

It's commonly believed that women who live together eventually experience the syncing of their monthly periods. But couldit just be chance?


The theory behind the syncing of menstrual cycles is that women's pheromones interact when they are in close proximity, causing them to have their period at the same time. Many females buy into it.


"I definitely think it's true," says Emma. "It would be too much of a coincidence otherwise."


Emma, 24, lived with five girls atuniversity. She says that within a few months they all had their period at the same time.



"It's a popular belief," says Alexandra Alvergne, associate professor in biocultural anthropology at the University of Oxford.


"As humans we always like exciting stories. We want to explain what we observe by something that is meaningful."


Alvergne has tried to review the evidence for this phenomenon. She says the idea started with research findings published in Nature, a scientific journal, in 1971. A researcher called Martha McClintock studied the menstrual cycles of 135 women in an American college.

阿尔维格尼尝试重新审阅这种现象的证据。她说这个想法来自1971年出版的《自然》科学杂志上的一个研究。一位名为玛莎. 麦克林托克的研究员对一所美国大学的135名女性的月经周期进行了研究。


"[McClintock] found that the onset of the date of menstruation was more similar among friends and roommates than among random pairings of women," says Alvergne.


Dr McClintock hypothesised that this was because the women who were spending time together had the chance for their pheromones to affect each other.



And why would this happen?


The most prevalent theory was that it was an evolved strategy among females toco - operate with each other - to stop becoming a kind of harem for a single dominant man.


The idea is that if women had synchronised cycles, they would all be fertile at the same time - so one man would not beable to reproduce with them all.



Other studies, some in humans and some in other primates, seemed to show similar results.


But, there were also studies that didn't find evidence of periods syncing. And people started to pick holes in the earlier research - critics identified problems in the people chosen for the study. The definition of when they were syncing was quite loose.


Perhaps most importantly, critics pointed to the fact that in McClintock's 1971 findings she didn't explain why women's cycles were in sync.



This seems to go against what many women feel they experience.


"If I spend any period of time with a woman who is menstruating, I will start my period," says Inez, 26. "My womb is a huge team player. It just wants to be one of the girls."


Not only that but Inez thinks some women have wombs that prefer to play a leadership role.


"I've got a classic beta womb. My friend Suzanne has an alpha womb. She will bring anyone on within a 10-mileradius. She walks in menstruating, everyone is reaching for the tampons."




Some academics recently decided to find out if the findings of synchronicity of periods could be put down to chance. They looked at six years' worth of data of the menstrual cycles of our closecousins, baboons.



"They proposed two models," says Alvergne. "One was the model with the exciting hypothesis" also knownas the "evolved strategy" in which women sync as a defence against dominant males." And the other model was the boring model. Where the patterns are explained by chance."


The researchers compared how much each model would account for the data being observed. They found that the model assuming that patterns would appear by chance was the best model by far.


More research could be carried out in the future that does reveal evidence that women's periods sync. But currently many researchers are sceptical.




