the God of Fortune 财神
fortune英:[ˈfɔːtʃuːn] 美:[ˈfɔːrtʃən]
Pick up /welcome the God of Fortune to my home.
最地道的表达是:worship the God of Fortune 接财神
We will worship the God of Fortune on the 5th day of Chinese New Year.
Wish you great fortune 恭喜发财
may a river of gold flow into your pocket 财源广进
wish your business succes生意兴隆
微信朋友圈如何表达?大多数人第一反应是逐字翻译过来:“friend circle?”
圈内朋友:coterie n.(志趣相同、合伙做事而排外的)小圈子,小集团 。复数:coteries
玛利和她的圈内朋友举行派对,我们没被邀请。Mary and her coterie gave a party to which we were not invited.
the inner circle of trusted friends 圈内朋友
在皇宫内,仆人必须与国王保持距离:但若是在国王亲密可靠圈内的朋友,则可以直接与国王见面,聆听机密事件。In royal courts, servants must keep their distance from the king, but the inner circle of trusted friends enjoy close contact, direct access, and confidential information.
※ Path是由Facebook前高管Dave Morin创建的简单并且私密的社交网络。
She updates her WeChatmoments every day.她每天都要更新微信朋友圈。
We update our WeChat moments every day.我们每天要更新微信朋友圈。
① Post a picture 发照片
She likes to post selfies on her moments.她喜欢在朋友圈晒自拍。
※ selfie [sɛlfi] 就是 "自拍"。
※ 贴文 post:你的每一篇发文,都可以叫一个post, 转发别人的文章或者微博,就叫 repost。也可以用ing形式的名词posting, 复数postings.
Hi, Amy, I just liked your posting.
postings n.派驻;(发送到互联网讨论组的)帖子,消息,信息 。posting的复数
② Like 点赞
After posting a picture, I will wait for others to like.发完照片后,我就会等着别人去点赞。
③ Comment 评论,留言
I don't like to comment on others' pictures.我不喜欢去评论别人的照片。
④ 关注 follow / 取消关注 unfollow
You can choose to simply unfollow those users, block them or report the accounts to Weibo, as well - all with just one click.只需点击一下鼠标,你就可以选择取消关注、屏蔽那些用户或向微博举报那些账号。
⑤ block sb. [blɑk] 拉黑某人(原意是“阻挡,限制”)
I had no choice but to block her.没辙,我只能拉黑她。
⑥ official accounts 公众号(其实老外口语习惯用 public accounts)