

a gay bar in Chongqing

我们来看 CNN 前期的一篇报道。

Beijing (CNN)

An older gay couple, identifying themselves as Big Treasure and Small Treasure, held a mock wedding ceremony on Wednesday in Beijing’s Pinggu district (平谷区). The couple live in the countryside outside Beijing, where one is a retired teacher and the other is a bottled water delivery man. 

大宝和小宝, on their mock wedding

-- In this narrow Beijing hutong, the rainbow flag flies free.

I'm in Two Cities Cafe, a popular meeting place for the local gay community. Here, I meet with some of the country's leading LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) advocates to learn about gay identity in China.

lesbian  女同

gay  男同

bisexual  双性恋

transgender  变性人 

mock wedding  模拟婚礼

advocate  倡导者,支持者

rainbow flag 彩虹旗 --- 同性恋旗帜

In the last two decades, China's LGBT community has made huge gains in social acceptance.

Homosexuality was decriminalized in 1997, and a few years later it was removed from an official list of mental illnesses.

make huge gains    取得重大进展

decriminalize  非罪化,使不算犯法,

mental illnesses   精神疾病

But unlike their counterparts in the West, China's LGBT community does not have to face down strident political opposition or right-wing religious uproar.

For them, the biggest source of pressure comes from the family, brought on in part by China's one-child policy.

"You have only one child so you want your child to be as 'normal' as everybody else," says Xiaogang Wei, Executive Director of the Beijing Gender Health Education Institute.

counterpart  对应的人,同类人,

face down   勇敢地面对,

strident  尖锐的,咄咄逼人的

religious uproar 宗教鼓噪

in part  某种程度上,部分地,


Fake marriages?

Many Chinese gays and lesbians are responding to the family pressure with "cooperative marriages" -- gay men and lesbian women marrying each other out of social and economic convenience, often finding each other online.

"I grew up in the 80s and 90s and most of the people my age, everyone, got into marriage -- no matter gay or straight," says Xu Bin, founder of the advocacy group Common Language.

"If you're not, you're a monster."

fake   假的,假冒的

straight   异性恋

advocacy group  倡议组织,吁请团

Despite advances, the social stigma remains immense. According to a 2013 survey by U.S. research group Pew, only 21% of China's population was in favor of the acceptance of homosexuality.

Same-sex marriage remains a taboo topic for many across China.

And a number of clinics in China offer so-called "conversion" shock treatment to "cure" homosexuality.

stigma  羞耻, 耻辱

immense  极大的,巨大的

taboo  禁忌

conversion shock treatment  同性恋扭转电击治疗

Earlier this year, a Beijing court heard China's first case to challenge the treatment. But a delay in the ruling has raised concerns in the gay community that clinics may continue to provide such treatments.

hear a case  审理案件

ruling   判决


"The job discrimination is very subtle and you might not get a promotion because you are single. You might get fired because of all kinds of reasons," says To.

Though China has a long way to go before its gay professionals thrive professionally in all workplaces, Chinese gay activists are encouraged by the recent announcement by Apple CEO Tim Cook.

"I think Tim Cook's coming out of the closet is very important to the Chinese society, especially in the business world," Wei tells me.

discrimination  歧视

thrive professionally  职业上顺利发展

subtle  微妙的

come out of the closet  出柜

"It also very effectively motivated people into thinking about the direct and non-direct connections between homosexual people and the products that we all use in our lives."

motivate 促进,激发

New generation

With these forces for change coming from both outside and inside China, the country's LGBT community is forging ahead, despite its unique set of challenges.

"For the past ten years, the most change probably came from the visibility of the LGBT community in Chinese society. For the next ten years, I would say it's the visibility of LGBT rights in China," says Xu.

As the focus shifts to a stronger call for greater rights, China's pioneering gay activists are looking to the younger generation to pick up the mantle.

"This generation is a lot more confident and self-assertive," To tells me.

forge ahead  向前迈进

visibility  此处指“可公开程度”

pick up the mantle 继承衣钵

self-assertive 坚持己见的,有主见的

"And they have more resources," adds Xu.

"In the end, I think we're fighting not just for a better situation for LGBT, but a better situation for all minorities and vulnerable people," says To.

Out and proud, China's gay activists are an increasingly vocal minority pushing for change that could very well reach every corner of Chinese society.

minorities  少数,小众

vulnerable  脆弱的,易受伤的

vocal   直言不讳的, 敢于表达自我的,

push for  急切要求,奋力争取

out and proud  此词组基本固定用于同性恋“亮明身份”,类似“我是gay, 我自豪”

