
Even though it was a short-term job, I met people with different attitudes. As a supervisor, I couldn't understand well why some of them were neither willing to work hard nor even collaborate. When I was confused or upset, I reminded myself with these words which really helped during that period:

  1. Don't comment and don't spread (If you have to take action, let your MANAGER know what the difficulties you're facing first)

  2. Do your best in your position, never be lazy if you'd like others to do their best

  3. Friendship is a long-term issue

  4. Always keeping calm, being unbiased to different minds

  5. Looking from your boss's point of view

  6. Appearing like whom you admire

  7. 不议论,不报告

  8. 做好份内事,不偷懒

  9. 友谊第一,工作第二

  10. 平常心,求同存异

  11. 从老板的角度想问题

  12. 模仿欣赏的人
