
因公司的产品属于医疗相关,最近一次提交的时候因为PLA1.2被拒绝,在Resolution Center中回复、打支持电话、申诉,各种方法都尝试了,折腾了两个周终于过审了。


PLA 1.2

The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name of the responsible institution in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

Next Steps

Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the name of the responsible institution. If you have developed these apps on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account.

首先在Resolution Center中回复,在附件中添加公司的营业执照和商标注册证,反正就是能证明app和公司关系的材料就可以了。并没有给通过,回复的内容和被拒信息是一样的。
然后拨打开发者支持电话4006-701-855,没有提供太多帮助,告诉可以在Resolution Center中回复,也可以Contact the App Review Team,根据自身情况选择。
最后选择了申诉,appeal an app rejection or app removal,把APP信息和Description都填一下(Description内容主要就是证明app就是公司的,最好把中文也放上),这里把申诉的回复放一下:

App Review Team Reply.png


Hello Alex,
We are writing to provide more information about our app, xxxxxxxxxx(Apple ID:xxxxxx).
We are not a third-party developer, xxxxxxxxxx Information Technology Co., Ltd. has authorized xxxxxxxxxx Information Technology Co., Ltd. to use xxx brand, so xxxxxxxxxx Information Technology Co., Ltd. is also the owner of xxx brand, can use xxx brand for APP development and APP upgrade.Brand registration certificate and brand authorization, please see in the attachment.
xxxxxxxxxx Information Technology Co., Ltd. uploaded to the App Store - xxxxxxxxxx (Apple ID:xxxxxx), is the company independent development, There is no violation of the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, the company has full copyright on the software. The Company is committed to the application during the shelves, due to content or copyright and other issues violated any third party legitimate rights and interests of the situation, the company is willing to take all the legal responsibility, and compensation for the Apple application market suffered all losses.
本公司xxxxxxxxxx信息科技有限公司上传至苹果应用商店(App Store)的xxxxxxxxxx ID:xxxxxx),系本公司独立自主开发完成,不存在任何侵犯第三方合法权益的情形,本公司对该软件享有完整版权。本公司承诺该应用在上架期间,因内容或版权等问题侵犯了任何第三方合法权益的情形,本公司愿意承担所有法律责任,并赔偿苹果应用市场因此遭到的一切损失。
Best regards,

回复之后等了三天,收到邮件Your appeal has been received and is being evaluated. When the evaluation has been completed, the App Review Board will either contact you directly with the decision, or your app will be approved. 再看的时候已经审核通过,等待发布了。上面提到的回复和电话支持只是对于我来说没有起到效果,您也可以试一下。


在Resolution Center中回复或者申诉等,把信息以及证明资料等反馈给审核人员。ps:现在提交审核的时候除了备注,可以直接添加附件了。重新提交把证明材料加在附件中。



PLA 1.2 的解决方案
【App Store审核】因PLA1.2被拒的个人经历和解决方法
【App Store审核】因PLA1.2被拒事件频发,这篇干货或能帮你解决所有忧愁
