


8.2 ARCamera API截图###


8.3 ARCamera API源码

A value describing the camera's tracking state.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
public enum __ARTrackingState : Int {

/** Tracking is not available.追踪不被允许 */
case notAvailable

/** Tracking is limited. See tracking reason for details.追踪有限,查看追踪原因的详细信息 */
case limited

/** Tracking is Normal. 正常*/
case normal


A reason describing why the camera's tracking state is limited.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
public enum __ARTrackingStateReason : Int {

/** Tracking is not limited. 追踪不受限制*/
case none

/** Tracking is limited due to a excessive motion of the camera.由于相机的过度运动,追踪受到限制 */
case excessiveMotion

/** Tracking is limited due to a lack of features visible to the camera.由于缺少相机可见的功能,追踪受到限制 */
case insufficientFeatures


A model representing the camera and its parameters.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
open class ARCamera : NSObject, NSCopying {

 The transformation matrix that defines the camera's rotation and translation in world coordinates.

open var transform: matrix_float4x4 { get }

 The camera's orientation defined as Euler angles.
 @dicussion The order of components in this vector matches the axes of rotation:
               1. Pitch (the x component) is the rotation about the node's x-axis (in radians)
               2. Yaw   (the y component) is the rotation about the node's y-axis (in radians)
               3. Roll  (the z component) is the rotation about the node's z-axis (in radians)
            ARKit applies these rotations in the reverse order of the components:
               1. first roll
               2. then yaw
               3. then pitch
open var eulerAngles: vector_float3 { get }

 The tracking state of the camera.
open var __trackingState: __ARTrackingState { get }

 The reason for the camera's current tracking state.
open var __trackingStateReason: __ARTrackingStateReason { get }

 The camera intrinsics.
 @discussion The matrix has the following contents:
 fx 0   px
 0  fy  py
 0  0   1
 fx and fy are the focal length in pixels.
 px and py are the coordinates of the principal point in pixels.
 The origin is at the center of the upper-left pixel.
open var intrinsics: matrix_float3x3 { get }

 The camera image resolution in pixels.
open var imageResolution: CGSize { get }

 The projection matrix of the camera.
open var projectionMatrix: matrix_float4x4 { get }

 Creates a projection matrix for the camera given rendering parameters.
 @discussion The projection matrix returned provides an aspect fill and rotation for the provided viewport size and orientation.
 @param viewportSize Viewport size.
 @param orientation Viewport orientation.
 @param zNear Near depth limit.
 @param zFar Far depth limit.
open func projectionMatrix(withViewportSize viewportSize: CGSize, orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation, zNear: CGFloat, zFar: CGFloat) -> matrix_float4x4

