2018-10-29 sway


vt. To influence someone so that they change their opinion




Influence, impact



1. Don’t be sway by your emotions.

2. Across much of the west, people are swayed by populist politicians.

3. People wonder whether some content and ads shown to each user could be biased and help sway political attitudes. Could Facebook influence the outcome of this presidential election?


1. 人们往往会被广告所影响,购买很多根本不需要的东西。

People tend to be swayed by advertisements and purchase many things unnecessary at all.

People tend to be swayed by commercials and purchase lots of things that are unnecessary.

People are often swayed by advertisements and buy lots of things that they do not necessarily need.

2. 永远不要受潮流的影响。

Never be swayed by fashion trends.

Don't be swayed by fashion.

3. 主要政党为说服选民在明天的地方选举中投自己一票而作出最后的努力

The major parties made their final effort, trying to sway voters and get more votes in the next day's local election.

Last minute efforts by the main political parties to sway the voters in tomorrow's local elections.

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