<%@ Property Name = "OutputDirectory" Type="String" Category="General" Description="The directory to output the results to." %>
<%@ Assembly Name="CodeSmith.BaseTemplates" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CodeSmith.BaseTemplates" %>
<%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#" Src="" Inherits="OutputFileCodeTemplate" Debug="False" Description="C# codeMaker" %>
<%@ Property Name="NameSpace" Type="String" Category="Context" Description="The namespace to use for this class"%>
<%@ Property Name="ClassName" Type="String" Optional="False" Category="Context" Description="The name of the class to generate" %>
<%@ Property Name="DevelopersName" Type="String" Optional="False" Category="Context" Description="The name to include in the comment header"%>
<%@ Property Name = "OutputDirectory" Type="String" Category="General" Description="The directory to output the results to." %>
<%@ Assembly Name="CodeSmith.BaseTemplates" %>
<%@ Assembly Name="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CodeSmith.BaseTemplates" %>
// File: <%=ClassName%>.cs
// Description: Enter summary here after generation.
// ---------------------
// Copyright ? <%= DateTime.Now.Year %> Our Client
// ---------------------
// History
// <%= DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %> <%= DevelopersName%> Original Version
using System;
namespace <%=NameSpace%>
/// Summary description for <%=ClassName %>.

public class <%=ClassName%>
// TODO: Add constructor logic here