快乐的一天! A happy day


          进了避暑山庄正门我就看见李娜老师、赵凯悦、刘子伊等人,穿着新巅峰特质红色马甲,正在等着我们。我们到后,剩下的家庭也就依次来到,正当我们拍完合影准备出发时,却发现侯冠宇正在犯小脾气,不愿意往前走。此刻,李娜老师带着大部队向前进发。剩下我们几个赵凯悦,刘子怡,大优,孟老师和我我们几个一起劝说侯冠宇 。当他愿意往前走时,我们几个也就跟着小侯一起向前走,去追赶大部队,忽然,路上发生了点儿小意外:侯冠宇与小英阿姨赛跑,可是,侯冠宇为了跑的更快一点儿推了小英阿姨一下,阿姨的腿磨破了皮,但是。小英阿姨非常大度,她不但没有说叫、责怪侯冠宇关于反而选择原谅了他。我们找到大部队时做了许多好玩儿的游戏比如:热身舞蹈、踩雷、跳大绳我们玩儿的非常开心。欢乐时光总是过的飞快,时间一点点流过去了,整个活动该结束了,我们有丰厚的奖品我领到了一包扑克牌。活动结束后,李娜老师去富强口才收拾东西,我、侯冠宇、大优与妈妈一起到小广场上去玩。刚到广场,我和大优一人买了一瓶泡泡,玩了一会儿,我发现有一对夫妻在快手上做直播,喊麦。真是太幸运了。下午一点半该上课外班了,我和大优分别去天山桃李园与桃李街上课外班。侯冠宇负责被孟老师送回全顺楼。


        晚上下课后,妈妈接我打了一辆车去到老西营烤羊,今天是妈妈的好朋友王姨过生日,所以王姨邀请我们去给她祝寿,烤羊过程中遇到了超好看的小哥哥(本人颜控( •̀∀•́ ))好开心!




    Today, my mother and I got up early. Because we were going to the Mountain Resort today, we quickly dressed and washed. We went downstairs and sat on a Cara family. On the way, we talked and laughed, and we were very happy.  Today, my mother and I got up early. Because we were going to the Mountain Resort today, we quickly dressed and washed. We went downstairs and sat on a Cara family. On the way, we talked and laughed, and we were very happy.

      At two points, I started an Olympiad lesson. In this number of mathematics classes, we talk about the number of sequence diagrams, which are divided into three kinds, the radiation pattern two, the closed number series three, the mixed sequence diagram. Among these three, I like to do radiative sequence diagram, because I personally think it is very simple. After class, I went to the dance class again. This dance lesson we reviewed the dance: India little beauty finished the next lesson. After studying all afternoon, I learned a lot of knowledge.

        After class in the evening, my mother took me to hit a car to go to the old West camp to roast sheep. Today is my mother's good friend Wang's birthday, so Aunt Wang invited us to celebrate her birthday.

      Today I enjoyed myself very much, and I learned a lot of knowledge as well.~\(≧≦)/~

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快乐的一天! A happy day_第4张图片


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