人的连结 The connection of people

2015年8月21日,还在台北松山机场候机的我,忽感无聊,距离登机时间尚早,便随手在机场书店翻阅了一本名叫《人脉学》的书。封面的字,吸引了我 “ 不做的話,就沒有機會。所以,不要猶豫,做就對了。” 当时看到,感觉这句话与Toastmasters里面的名言“Learn By Doing” 有异曲同工之妙。

Last summer, I found a book < The connections> in the airport book store. The title of it attracted me very much " You will chanceless if keep thinking, so, just do it"  It seems like the famous saying in Toastmasters," Learn By Doing". 


The writer of this book named " Kundo Koyama, he is a professor and a talent creator. It mentioned 6 ways for people to connect. They come from encounter, imagination, fate, powder, heart and dream. They are pretty unexpected and interesting. I am so proud of Japanese's creative idea of life.


Someone said, the only way to test if your memory is that, you can realize something when it's mentioned unconscious, and it's already be yours. I can feel it deeply recently...

最近一个月,我在个人公众号开始推出男神女神系列(近期将开启“人物专访” 系列),并在下一周开始要举办线下沙龙活动。这在期间,共采访了6位朋友,男生女生各半。其中,有多年前的老朋友,也有在Toastmasters演讲俱乐部认识的新朋友。要说连结,就是基于俱乐部的众多人群的互动,偶尔一瞥,台上三五分钟的演讲,抑或手机微信群的@,点赞。。。

As everybody know, I made it a new series to publish some of my friends on my wechat offical accouts, and will also hold a frist party for it. At that time, I interviewed 6 people, 3 for male, 3 for female. Some of them is my long lost friend, some are my new friends in Toastmasters. Frankly, I have no more deep connection with them just some interaction on wechat group.


Our interaction is so cherished, cuz the communication tools are very convenient for us to contact, it's so hard to keep friendship by cell phone. Especially fot the members of the opposite sex. Maybe you thought about to know more about someone which opposite your sex, but you will also worry about to be misundersand that you're into him/ her.


Now, this is a open and conservative society. Open for anything we can chat on wechat; conservative for nothing we can chat face to face. We could not heard, touch, feel the people are chatting by cell phone.


The book < The connections> I can remember because of it's creative interaction ways. I can know more about my friends by this interview way. And the interviewees all very enjoyed the interview, they can show themselves in a free style.We can also chat anything with no taboos.


So, if you want to get some connection with some people, you will find your comfortable way no doubt. Then you will find everyone is a princess or prince in the other planet, the only one we have to do is let them restore themselves on the strange earth.

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