

1. 无人时代
unmanned era

北极科学考察队(Arctic expedition team)

我国自主研发的(independently developed by China)

无人冰站系统(unmanned ice station system)

无人时代(unmanned era)

海洋、海冰、大气(the ocean, the sea ice and the atmosphere)

无人值守观测(unattended observation)

利用破冰船考察北极(use icebreakers to explore the Arctic)

研究北极海冰变化和海-冰-气相互作用(research on the changes in sea ice and air-sea-ice interactions in the Arctic)机理

科考船(scientific expedition vessel)


极地科考(polar expedition)

水下观测(underwater observation)

恶劣的自然环境(harsh natural environment)


在国际上并无先例(unprecedented in the world)

核心技术(core technology)

海冰内部光辐射长期观测(long-term observation by light radiation inside sea ice)

北极圈 Arctic Circle
极光 aurora, polar lights
海冰减少 sea ice loss/decline
冰上融池 melt pond
冰裂缝 ice crack
观测数据 observation data
气候变化 climate change

2. 网民
online users

我国网民规模达8.02亿(the number of China's online users hit 802 million) 用手机上网(use mobile phones to surf the internet) 互联网普及率(internet availability rate) 国际互联网网关带宽(international internet gateway bandwidth)

我国网络购物用户和使用网上支付的用户占总体网民的比例均为71%(online shopping and online payment users both accounted for 71% of China's total online users)

网民的互联网理财服务使用率(the percentage of internet users using online financial services)

我国在线政务服务用户(users of China's online government services)

经过新浪平台认证的政务机构微博(verified Sina Weibo microblog accounts run by government agencies)

互联网产业 internet industry
网购狂欢节 online shopping spree
网络生态 online ecosystem
网络霸权 internet hegemony

3. 性别平等教育
gender equality education

中小学(primary and middle schools)

性别平等教育(gender equality education)

学生需求(student needs)

心理健康(mental health)

文化活动(cultural activities)

试点城市(pilot city)


性别平等意识(awareness of gender equality)

保护自己的身体隐私(protect their physical privacy)

性骚扰(sexual harassment)

性侵害(sexual assault)

性别特点(gender traits)

生涯规划(career planning)

偏见和误解(prejudice and misunderstanding)

2011年中国妇女发展计划(2011-2020)通过后,中国的性别平等教育才开始发展(gender equality education in China only gained ground after the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020) was passed in 2011)

性别平等涉及男性与女性的合法权益和社会地位(gender equality involves legitimate rights, interests and the social status of men and women)

这就是为什么性别平等应当走入课堂、让学生从小接触性别平等观念的原因(that's why it should be taught in schools to expose students to it at a very young age)

男女平权 equal rights for men and women
性别歧视 gender discrimination
性别收入差距 gender pay gap
性别刻板印象 gender stereotype
玻璃天花板 glass ceiling
新生儿男女比例 male to female ratio at birth

4. 热门外语
popular foreign language

现代语言(modern language)

(汉语)逆转了现代语言受欢迎程度下降的趋势(bucked the trend of the fall in popularity of modern languages)

因为德国经济的重要性(because of the importance of the German economy)

被大力鼓励学习德语(be strongly encouraged to study German)

全球发展最快的经济体(the fastest growing economy in the world)

对在A-level考试中报考汉语的人数增加表示欢迎(welcome the rise in Chinese A-level entries)

整体呈下降趋势(overall downward trend)

年轻人可以充满热情地学习语言(our young people can be enthused to study languages)。

全球地位(global standing)

Copy from LearnAndRecord

教育改革 education reform
课业负担 homework loads
招生制度 enrollment system
教育强国 education power

5. 共享保姆

共享民宿(sharing home)

共享汽车(shared car)


保姆定期照顾来自两个家庭的孩子(a nanny cares for children from two families on a regular basis)

雇得起一个保姆(afford a nanny)

提升保姆的经济收益(lift nannies' economic fortunes)

推出共享保姆服务(roll out its nanny-sharing service)

把共享经济带到儿童保育领域(bring the sharing economy to child care)

保姆荒 nanny shortage
共享护士 n
urse sharing
分享经济 sharing economy
共享平台 sharing platform







