Network Theory和神经科学:一点随想



    越来越觉得在初期学习一件事物时,能够对全局(global property/essence)有好的把握(哪怕只是intuitive的)是非常重要的。如果将我们的学习过程看成是一个top-down cascade – 应该是:初期学的粗浅概括,但求掌握bigger picture,后期再慢慢将gaps补上。


    另外,终于看完了sync那本书。看到最后的small-world networks和human sync真的有种。。。大道至简的感觉。

    Is the human brain essentially another complex network?

    “Interestingly, science is concerned with the structure, behavior, and evolution of complex systems such as cells, brains, ecosystems, societies, or the global economy. To understand these systems, we require not only knowledge of elementary system components but also knowledge of the ways in which these components interact and the emergent properties of their interactions…”

    感觉自己冥冥之中发现了一个新的探索方向:大脑之中的small-world network。马上边上网查找相关的书籍,然后便在MIT press上真的找到了一本名为Network and the Brain的书。又有精神食粮啦。这种感觉很有趣,让我想到了多年前在《如何阅读一本书》里了解到的 “主题阅读” -- 即围绕一个主题来读书。


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