How to be a good GE (General Evaluator)?

General Evaluator:

Before meeting:  Identify the grammarian, ah counter, and timer, ballot counter, Have these members briefly state the purpose of their jobs.



Introduce the duty of Evaluation team and the team member.

【2】Evaluation session:

Host this session, introduce the TTE & IEs accordingly.

Introduce speaker according to POETS rules:

Project,refer to CC manual

Objective, refer to coresponding Speech

Evaluator, who is the evaluator.

Topic, speech topic

Speaker, brief the speaker, and call his/her name in the end.

【3】GE report:


a)        President

-      Opening: Outlines the meeting briefly

-      Introduction of the Toastmaster: Appropriate, original, encouraging

-      Note: Was the President in control? Well prepared? Assess his/her lectern  presence - voice, gestures, language.

PS:  the President should introduce her name and warm up the audience, get them ready for the meeting。

b)        Sergeant-at-Arms

-          Welcomes guests and members

-          Arranges the meeting room and table(s)

-          Sets up the equipment and materials

-          Hold the guest introduction session warmly.

c)      Timer

-          Presents instructions clearly and concisely

-          Time control

d)      TOM

-      Explains the educational session; mentions the impromptu and prepared speeches as well as evaluations

-      Introduces the Table Topics Master (appropriate build-up)

-      Calls for the break

-      Introduces the prepared speeches session (refers to manuals)

-      Explains the ballot form and encourage guests and members to provide comments to the speakers; mentions that all comments should be signed

-      Expands upon speech assignments; i.e.: states the purpose, indicates the length of the speech, and gives the title

-      Gives the speakers warm, supportive introductions

Note: Were correct procedures followed? Good pace maintained? Imaginative transitions? Well prepared? Assess lectern presence - voice, gestures, language.

e)      Ah counter, Ballot counter, Grammiran -- Evaluate them from the duty aspect, how to improve and how to master their job.

ah counter

should give the detailed report , and give some comments to audience to avoid the unnecessary word.


word of the day:memorize it, encourage the speaker to use it as much as they can.

Pick up good use and area of improvement

f)        TTE, IEs -- If they can make their evaluation works?

table topics evaluation, focus on the skill but not the content。

Individual evaluation,

point out the improvement 

have eye contact with the audie


不要讲you made us happy.因为作为个人讲评,你不知道别的观众是否和你一样很高兴。所以,他建议,在说这句话之前,问一句, audience, do you feel happy for john’s speech? 如果大家的答案是yes,那么讲评者可以继续往下面说,join your speech made us happy.

作为个人讲评者,不仅要提出演讲者需要提高的领域,而且要告诉演讲者他们如何去提高和改善。应该重在HOW,不是WHAT DO YOU NEED TO IMPROVE.


g)      General Points:

Atmosphere / Enthusiasm / Participation / Language use / Timing of the meeting / Transition from one function to another

Note: In evaluating all functions, the same rules apply as to evaluating speakers. If you are going to announce a point for improvement of any meeting participant, always precede the comment with praise for one or two of the speaker's strengths.

h) Other evaluate angles:

Eye contact / body language like guesture, posture,smile.with passion ..


Stage presence, at ease or nervous....

Tools to make the the topic conviction.

Galileo once said:" You cannot teach a man anything;you can only help hime find it within himself." It's pretty much the same to me ,I can't comment your speech from all aspects, I can only put forward some suggestions for reference. hope them useful.

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