月下独酌 英文自译

月下独酌     Toast to the moon

花间一壶酒 Me and my wine among flowers

                   Where can I drown my loneliness?

独酌无相亲 All alone by myself, no friend no love but sadness.

举杯邀明月 Toasting to the moon, I invite her to drink with me.

对影成三人 I count the shadows cast, three including she.

月既不解饮 But she couldn't drink too much,

影徒随我身 in vain, only the shadow keeps me company.

暂伴月将影 Ever since she's left, no one else to impress.

行乐须及春 And I guess I should wait for spring.

我歌月徘徊 I sing, the moon wanders.

我舞影零乱 I dance, the shadow quivers.

醒时同交欢 Get me drunk when I am not,

醉后各分散 Leave me lonely when I am drunk.

永结无情游 Guess we are not meant to be together,but why should we still gather?

相期邈云汉 And we should wait for each other, till the moonlight fades to glimmer.

月下独酌 英文自译_第1张图片

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