Chapter 1.1

October 21, Friday | St. Goretti High School | Afternoon


Rebecca Rose
Chapter 1.1_第1张图片
Hello? Isabella? Are you there? Where are you?

A familiar, jittery voice comes from the other end.
Oh! Hey, Rose! I'm at St. Goretti High. What's the matter?

What do you mean, 'what's the matter'?
It's the mansion, silly! I'm here and you're late.
Geez, we're on shift together. You promised!
Oh my god, please don't tell me you forgot! You were planning on leaving me to check this place out on my own, weren't you?
You chickened out!

Calm down. You know I take my promises seriously.

I'd like to believe that, so hurry up and get here!
This place is huge! A bit too quiet since no one's lived here since, like, forever but beautiful, nonetheless.

Why are you so surprised? This isn't the first time you've been there.

I know. I just wish I can live in a place like this.
It really takes my breath away.

Yeah... well, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Not after the rumors that say it's haunted.

Geez, never mind those rumors. Ghosts aren't real, after all.
And even if they are, which they are not, they can't do anything.
They're nothing but spirits!

You don't know that! They might be listening or watching right now! And they might not be happy with you enough to curse you!

No offense, sweetie, but that's a bit of a stretch.

Ehhh, believe it or not, it's better to be careful.

Right. You know, not every property we sell will end up with a dead body stuffed in a sofa.

And I think that mansion is where we'll likely find another one. I can feel it.

That was one time, Isabella. Loosen up!
Anyway, just get here ASAP, please. I'm getting bored being here on my own.

Fine, fine. Let me just finish up here. I'll be right there soon.

Okay, see you. Bye!

She hangs up before I can respond.

Rose. Still charming as ever.


???Who was that?

I look up from my phone to see Rebecca — Becca — giving me a questioning look.
Oh, that? It's just Rose.

Rose? The one you said who trained you for your job back when you started?
You're working together again?

Just for this property; we've been scoping out that big mansion down Anslem village after the renovations.
Today's sort of its grand opening to the public. BRC wants to give it one last check, before we let potential buyers tour it this afternoon.

Wait, mansion? That big, spooky one you've been telling everyone about?
Didn't you keep saying how it just 'gave you the creeps'?
You actually went there? And you're going back?!

Well, I did promise Rose I wouldn't ditch her. And besides, a job is a job. Gotta' do what ya' gotta' do to make a livin'.As soon as those words have left my mouth, Becca lets out a soft chuckle.What's so funny?

Nothing! It's just that I didn't expect you to say that! Coming from you, it sounds so... out of character.
I mean, no offense, but you've been freaking out about the place being creepy, ever since you got assigned to it! Cursed rumors and all.
I honestly thought you'd back out.

Not all the time. I could really use a huge amount of cash right now, and this is just the fastest way to get it. Plus, listen to this: Briar Realty wants it sold as soon as possible! And the agent who lands the deal is going to get a huge bonus!
They never give bonuses like that! Getting that would make life so much easier. They're desperate, I'm desperate. It's perfect!

A sympathetic look crosses her face.

You know, if you're really in urgent need of money, you could've just asked me. Or Ashton.
We can always let you borrow and you can pay us back whenever.

I have to keep myself from groaning out loud.
In the years I've known her, I can already tell what to expect once she has that expression.

I've noticed that you've been living off instant noodles these past few weeks.

She crosses her arms and grimaces at the thought.
Her voice slightly rises as she begins to scold me.
Instantly, I'm reminded why Becca is excellent at her job teaching boisterous teenagers.

Stop eating junk! They're cheap but they're not good for you.

You'll definitely end up in the hospital if you keep at it.

Chapter 1.1_第2张图片

I eat other things too!

You're not my mom!

I fold my arms across my chest, mimicking her posture and giving her the best frown I can muster. The same one I use with my younger siblings when they're being difficult.

Instead, she only raises an eyebrow at me.

That's not going to work on me. And I saw it when you were cleaning your flat last week.
The instant noodle cups outnumber everything else!

You're just exaggerating! Did you even see what's in my cupboard, yet?
I'm not just living on instant noodles alone. I've got canned beans, peas, tuna, ham, and even hamburgers in there!

Becca's wrinkling her nose by the time I get to the end of the small list; I think she even went a little green on the last one.
I would have laughed a little at that, if I didn't know it would only lead to more reprimands from her.

Aren't those the same ones you won from the grocer's raffle more than a year ago?
I sincerely hope you're checking the date stamps on those things before eating them. I don't want a repeat of last year.
In any case, those are still not exactly healthier choices, Belle.

She shakes her head, possibly laughing at some funny distant memory.

When she looks up, I immediately brace myself.
More words from her.
Sometimes, it's just better to let Becca talk until she's out of things to say.
But when she turns her attention back to me, there is only warmth in her smile.

What am I going to do with you?

She says this more to herself than me. Her voice shifting to something kinder, even "motherly," if I'm looking for an exact word.

I hope you know that it's impossible not to worry about you when you're like this. You don't have to keep eating the same thing.
I already told you before: You're always free to reheat the food in my fridge.


I press my lips together and roll my eyes at her.
I'm not entirely sure how I should feel whenever she goes on her mother-hen mode.
She means well. I'm glad someone's looking out for me, especially with my family living on the other side of the globe. But Becca's bossy attitude can be such a pain at times.
She's more overbearing than Mama and that already says a lot!

You're not my mom!

I didn't say I am!

Nope. But you're acting like one! You don't need to boss me around all the time!

She gives me a completely unimpressed look.
Immediately, I brace myself for another round of reprimands from her.

I am not bossing you around! I'm just telling you to, at least, mind what you're eating!
Remember what happened last year?
You ended up bedridden for two weeks after eating something bad. And I ended up having to listen to you cry about how those absences would 'take a huge chunk out of your paycheck'!
Do you want that to happen again?
No, mom.

Only a loud, frustrated sigh comes from her, while she pinches the bridge of her nose. Likely to help ease a headache starting to form in her head.
I bite my lower lip, to keep myself from laughing out loud at the image she makes, expecting her to say more.
But when, at last, she looks up, she's simply carrying a resigned expression on her face.

I'm serious.

Not my mom, Rebecca~!

Maria Isabella Grace!

I shut my mouth after that.
From the start, I know she's not really angry, but I don't want to push it.
An angry Becca isn't someone I wish to cross in my lifetime.
I've seen it happen and it wasn't pretty.
Yeah, I'll stop.

I grumble, but she doesn't seem to care much. Only giving me a small, acknowledging nod.

Look: If you need anything, tell me, and I'll help in anyway I can.
You don't have to do this alone.


Thanks, Becca. I really appreciate it, but you don't need to keep babying me.
You've been taking care of me since after I moved here! You have to take a break some time.
And before you ask again: No. You know I'm not a fan of borrowing money. And I'm not going to ask you to give me what you earned hard for yourself.

Eh, you and your pride. But suit yourself.
The offer stays on the table, though.

I nod in response, if only to get her to drop the topic.
But I'm pretty certain I will never take that offer.
It has nothing to do with pride.
I've simply seen plenty of times how friendships can take a turn for the worse, just because of a few unpaid debts.
I don't want something like that to happen between me and Becca!
We may argue about a lot of small, petty things, but she already feels like a real sister to me.
I don't want to lose that friendship over something so trivial!

Becca taking a quick glance at something behind me—probably the clock hanging above the noticeboard—snaps me out of my thoughts.

Well, enough chitchat! Lunch is ending and my students will be back any minute.
We can catch up later.

Good luck with your clients. You better treat us to lunch or something if you get that sale! You bet!

With a small smile, she returns to her desk and begins sifting through the pages of a rather thick history textbook.
She's probably working out her lesson plan for next week.
Or trying, at least.
Her eyes are distant and she doesn't seem too attentive to whatever is on the page.
As if she heard my thoughts, Becca starts coughing heavily; her hand hastily goes to her mouth to stifle the sounds.
Ah, this is precisely why I followed her here in the first place.
For someone who makes a habit out of worrying for other people, Becca sure forgets how to take care of herself!

Hey... You sure you can manage on your own?
I mean, you're still a bit feverish…

Oh, hush, dear. Don't you worry about me.
I'll just drink some medicine and I'll be right as rain!

I level her with a flat look.
She has a cold for a couple of days now. Something about the strange weather not agreeing with her lately.
And, despite my advice to take the week off and rest, I found her apartment empty when I dropped by this morning.
She even left the medicine her doctor prescribed to her!
Look who's being stubborn now.

You shouldn't even be working right now.

Seriously, you big baby, I'll be fine! For now, just go to work and stop making that Rose girl wait for you.
I'll call you if I still feel bad and you can come pick me up, if it makes you feel any better.

She offers me a reassuring smile and I can only sigh.
Why do I even bother? There is no stopping her once she has decided on something!

Defeated, I reach inside my bag to pull out the same bottle of medicine she left earlier.

She looks at it warily when I place it in front of her.
Unfortunately for her, this is one thing I am not letting her have her way!
Alright. But don't forget what the doctor said: 'drink this on time.' I'll see you later, okay?

There's an amused gleam in her eyes when she shifts her gaze back to me.

Look who's playing the mother-hen now?

`` Rebecca! `

Okay, okay! I won't tease anymore.
I'll make sure to drink it, mom.

Before I can retort, she casts another look at the clock.
I take that as a sign to finally end the conversation and my short visit.

With a wave of goodbye, I leave her alone to her classroom and her thoughts.

你可能感兴趣的:(Chapter 1.1)