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The Mundanity of Prosperity


About 200,000 years ago, modern humans first appeared on the continent of Africa. They have bigger brains than other homo species. With this advantage, homo sapiens swiftly sweep over the surface of the earth and now there are nearly 7.5 billion of them roaming about on every corner of this blue planet. All other ape-like subspecies went extinct, along with them most of other animals and plants humans deem threatening or useless.


But humans’ expedition of claiming sovereignty over all the continents was long and treacherous. Before the dawn of science, human beings struggled for thousands of years to survive and propagate. There were happy moments, but sufferings and hopelessness seemed to be the theme.


In old times, humans often prayed and they prayed to every object until Jesus said that it was sinful to worship anything other than the God. Why did humans pray? Because they were scared. The caprice of nature, the unexpectedness of diseases and the oftenness of wars could cut a person’s life short in his prime or in his infancy (more often the cases). The state of learned helplessness was the shared mentality of the whole human species until recently. The man may be the wisest of all creatures, but he was also the most haunted one, the price of being wise.


But human’s civilizations moved forward against all elements and by making use of many elements. Stone, bronze, iron, and steel stood witness to our growing capacity to reshape the nature to our benefit. But the process was too slow. Any breakthrough in technology or mode of production was like hitting the jackpot. Humans need something more omnipotent than the God to their rescue.


By chance or by destiny, we met Science. To put it more precisely, we met Scientific Methods. Humans had accumulated knowledge about the world for thousands of years and we were born with the ability to reason, but without scientific methods, the two led to nowhere. Tools are really essential to human civilizations!! Science enables us to verify our hypotheses quickly in a controllable environment - labs. We no longer needed to wait for our next Eureka moment. This world is never the same.


People’s lives in AD 1100 were basically the same as those in 100 years earlier. However, now we have lost our confidence to predict people’s lives in AD 2117 because everything is changing so fast even humanity. Zuckerberg and his wife said they were confident that humans could destroy all diseases at the turn of next century. Their confidence mainly came from our deepening understanding of the human genome and the evolution of AI. Theoretically, we can get rid of all diseases and even fool death.


For scientists, possibility in theory is certainty in reality. So it is more than very likely that humans can be immortal in future. It is also a fact that resources in the universe are inexhaustible. So every person on the earth can enjoy abundance without any scruple.


Economics is founded on the concept of scarcity. But scarcity will be wiped out in future since theoretically we can produce anything, even planets. You should know it if you have read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Being immortal and being exempted from the fear of diseases and hunger are within human’s reach, the first time in history.


Abundance also makes this world more democratic and renders dictatorship archaic. Hungary and scared people are obedient while those with full stomach and certainty about the future are defiant. And power deprived of the ability to make people suffer is really boring therefore not even worth the efforts. Modern history, to a great extent, is about people’s uprisings against tyranny and fighting for liberty. Science has killed tyranny, along with it, the modern history. In future, what should we fight for?


Perhaps history has come to its end - when people don’t struggle for survival and fight for dignity, what is left of history? When there are no wars, what is the point in writing history? Great prosperity means great mundanity. Homer’s Odyssey will fade into oblivion; mundanity of everyday living will go into infinite loop.


For thousands of years, we celebrate and commemorate the deeds of heroes. Heroes can be the knights who save princesses in danger in fairy tales; heroes can also be the lords who protect the serfs from being slaughtered by barbarians. In a world in which people’s lives were always at stake, heroes were called for. If we are always safe and well, heroes are useless to us. From now on, we should prepare for living in a world without heroes and heroic deeds.


Similarly, we should also prepare for living in a world without family. The societal unit - family, is created by humans to protect individuals by offering them food, clothes, and shelter. Parents are breadwinners so parents are very important. But in the future world where materials are greatly abundant and people don’t need to labor to get their mouths full, what is the point of having parents?


Perhaps parents can function as playmates. Wait, robots are much better playmates because they are patient and don’t lecture. But some may argue that people will always need intimate relationships. I agree. People will go on falling in love and searching for a spiritual bond. But it is not necessarily a thing only between humans.


People can fall in love with anything. Many Japanese men are crazy about their virtual girlfriends on cell phones and show no interest in women in the real world. No, they are not escaping or in fact feeling empty deep in their hearts, rather, they truly feel happy and fulfilled. Remember, our brains can fool us into believing anything. When every lust of ours can be met in virtual reality, what is the point in living in reality? For the future, I can only be sure about one thing: most of the people will choose not to wake up in the Matrix.


The future world will be very prosperous and people will be free from all kinds of sufferings. It is like Heaven. The Bible says that in Heaven people live in eternal happiness and the only thing they do is worshiping the God. What a boring picture! If you ask me, I will definitely refuse to go to Heaven. But science seems to have put all of us on the trip to Heaven, and it is a one-way trip. So sad!


I may be too pessimistic and hypocritical. Isn’t it a good thing that humans finally reach the point of grasping the ultimate happiness? But I really don’t like it. I don’t think that human’s ultimate goal is to be immortal and live in the Elysian Fields.


What makes us homo sapiens is our insatiable desires to explore the unknown. Luckily, the unknowns in the universe is unknown. I have the faith that there are always some people in the world who have unquenchable thirst in exploring the universe. They will leave the earth and embark on a precarious journey to the outer space. When this world becomes the symbol of mundanity, only exploring other worlds can send our adrenaline rushing again.


I embrace prosperity but I hate mundanity. But since my brain can fool me into believing anything, I may feel ecstatic in the Mundanity of Prosperity. But I pray to the God: Please Don’t Make Me Go To Heaven!!


【作者简介】 万卷书和万里路,80后大学教师一对。 书先生语言老司机,玩转英语、德语、Python计算机编程; 路夫人旅游达人,足迹遍及欧洲、美洲、亚洲和大洋洲! 读万卷书、行万里路、过精彩人生!

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