译|缓慢逼近和突如其来的死亡 你怎么面对

译|缓慢逼近和突如其来的死亡 你怎么面对_第1张图片



My mom died when I was already an adult -- a mother myself. Her death was slow, expected. This made it no easier. Losses like this begin well before the person is gone, because we imagine the world going on without them. The anticipation of it is like a slow, steady burn. We become used to grieving. We hold their hands, press compresses to their wounds, watch as medication drips into their veins, all the while faced with the impossibility of our own powerlessness. This too, is beautiful, human brokenness.



As the Buddha once famously said, life is suffering. To love is to lose. In the natural order of things, we will eventually lose our own parents and in the natural order of thing, this will happen after we're already adults. Except when it doesn't.


I lost my dad when I was young -- suddenly, in a car crash. I never had a chance to say goodbye. He never had a chance to see me grow from a messed up girl into a much-less-messed-up woman. He died worried about me. I live with this. And yet, his early death shaped and transformed me in enormously positive ways. I grew up. I've spent my life trying to make him proud.


We metabolize these sudden losses like shocks to our system, and they continue to live inside of us like fault lines, like the traumas they are. Ask anyone who has experienced any kind of shocking loss and they will tell you: the air today is just like it was on that day; the scent of hibiscus, of an oil refinery, of powdered donuts, brings it back.

** 我们自身的代谢系统会代谢掉这些突如其来的损失,比如震惊,他们也会像错误的线路一样,继续存留在我们的身体内部,就像可见的外伤。随便问一个曾经经历过突如其来的丧失的人的话,他们会跟你说:今天的空气就跟那天一样;木槿花的芬芳,炼油厂的味道,甜甜圈粉末的香味等都勾起那天所发生的一切。**

And suddenly the tears pool in our eyes, our hearts crack open. We live in all the beautiful, human brokenness of these losses. Our awareness becomes our teacher. Perhaps it even helps us to embrace the ordinary as the amazing turn of circumstance that it is.



人生来走一遭,有的人说质本洁来还洁去,有的人说要认真严肃地做每一个选择,谨慎地走好每一步。可要嘛双手空回,要嘛终老前满归的,都得面对死亡,面对自己死亡 ,面对别人的死亡,别人的死亡里分自己至亲的死亡,和疏远淡淡之交的死亡。不管是或亲近或疏远的死亡,其来临的步子都是不一的。




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