【088】勇气会传染|Courage is contagious

Speaker: Damon Davis

Key words:勇气

Abstract:18岁的非裔美国青年迈克尔·布朗被警察当街枪杀后,Damon Davis也走上了街头加入抗议队伍,在街头与警察的对抗之间,他感到了恐惧、愤怒以及来自同伴的爱与勇气。后来他拍摄了一部记录片《Whose Streets?》,从他的角度讲述了一个关于用勇气对抗恐惧,对爱对抗仇恨的故事。

@TED: When artist Damon Davis went to join the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police killed Michael Brown in 2014, he found not only anger but also a sense of love for self and community. His documentary "Whose Streets?" tells the story of the protests from the perspective of the activists who showed up to challenge those who use power to spread fear and hate.


【088】勇气会传染|Courage is contagious_第1张图片


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