

面膜到底有多火?据相关资料显示,化妆品是最受欢迎的消费产品,而化妆品中最受喜爱的产品就是面膜。所以,在市场竞争上,可以说是得面膜者得天下。事实确实如此。2018 年韩国美妆品牌 JM Solution,凭借旗下几款口碑爆款的面膜红遍了代购圈,也让投资银行看到了美妆行业的巨大商机,斥巨资收购美妆公司的股份。白手起家的 JM 创始人金正雄在两年之内就迅速跻身亿万富翁行列,那么,他的美妆事业是如何腾飞的?让我们跟着 Roxy 老师一起来读读彭博社的新闻。


Face mask craze creates Korean billionaire with Goldman backing

Face masks can moisturize, exfoliate, or soothe and cool the skin in minutes. They can also build billion-dollar fortunes, but that takes a tad longer—two years in Kim Jung-woong's case.

In October, Goldman Sachs acquired 5 percent of Kim's GP Club Co. Ltd. in a $67 million deal that values the maker of creams, lipstick and other beauty products at $1.3 billion. Kim, 44, and his family own the remaining 95 percent.

Kim started his career in the beauty industry selling cosmetics to wholesalers in China and established his own brand, JM Solution, in 2016. It took off from the start, gaining popularity on Alibaba's flagship e-commerce platform, Taobao.

The company introduced a new product, the Honey Luminous Royal Propolis Mask, and expanded into Korean duty-free shops. GP Club's lower prices attracted so-called daigou shoppers—people buying products for clients in mainland China, where prices are higher.

In South Korea, self-made fortunes are uncommon. Of the world's 500 richest people, only two of seven Korean billionaires are self-made, according to the Bloomberg wealth index. Family-run business conglomerates, called chaebols, have diversified across industries, leaving little room for self-made competitors. The beauty industry has been the exception.

"Large companies have more money and better infrastructure, but the cosmetics business requires more than that, " said Lee Jin-wook, founder of Have & Be Co. Ltd., whose most popular brand, Dr. Jart+, sells creams and face masks online and in retailers like Sephora. In 2015, Estée Lauder Cos. acquired a stake in Have & Be for an undisclosed sum.

"It's an area for specialists, " Lee said.






Face mask crazecreates Korean billionaire with Goldman backing


Face masks can moisturize, exfoliate, or soothe and cool the skin in minutes. They can also build billion-dollar fortunes, but that takes a tad longer—two years in Kim Jung-woong's case.


In October, Goldman Sachs acquired 5 percent of Kim's GP Club Co. Ltd. in a 1.3 billion. Kim, 44, and his family own the remaining 95 percent.

在 2018 年 10 月,高盛集团斥资 6,700 万美元收购了金正雄名下的 GP Club 有限公司 5% 的股份。在这笔交易中,这家生产面霜、口红和其他美容产品的公司的估值为 13 亿美元。今年 44 岁的金和他的家族拥有剩下 95% 的公司股份。

Kim started his career in the beauty industry selling cosmetics to wholesalers in China and established his own brand, JM Solution, in 2016. It took off from the start, gaining popularity on Alibaba's flagship e-commerce platform, Taobao.

金正雄的化妆品事业始于向中国批发商销售化妆品。2016 年,金成立了自己的品牌肌司研(JM Solution)。该品牌一开始就颇为成功,在阿里巴巴的旗舰电子商务平台淘宝上广受欢迎。

The company introduced a new product, the Honey Luminous Royal Propolis Mask, and expanded into Korean duty-free shops. GP Club's lower prices attracted so-called daigou shoppers—people buying products for clients in mainland China, where prices are higher.

之后,该公司推出了新产品蜜莹润蜂胶面膜,并将自家产品打进了韩国的免税店。GP Club 有限公司的产品定价都比较低,因此吸引了所谓的“代购”——他们替中国大陆的客户购买国外商品。在中国大陆,外国商品的价格较高。

In South Korea, self-made fortunes are uncommon. Of the world's 500 richest people, only two of seven Korean billionaires are self-made, according to the Bloomberg wealth index. Family-run business conglomerates, called chaebols, have diversified across industries, leaving little room for self-made competitors. The beauty industry has been the exception.

在韩国,白手起家并不常见。据彭博社财富指数显示,全球最富有的 500 人里,七名韩国亿万富翁中只有两名为白手起家。家族经营的企业集团,又被称为“韩国财阀”,已经垄断了各行各业,没有给白手起家的竞争对手留下太多空间。而美妆行业却是例外。

"Large companies have more money and better infrastructure, but the cosmetics business requires more than that," said Lee Jin-wook, founder of Have & Be Co. Ltd., whose most popular brand, Dr. Jart+, sells creams and face masks online and in retailers like Sephora. In 2015, Estée Lauder Cos. acquired a stake in Have & Be for an undisclosed sum.

“大公司的资金更充裕,基础构架更合理;但美妆行业需要的不仅仅是这些。”Have & Be 有限公司的创始人李镇旭(音译)如是说。他旗下人气最高的品牌蒂佳婷,其面霜和面膜在线上网店和线下丝芙兰等零售门店均有售卖。2015 年,雅诗兰黛集团收购了 Have & Be 部分股份,具体金额没有披露。

"It's an area for specialists," Lee said.





Day 14


彭博社亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)

彭博社亿万富翁指数,又称彭博全球亿万富豪实时排行榜,是彭博社的一个服务板块,对全球最富有的前 500 人进行每日排名。每位亿万富翁的个人资料页面上都提供了该富翁的净资产分析,这些数据在每个纽约交易日结束时更新。该排行榜于 2012 年 3 月首次发布。截止到 2019 年 3 月 20 日,电商巨头亚马逊创始人 Jeff Bezos(杰夫·贝佐斯 )以 1460 亿美元的净资产位居榜单第一位,微软公司创始人 Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨)和法国最大奢侈品集团 LVMH 首席执行官 Bernard Arnault(伯纳德·阿诺特)分别以 1000 亿美元和 862 亿美元的净资产位居第二和第三。在前 20 名榜单中,阿里巴巴集团主要创始人马云和恒大创办人许家印分别以 424 亿美元和 363 亿美元的净资产排名第十九和第二十位。进入榜单前五十名的中国亿万富翁包括腾讯公司主要创办人马化腾(第 21 位)、香港上市公司碧桂园大股东杨惠妍(第 35 位)和大连万达集团董事长王健林(第 46 位)。

蜂胶(propolis)和蜂王浆(royal jelly)



蜂王浆(royal jelly)

蜂王浆(royal jelly),又名蜂皇浆,是一种工蜂分泌物,用以培育蜂王。普通的工蜂孵化成幼虫后可以食三四日蜂王浆,但是如果一条运气好的幼虫被安排住入王台,就可以终生享用蜂王浆,成为蜂王。长时间吃蜂王浆的蜂王成熟期短、寿命长,还有很强的生殖能力。

蜂王浆的构成因地理和气候而异,通常含有 60%到 70%的水,12%到 15%的蛋白质,10%到 16%的糖,3%到6%的脂肪,2%到 3%的维生素、盐和氨基酸。蜂王浆一般被用作保健品,被认为有抗衰老和增强免疫系统的功效。有研究发现,蜂王浆还有可能具有缓解经痛、经前综合征以及加快伤口愈合的作用。但需要注意的是,蜂王浆用错人群或服用不当也可能造成危害。
