那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第1张图片


1. CNN was turned away by several families as we tried to approach them to ask about their missing relatives. Always politely declining, the raw emotion of the situation etched on their faces. (2017/6/17 CNN) [1]

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第2张图片

© 一群人聚集在格伦费尔公寓大楼外 /CNN

伦敦格伦费尔公寓大楼火灾发生之后,美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 记者来到当地试图采访受灾者,但遭他们礼拒。


① 主句 + 分句(独立主格结构):

(They were) always politely declining, the raw emotion of the situation etched on their faces.

② and连接的并列句:

(They were) always politely declining, and the raw emotion of the situation was etched on their faces.




另外,从字词上看,raw 作“强烈而不掩饰的”讲。

**raw: **
(of an emotion or quality) strong and undisguised [2]

而 be etched on sb's face,则指的是“……表现在某人脸上,某人脸上流露出某种情感”。

**etch: **
If you say that feelings are etched on someone's face, you mean that the person is very strongly affected by them, and you can see this in their appearance. (LITERARY) [3]

(1) Every line etched on her face told a story of personal anguish. [4]

(2) Tiredness was etched on his face. [5]

(3) After eight years of presidency, Barack Obama is not young any more, because you can clearly see grey hair in his head and lines etched on his face.

(4) Sorrow **was etched on Brad Pitt's face **after he and Angelina Jolie called it quits.

2. With tower blocks being evacuated, the streets were teeming with neighbours, children, and cameramen. (2017/6/24 BBC) [6]

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第3张图片

© 消防大检查迫使大批居民紧急强制撤离 /BBC


这就引出了本期的第一个表达:teem with

'teem with sth (usually be 'teeming with sth) :
to be full of people, animals, etc. moving around [7]

从英英释义上看,teem with (或 be teeming with)= be full of ,均可表达“充满……;到处都是……”的含义。

(1) Every garden is teeming with wildlife. [8]

(2) The island was teeming with tourists. [9]

(3) A large number of Western universities are teeming with Chinese overseas students.

(4) India is teeming with Android smartphones.

3. "People need to give significant weight to the voice of residents, and if they do want to be moved, if they feel unsafe and haven't been reassured, then provision should be put in place [to move them]." (Rebecca Long-Bailey, the shadow business secretary) (2017/6/24 BBC) [10]

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第4张图片

© 撤出“危楼”的居民仰望着大楼,一脸懊丧 /BBC


说到“重视”,文中的表达是:give significant weight to(与 attach much importance to 相似)。

weight 字面义是“重量;分量;体重”,可进一步引申为“重要性;影响力”。

if something has weight, it is important and influences people [11]

(1) This scandal adds more weight to their arguments.[12]

(2) The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war. [13]

(3) Chinese students need to give significant weight to the role of critical thinking in their studies.

(4) That its total approved membership rose to 80 has given significant weight to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

4. French President Emmanuel Macron has taken another swipe at Donald Trump over the US president's policy on climate change - this time backed up by the muscleof Arnold Schwarzenegger.(2017/06/24 BBC) [14]

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第5张图片

© 马克龙携“打手”施瓦星格合怼特朗普




  • take a /another swipe at

  • the muscle of...

swipe 作名词,有“批评,抨击”之义,这个短语可与 criticize 替换。

muscle 本义是“肌肉”,可引申为“肌肉男;大力士;打手”。

informal a man or men exhibiting such power or strength [15]

因此,the muscle of Arnold Schwarzenegger 表面指“阿诺德•施瓦星格的肌肉”,实际却想表达“‘肌肉男’——阿诺德•施瓦星格”这个概念,堪称戏谑之笔,

不知道你有没有 get 到这个梗?

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第6张图片

© 打手“谢耳朵” /《生活大爆炸》第一季第一集

(1) In her latest article she takes a swipe at (=criticizes) her critics.[16]

(2) His comments were a sarcastic swipe at the police.[17]

(3) an ex-marine of enormous proportions who'd been brought along as muscle. [18]

(4) Hillary Clinton took a swipe at Russia for her November loss to President Trump and accused the White House of colluding with Moscow in weaponizing technology to bring her campaign down.


(5) Muammar Gaddafi, former leader of Libya, was known for employing a cadre of female bodyguards as muscle.

5. When Mr Trump announced earlier this month that the US was withdrawing from the 2015 Paris climate agreement, Mr Macron said in a statement that the decision was "a mistake for the US and for our planet".

"I tell you firmly tonight: We will not renegotiate a less ambitious accord. There is no way. Don't be mistaken on climate; there is no plan B because there is no planet B," he said. (2017/6/24 BBC) [19]

那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (3)_第7张图片

© 法国总统马克龙“单挑”特朗普

接上条新闻,上面的直接引语是6月初马克龙首次抨击特朗普时的讲话内容。其中 plan 与 planet 押头韵 (Alliteration),韵脚为 [plæn] 。这种文字游戏的套路在新闻中屡见不鲜,望大家保持关注,并运用到写作中。

... there is no plan B because there is no planet B.


  • 我们别无他法,因为我们别无他“球”。
  • 我们只有这一个方案,因为我们只有这一个地球。

"Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on Earth God's work must truly be our own." –JFK [20]


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
— Martin Luther King, Jr. [21]


(3) The video game I'm playing is neither free nor fair.

(4) Mike is not my friend but my foe.


上一篇:那些令人眼前一亮的英文好词好句 (2)


[1] CNN: London fire: Smiling faces of missing a stark contrast with anger and grief
[3] Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Third Edition)
[6] BBC: Camden flats: Hundreds of homes evacuated over fire risk fears
[9]《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[10] BBC: Camden flats: Hundreds of homes evacuated over fire risk fears
[11]《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[12]《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[14] BBC: Schwarzenegger and Macron join forces in swipe at Trump
[16]《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[17]《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[19] BBC: Schwarzenegger and Macron join forces in swipe at Trump
[20] "What made JFK's Inaugural Address so effective?"
[21] "I Have A Dream Speech Analysis Lesson Plan"

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