

Yesterday saw the resignation of the acting Interior Minister.昨天代理内政部长辞职了。(1.这里saw是见证的意思,如:时代见证了我们的伟大。2.the acting Interior Minster代理内政部长)


1.You can take part in activities from canoeing(划独木舟)to bird(观鸟).

2.There was a frenzy of activity(极度活跃)on financial markets(金融市场 复数)yesterday.

3.Officials (官员)admit the actual number of AIDS victims is much higher than statistics reflect.(the actual number of...is much higher than statistics....的实际数量比统计显示数字大得多。)

4.The fear of violent crime(对暴力犯罪的恐惧)has now risen out of all proportion to  the actual risk.(...has now risen out of the proportion to.......大大超出了)

5.Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。(...be payable on应给付. Eg.Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.出口商品不需要交购买税。***)

6.Opinions is divided as to whether  the  treatment actually works(治疗是否有效)(Opinions is divided as to whether...对于...是否....意见不一。)

7.Do you mind if I smoke?"Well, actually (说实话),I'd rather you didn't.(时态和客气?)

8.To stop the fighting there requires the threat and probably the actuality of military force. (军事力量)(要平息那里的战火就要威胁采用甚至真正动用军事力量。)

9.While economists are free to theorize(创建理论),company chairmen (总裁们)are concerned with(关心)actualities.(当经济学家们可自由创建理论,公司总裁们则关心现实情况。)

10.Thanks to agile footwork(agile footwork随机应变) he always managed to escape his pursuers.他善于随机应变,总能摆脱追踪他的人。(In the end,his brilliant legal footwork paid off.最后,他高明的法律手腕使他如愿以偿。)

11.For a man of 80, he has a remarkablely agile mind.(才思惊人的敏捷)


1.The power of red wine to counteract (抵消)high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press(媒体)(1.counteract high cholesterol降低胆固醇[cho-les-terol]2.ballyhoo呐喊,大吹大擂,假大空的宣传)红酒降低胆固醇的功效被媒体夸大。
