《Who Moved My Cheese》读书感想集(四)

《Who Moved My Cheese》读书感想集(四)_第1张图片


However, at last, Haw figured out that they could not wait here any longer, they should get up the courage to go out and find their New Cheese. He said that to Hem, but Hem refused him because of his fear.

So Haw decided to go out into the maze himself. During his progress, he encountered many difficulties, and he wrote some words on the wall to encourage him to overcome difficulties. And on the way to cheese, Haw still thought about his friend--Hem, he had hoped to find enough Cheese to take some back to Hem and encouraged him to come out into the maze.

I think Haw is the one who deserves to think about.


Finally Haw made up his mind to move on and left Hew paralyzed by his own fears. He knew finding a new cheese station wouldn't be a easy job but staying in cheeseless station C would doom to death. He looked back on things and regretted not moving earlier. Well better late than never, he encountered himself. He ventured into the maze and felt more alive. The road of finding new cheese station was more difficult than he expected. 

Weakness loneliness and fearness constantly tortured him. For many times he thought about turning around and heading back to cheese station C. But sense always came back when he thought about that he was taking control rather than simply letting things happen. So he beat on like boats against current. Wondering whether he finally find his cheese station. Wait to see.


He would get out of his comfort zone and adapt to change sooner.

Sometimes we can do things easily just because we have a specific talent or a strong passion for what we do. Life and work can be full of challenges but not necessarily we have to face them suffering or making incredible effort. Comparatively speaking, while doing above mentioned things, we are in our comfort zone. Are we sure that, in order to progress and obtain “better results”, we have to stay out of our comfort zone?


This part is mainly about Haw's painful feelings after several failures both physically and psychologically when hunting for new cheese while Hem still didn't want to move along.Actually,it's a natural process that we may meet new challenges in our changeable society.


Haw said, “Sometimes, Hem, things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times, That's life! Life moves on. And so should we.”

Haw looked at his emaciated companion and tried to talk sense to him, but Hem's fear had turned into anger and he wouldn't listen.

Haw became more anxious and wondered if he really wanted to go out into the maze. He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him and stared at it for some time:

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid? He thought about it.

Haw smiled a weak smile as he thought, “Better late than never.”

Haw thought he was past his fear, but he was afraid more often than he liked to admit, even to himself. He wasn't always sure what he was afraid of, but, in his weakened condition, he knew he was simply fearful of going on alone. Haw didn't know it, but he was running behind because he was still weighed down by fearful beliefs.


Fortunately, Haw made up his mind to change the situation and began his adventure to look for new cheese , in spite of uncertainty, caution and fear. While Hem remained paralyzed where he was.

In the process of searching cheese, Haw tried to persuade himself to confront the difficulies he met and still, along with a little unbelief and confusion. Although he has been struggling for the goal, something clearly appeared in his mind: Take control , rather than simply let things happen to him!

Exactly! What a profound sensibility! No matter what's going on, the most important thing we wanna do is trying to control but not be controlled!


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