多线程学习笔记(一) InvokeRequired 和 delegate

入门示例: 假如有一个label,我们希望像走马灯一样,从1显示到100

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                label1.Text = i.ToString();

但这种写法,只会卡一下,然后label显示100,没有变化的. 如果用doEvents,就可以变化了

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                label1.Text = i.ToString();



        delegate void D(object obj);
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SetTextBoxValue));
                t.IsBackground = true;
                Debug.WriteLine("Thread #"+ i +" Start");

        void SetTextBoxValue(object obj)
            if (label1.InvokeRequired)
                Debug.WriteLine("Thread #" + obj + "InvokeRequired,set Delegate");
                D d = new D(SetTextBoxValue);
                label1.Invoke(d, obj); //异步的话,不保证哪个线程先完成.最后的结果是8或9
                Debug.WriteLine("Thread #" + obj + " UI Change ");
          //An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
                //Additional information: 线程间操作无效: 从不是创建控件“label1”的线程访问它。
                this.label1.Text = obj.ToString();


debug的输出如下: 启动10个线程.10个线程把修改控件属性的操作交给委托, 最后再UpdateUI

Thread #0 Start
Thread #0InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x19ec has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #1 Start
Thread #1InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x570 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #2 Start
Thread #2InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x1d04 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #3 Start
Thread #4 Start
Thread #4InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x1a8c has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #5InvokeRequired,set Delegate
Thread #3InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x1a88 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
The thread 0xedc has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #5 Start
Thread #6 Start
Thread #7 Start
Thread #7InvokeRequired,set Delegate
Thread #6InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x1b58 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
The thread 0x694 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #8InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x1680 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #8 Start
Thread #9 Start
Thread #0 UI Change 
Thread #9InvokeRequired,set Delegate
The thread 0x177c has exited with code 259 (0x103).
Thread #1 UI Change 
Thread #2 UI Change 
Thread #4 UI Change 
Thread #5 UI Change 
Thread #3 UI Change 
Thread #7 UI Change 
Thread #6 UI Change 
Thread #8 UI Change 
Thread #9 UI Change 
The thread 0x67c has exited with code 0 (0x0).


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