

1.It was a scene which was enacted(enact被动:使出现,使发生) month after month (每个月)for eight years.(8年里,那一情况每个月都会发生。){不知道为啥,感觉这句话很神奇...?}

2.A package of (一系列的)economic sanctions(经济刺激,感觉应该是制裁,贬义)is to be enacted(制定法令)against the country(对这个国家).

3.They seemed unaware (seem+adj.)of the drama being enacted (上演)a few feet away from them.(咫尺之外)(他们对于正在咫尺之外上演的戏码似乎浑然不知。)

4.Colonial officials(殖民地地方官员们)who are ordered to enforce unpopular enactments(制定法令)(enforce enactments执行法案),tended to temporize(???)(temporize敷衍),to find excuses for evasion(evasion:逃避。)(去寻找逃避的理由)

5.Dance itself is the enactment (演绎)of an energy (跳舞本身就是力量的体现)which must seem untrammeled(自由自在的), effortless, masterful.(untrammeled,effortless,masterful.无所拘束,轻松灵活,娴熟的)

6.He certainly was not (顺序?)politically inactive(无作为)(politically inactive:政治上无所作为)

7.The satellite had been inactive (未起作用)since its launch (n.)two years ago.

8.The West's inaction (西方世界不采取行动)has put millions of people at risk of starvation.(已导致数以百万计的人面临饥饿。)


1.They feel they are interacting productively(进行互动,颇有益处) with elderly (adj.)patients.(年长的病人)



1.Millions of people want new, simplified ways(简化方式) of interacting with a computer.(interact with computer:人机交互)

2.chemicals that interact(相互影响) to form a new compound

#compound 语义例句

•Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.盐是钠和氯的化合物。

•Many fertilizers contain nitrogen compounds.许多化学肥料都含有含氮化合物。

•Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.还有他的态度,那是一种幽默与严厉的奇异混合。

•'Bodyguard' and 'floppy disk' are two examples of compounds.bodyguard 和 floppy disk 是两个复合词。

•The gates opened and the troops marched into their compound.大门开了,军队进入他们的大院。

•The embassy compound has been closed to the public because of a bomb threat.因受到炸弹威胁,使馆区已不再对公众开放。

transitive often passive ***

(to make a problem or difficult situation worse 使加重,使加剧,使恶化)

•Her terror was compounded by the feeling that she was being watched.她有种被人监视的感觉,这加剧了她的恐惧感。

•His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.他意外地失去了工作,这使他手头更紧了。

•Severe drought has compounded food shortages in the region.严重的干旱加剧了该地区的食品短缺问题。

•Most tyres are made of rubber compounded with other chemicals and materials.大多数轮胎都是用橡胶和其他化学制品、材料混合制成的。

•compound interest复利(??)

•The investment fund has achieved annual compound returns of 18.2%.投资得到了18.2%的复利年回报率。

3.The psychotherapy(psycho-therapy) is carried out in small interactive(相互影响) groups.


4.This is an interactive museum(互动式博物馆) where children can actively manipulate the exhibits.(亲手?[好神奇的赶脚。。。]摆弄展品)

5.The air-pollution board(空气污染委员会) has reacted with cautious optimism to the announcement.(react with cautious optimism to…对...的反应是谨慎的乐观)(空气污染委员会对这项通告的反应是谨慎的乐观。)

6.She reacted against(对…很反对) the mindlessness and luxury (盲目和奢侈)of their lives.(她对他们生活的盲目和奢侈很反对。)

7.Someone allergic to milk is likely to(可能) react to cheese.(对奶酪过敏)

8.Under normal circumstances,(在正常情况下)these two gases react readily (轻而易举地) to produce carbon dioxide and water.(在正常情况下,这两种气体容易反应产生二氧化碳和水。)

9.I want our organization to be less reactive(有回应的,被动反应???) and more proactive(积极主动).(我希望我们的组织少一些被动反应,多一些积极主动。)


•Companies are going to have to be more proactive about environmental management.公司将不得不对环境管理采取更为积极主动的态度。

•a proactive approach/role积极的态度/作用

10.Ozone is a highly reactive(能起化学反应的) form of(非常活跃的...的状态) oxygen gas.(臭氧是一种非常活跃的氧气形态。)


1.He was surprised that his answer should (竟然)have caused such a strong reaction(反应:反响).

2.Commom foods which cause this kind of reaction(过敏) are fish, eggs, and shelfish(贝类).

3.Catalysts are materials which greatly speed up chemical reactions.(catalyst催化剂)

4.Premature moves(不成熟的举动) in this respect might well provoke reaction against the reform.


premature birth/death早产/早亡

a premature baby早产儿

Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known.鉴于结果尚未知晓,他们的批评看来过早了。

5.The sport requires very fast reactions.(应变能力,pl.)

6.It grew ever (表强调?)clearer to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary(保守的), too blinkered([‘blɪŋ.kəd]心胸狭隘的).



•He's very blinkered in his outlook.他的观念非常狭隘。

7.Critics(评论家)viewed him as a reactionary(保守派)(view sb. as a reactionary 把…看作是保守派)

8.Emergency cooling systems(紧急冷却系统) could fail and a reactor(核反应堆) meltdown could occur.(核反应堆有可能发生堆芯熔毁)

9.radioactive(radio-=radiation放射性的)The government has been storing radioactive waste(放射性废料) at Fernald for 50 years.

10.This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations(可以有多种解释).

#open to

eg.There are a wide range of career opportunities open to young people.年轻人有各种职业选择机会。


1.There is considerable ambiguity about this part of the agreement  actually means.(协议这一部分的真正含义很不明确。)

2.The author’s style suggests (表明)a certain ambiguity in (有点暧昧不明)his moral view.(道德观)

3.Billionaires are usually fairly secretive (讳莫如深)about the exact amount that they’re worth.(对自己身价的确切数目)

4.Formal,(严肃) exact(严谨) and obstinate(倔强), he was also cold(冷漠), suspicious,(多疑) touchy(敏感) and tactless(不会变通).


eg.her obstinate refusal to compromise她的拒不妥协

eg.obstinate stains难以去除的污渍

eg.a complex and obstinate issue复杂又难缠的问题

eg.Invading troops met with obstinate resistance by guerilla forces.侵略军遭到游击队的顽强抵抗。


eg.She’s one of the most tactless people I've ever met.她是我见过的最不圆通的人之一。

eg.a tactless remark 不得体的话


eg.They are deeply/highly (= very) suspicious of one another/ of each other's motives.他们对彼此的动机都很怀疑。

5.They, too, would be likely to exact a high price for their cooperation.(exact a high price:索要高价)

6.Leonard was determined to (be determined to 决心)exact revenge on (实施报复)his wife’s killer.(**exact:报复,使…付出代价)

7.Agnew’s car pulled into the driveway at exactly five o’clock (五点整)(驶入车道:pull into the driveway)

8.Eve nodded, almost approvingly.’Exactly.(确实如此。)’(approvingly:赞同地)


Progress in the talks was blocked by the Government’s intransigence.(因政府的拒绝让步使会谈中断)

10.Unions claim that the management (资方)continues to maintain an intransigent positon.(坚持拒不让步的立场:maintain an intransigent position)

#management 资方

eg.Management has/have offered staff a 3% pay increase.资方提出为职工加薪3%。



eg.The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.公司一直在推卸责任,但同意这一调解方案以避免漫长的诉讼所带来的花费。

eg.The settlement (和解协议)ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents(代表居民提起的超过四年之久的诉讼).


eg.The government has promised to introduce legislation to limit fuel emissions from cars.政府承诺将透过立法来限制汽车废气排放。



eg.It now seems unlikely that it will be possible to negotiate/reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict.现在看来和平解决这一冲突是不可能的。


eg.A large Roman settlement has been discovered just outside the town.在城外发现了一处大型古罗马人聚落。


eg.I enclose a cheque in settlement of your claim.我附上一张支票支付你的索赔。

2.The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord(驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾)

3.The new navigation system(新导航系统) will enable aircraft to navigate with total pinpoint accuracy(能够精确定位飞行)

4.If guests wished to use the sofa, they had first to navigate (成功应对)around chairs in the middle of the room.(如果客人想坐沙发,他们得先绕过屋中间的那几把椅子。)

5.A solicitor(初级律师)  will help you navigate the complex legal system.(#应对#错综复杂的司法制度)


eg.a firm of solicitors事务律师事务所

6.Their website is fairly plain(非常简单), but very easy to navigate(浏览起来很便捷)

7.Pack ice (浮冰群)around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation (对船只航行构成威胁)

8.The book’s advertised as “navigation made easy.”(这本书的广告宣传词是“航海不再难”。)

9.The reputation of the navigator is under assault(受到攻击) from historical revisionists .(历史修正主义者)(revision:修正)
