贝雷帽的特种兵曾受训,以期能带着背包式的核武器秘密潜入华沙,执行“引爆移动核武器”的任务。

[Quora] 是否可以制造出隐蔽性的极高的核武器?_第1张图片

This is what one looked like in its smallest transport packaging. So yes of course that could be done.

[Quora] 是否可以制造出隐蔽性的极高的核武器?_第2张图片

This is what it looked like as a recoiless rifle warhead.

[Quora] 是否可以制造出隐蔽性的极高的核武器?_第3张图片

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