- public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
- try {
- this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
- initLogging();
- //创建dispatcher,前面都已经讲过啰
- dispatcher = createDispatcher(filterConfig);
- dispatcher.init();
- //注入将FilterDispatcher中的变量通过container注入,如下面的staticResourceLoader
- dispatcher.getContainer().inject(this);
- //StaticContentLoader在BeanSelectionProvider中已经被注入了依赖关系:DefaultStaticContentLoader
- //可以在struts-default.xml中的
可以找到 - staticResourceLoader.setHostConfig(new FilterHostConfig(filterConfig));
- } finally {
- ActionContext.setContext(null);
- }
- }
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { try { this.filterConfig = filterConfig; initLogging(); //创建dispatcher,前面都已经讲过啰 dispatcher = createDispatcher(filterConfig); dispatcher.init(); //注入将FilterDispatcher中的变量通过container注入,如下面的staticResourceLoader dispatcher.getContainer().inject(this); //StaticContentLoader在BeanSelectionProvider中已经被注入了依赖关系:DefaultStaticContentLoader //可以在struts-default.xml中的
- //下面来看DefaultStaticContentLoader的setHostConfig
- public void setHostConfig(HostConfig filterConfig) {
- //读取初始参数pakages,调用parse(),解析成类似/org/apache/struts2/static,/template的数组
- String param = filterConfig.getInitParameter("packages");
- //"org.apache.struts2.static template org.apache.struts2.interceptor.debugging static"
- String packages = getAdditionalPackages();
- if (param != null) {
- packages = param + " " + packages;
- }
- this.pathPrefixes = parse(packages);
- initLogging(filterConfig);
- }
//下面来看DefaultStaticContentLoader的setHostConfig public void setHostConfig(HostConfig filterConfig) { //读取初始参数pakages,调用parse(),解析成类似/org/apache/struts2/static,/template的数组 String param = filterConfig.getInitParameter("packages"); //"org.apache.struts2.static template org.apache.struts2.interceptor.debugging static" String packages = getAdditionalPackages(); if (param != null) { packages = param + " " + packages; } this.pathPrefixes = parse(packages); initLogging(filterConfig); }
- public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
- HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
- HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
- ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
- String timerKey = "FilterDispatcher_doFilter: ";
- try {
- // FIXME: this should be refactored better to not duplicate work with the action invocation
- //先看看ValueStackFactory所注入的实现类OgnlValueStackFactory
- //new OgnlValueStack
- ValueStack stack = dispatcher.getContainer().getInstance(ValueStackFactory.class).createValueStack();
- ActionContext ctx = new ActionContext(stack.getContext());
- ActionContext.setContext(ctx);
- UtilTimerStack.push(timerKey);
- //如果是multipart/form-data就用MultiPartRequestWrapper进行包装
- //MultiPartRequestWrapper是StrutsRequestWrapper的子类,两者都是HttpServletRequest实现
- //此时在MultiPartRequestWrapper中就会把Files给解析出来,用于文件上传
- //所有request都会StrutsRequestWrapper进行包装,StrutsRequestWrapper是可以访问ValueStack
- //下面是参见Dispatcher的wrapRequest
- // String content_type = request.getContentType();
- //if(content_type!= null&&content_type.indexOf("multipart/form-data")!=-1){
- //MultiPartRequest multi =getContainer().getInstance(MultiPartRequest.class);
- //request =new MultiPartRequestWrapper(multi,request,getSaveDir(servletContext));
- //} else {
- // request = new StrutsRequestWrapper(request);
- // }
- request = prepareDispatcherAndWrapRequest(request, response);
- ActionMapping mapping;
- try {
- //根据url取得对应的Action的配置信息
- //看一下注入的DefaultActionMapper的getMapping()方法.Action的配置信息存储在 ActionMapping对象中
- mapping = actionMapper.getMapping(request, dispatcher.getConfigurationManager());
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- log.error("error getting ActionMapping", ex);
- dispatcher.sendError(request, response, servletContext, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ex);
- return;
- }
- //如果找不到对应的action配置,则直接返回。比如你输入***.jsp等等
- //这儿有个例外,就是如果path是以“/struts”开头,则到初始参数packages配置的包路径去查找对应的静态资源并输出到页面流中,当然.class文件除外。如果再没有则跳转到404
- if (mapping == null) {
- // there is no action in this request, should we look for a static resource?
- String resourcePath = RequestUtils.getServletPath(request);
- if ("".equals(resourcePath) && null != request.getPathInfo()) {
- resourcePath = request.getPathInfo();
- }
- if (staticResourceLoader.canHandle(resourcePath)) {
- // 在DefaultStaticContentLoader中:return serveStatic && (resourcePath.startsWith("/struts") || resourcePath.startsWith("/static"));
- staticResourceLoader.findStaticResource(resourcePath, request, response);
- } else {
- // this is a normal request, let it pass through
- chain.doFilter(request, response);
- }
- // The framework did its job here
- return;
- }
- //正式开始Action的方法
- dispatcher.serviceAction(request, response, servletContext, mapping);
- } finally {
- try {
- ActionContextCleanUp.cleanUp(req);
- } finally {
- UtilTimerStack.pop(timerKey);
- }
- }
- }
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext(); String timerKey = "FilterDispatcher_doFilter: "; try { // FIXME: this should be refactored better to not duplicate work with the action invocation //先看看ValueStackFactory所注入的实现类OgnlValueStackFactory //new OgnlValueStack ValueStack stack = dispatcher.getContainer().getInstance(ValueStackFactory.class).createValueStack(); ActionContext ctx = new ActionContext(stack.getContext()); ActionContext.setContext(ctx); UtilTimerStack.push(timerKey); //如果是multipart/form-data就用MultiPartRequestWrapper进行包装 //MultiPartRequestWrapper是StrutsRequestWrapper的子类,两者都是HttpServletRequest实现 //此时在MultiPartRequestWrapper中就会把Files给解析出来,用于文件上传 //所有request都会StrutsRequestWrapper进行包装,StrutsRequestWrapper是可以访问ValueStack //下面是参见Dispatcher的wrapRequest // String content_type = request.getContentType(); //if(content_type!= null&&content_type.indexOf("multipart/form-data")!=-1){ //MultiPartRequest multi =getContainer().getInstance(MultiPartRequest.class); //request =new MultiPartRequestWrapper(multi,request,getSaveDir(servletContext)); //} else { // request = new StrutsRequestWrapper(request); // } request = prepareDispatcherAndWrapRequest(request, response); ActionMapping mapping; try { //根据url取得对应的Action的配置信息 //看一下注入的DefaultActionMapper的getMapping()方法.Action的配置信息存储在 ActionMapping对象中 mapping = actionMapper.getMapping(request, dispatcher.getConfigurationManager()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("error getting ActionMapping", ex); dispatcher.sendError(request, response, servletContext, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ex); return; } //如果找不到对应的action配置,则直接返回。比如你输入***.jsp等等 //这儿有个例外,就是如果path是以“/struts”开头,则到初始参数packages配置的包路径去查找对应的静态资源并输出到页面流中,当然.class文件除外。如果再没有则跳转到404 if (mapping == null) { // there is no action in this request, should we look for a static resource? String resourcePath = RequestUtils.getServletPath(request); if ("".equals(resourcePath) && null != request.getPathInfo()) { resourcePath = request.getPathInfo(); } if (staticResourceLoader.canHandle(resourcePath)) { // 在DefaultStaticContentLoader中:return serveStatic && (resourcePath.startsWith("/struts") || resourcePath.startsWith("/static")); staticResourceLoader.findStaticResource(resourcePath, request, response); } else { // this is a normal request, let it pass through chain.doFilter(request, response); } // The framework did its job here return; } //正式开始Action的方法 dispatcher.serviceAction(request, response, servletContext, mapping); } finally { try { ActionContextCleanUp.cleanUp(req); } finally { UtilTimerStack.pop(timerKey); } } }
- //下面是ActionMapper接口的实现类 DefaultActionMapper的getMapping()方法的源代码:
- public ActionMapping getMapping(HttpServletRequest request,
- ConfigurationManager configManager) {
- ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping();
- String uri = getUri(request);//得到请求路径的URI,如:testAtcion.action或testAction.do
- int indexOfSemicolon = uri.indexOf(";");//修正url的带;jsessionid 时找不到而且的bug
- uri = (indexOfSemicolon > -1) ? uri.substring(0, indexOfSemicolon) : uri;
- uri = dropExtension(uri, mapping);//删除扩展名,默认扩展名为action
- if (uri == null) {
- return null;
- }
- parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager);//匹配Action的name和namespace
- handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping);//去掉重复参数
- //如果Action的name没有解析出来,直接返回
- if (mapping.getName() == null) {
- returnnull;
- }
- //下面处理形如testAction!method格式的请求路径
- if (allowDynamicMethodCalls) {
- // handle "name!method" convention.
- String name = mapping.getName();
- int exclamation = name.lastIndexOf("!");//!是Action名称和方法名的分隔符
- if (exclamation != -1) {
- mapping.setName(name.substring(0, exclamation));//提取左边为name
- mapping.setMethod(name.substring(exclamation + 1));//提取右边的method
- }
- }
- return mapping;
- }
//下面是ActionMapper接口的实现类 DefaultActionMapper的getMapping()方法的源代码: public ActionMapping getMapping(HttpServletRequest request, ConfigurationManager configManager) { ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping(); String uri = getUri(request);//得到请求路径的URI,如:testAtcion.action或testAction.do int indexOfSemicolon = uri.indexOf(";");//修正url的带;jsessionid 时找不到而且的bug uri = (indexOfSemicolon > -1) ? uri.substring(0, indexOfSemicolon) : uri; uri = dropExtension(uri, mapping);//删除扩展名,默认扩展名为action if (uri == null) { return null; } parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager);//匹配Action的name和namespace handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping);//去掉重复参数 //如果Action的name没有解析出来,直接返回 if (mapping.getName() == null) { returnnull; } //下面处理形如testAction!method格式的请求路径 if (allowDynamicMethodCalls) { // handle "name!method" convention. String name = mapping.getName(); int exclamation = name.lastIndexOf("!");//!是Action名称和方法名的分隔符 if (exclamation != -1) { mapping.setName(name.substring(0, exclamation));//提取左边为name mapping.setMethod(name.substring(exclamation + 1));//提取右边的method } } return mapping; }
如果getMapping()方法返回ActionMapping对象为null,则FilterDispatcher认为用户请求不是Action,自然另当别论,FilterDispatcher会做一件非常有意思的事:如果请求以/struts开头,会自动查找在web.xml文件中配置的 packages初始化参数,就像下面这样:
- <filter>
- <filter-name>struts2filter-name>
- <filter-class>
- org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher
- filter-class>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>packagesparam-name>
- <param-value>com.lizanhong.actionparam-value>
- init-param>
- filter>
FilterDispatcher会将com.lizanhong.action包下的文件当作静态资源处理,即直接在页面上显示文件内容,不过会忽略扩展名为class的文件。比如在com.lizanhong.action包下有一个aaa.txt的文本文件,其内容为“×××”,访问 http://localhost:8081/Struts2Demo/struts/aaa.txt时会输出txt中的内容
- protectedvoid findStaticResource(String name, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
- if (!name.endsWith(".class")) {//忽略class文件
- //遍历packages参数
- for (String pathPrefix : pathPrefixes) {
- InputStream is = findInputStream(name, pathPrefix);//读取请求文件流
- if (is != null) {
- ...
- // set the content-type header
- String contentType = getContentType(name);//读取内容类型
- if (contentType != null) {
- response.setContentType(contentType);//重新设置内容类型
- }
- ...
- try {
- //将读取到的文件流以每次复制4096个字节的方式循环输出
- copy(is, response.getOutputStream());
- } finally {
- is.close();
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
protectedvoid findStaticResource(String name, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { if (!name.endsWith(".class")) {//忽略class文件 //遍历packages参数 for (String pathPrefix : pathPrefixes) { InputStream is = findInputStream(name, pathPrefix);//读取请求文件流 if (is != null) { ... // set the content-type header String contentType = getContentType(name);//读取内容类型 if (contentType != null) { response.setContentType(contentType);//重新设置内容类型 } ... try { //将读取到的文件流以每次复制4096个字节的方式循环输出 copy(is, response.getOutputStream()); } finally { is.close(); } return; } } } }
如果getMapping()方法返回有效的ActionMapping对象,则被认为正在请求某个Action,将调用 Dispatcher.serviceAction(request, response, servletContext, mapping)方法,该方法是处理Action的关键所在。
- //Load Action class for mapping and invoke the appropriate Action method, or go directly to the Result.
- public void serviceAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext context,
- ActionMapping mapping) throws ServletException {
- //createContextMap方法主要把Application、Session、Request的key value值拷贝到Map中
- Map
extraContext = createContextMap(request, response, mapping, context); - // If there was a previous value stack, then create a new copy and pass it in to be used by the new Action
- ValueStack stack = (ValueStack) request.getAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY);
- boolean nullStack = stack == null;
- if (nullStack) {
- ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
- if (ctx != null) {
- stack = ctx.getValueStack();
- }
- }
- if (stack != null) {
- extraContext.put(ActionContext.VALUE_STACK, valueStackFactory.createValueStack(stack));
- }
- String timerKey = "Handling request from Dispatcher";
- try {
- UtilTimerStack.push(timerKey);
- String namespace = mapping.getNamespace();
- String name = mapping.getName();
- String method = mapping.getMethod();
- Configuration config = configurationManager.getConfiguration();
- //创建一个Action的代理对象,ActionProxyFactory是创建ActionProxy的工厂
- //参考实现类:DefaultActionProxy和DefaultActionProxyFactory
- ActionProxy proxy = config.getContainer().getInstance(ActionProxyFactory.class).createActionProxy(
- namespace, name, method, extraContext, true, false);
- request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, proxy.getInvocation().getStack());
- // if the ActionMapping says to go straight to a result, do it!
- //如果是Result,则直接转向,关于Result,ActionProxy,ActionInvocation下一讲中再分析
- if (mapping.getResult() != null) {
- Result result = mapping.getResult();
- result.execute(proxy.getInvocation());
- } else {
- //执行Action
- proxy.execute();
- }
- // If there was a previous value stack then set it back onto the request
- if (!nullStack) {
- request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, stack);
- }
- } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
- // WW-2874 Only log error if in devMode
- if(devMode) {
- LOG.error("Could not find action or result", e);
- }
- else {
- LOG.warn("Could not find action or result", e);
- }
- sendError(request, response, context, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- sendError(request, response, context, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
- } finally {
- UtilTimerStack.pop(timerKey);
- }
- }
//Load Action class for mapping and invoke the appropriate Action method, or go directly to the Result. public void serviceAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext context, ActionMapping mapping) throws ServletException { //createContextMap方法主要把Application、Session、Request的key value值拷贝到Map中 Map
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