
while [ 1 ];do
    python3 /home/pi/greenhouse/greenhousedetection.py


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import Adafruit_DHT as dht
import datetime
import requests
import time
import os
from openpyxl import Workbook

# 传感器型号
sensor = dht.DHT22
# 树莓派GPIO BCM引脚号
pin1 = 5
pin2 = 6
pin3 = 13
pin4 = 19

# xlsx文件初始化
wb = Workbook() #创建文件对象
ws = wb.active #获取第一个sheet

# xlsx文件标头
ws['A1'] = "时间"
ws['B1'] = "室外标准温度"
ws['C1'] = "室外标准湿度"
ws['D1'] = "大棚北部温度"
ws['E1'] = "大棚北部湿度"
ws['F1'] = "大棚中部温度"
ws['G1'] = "大棚中部湿度"
ws['H1'] = "大棚南部温度"
ws['I1'] = "大棚南部湿度"

# xlsx偏移参数
i = 1

# 标准时间获取
time1 = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime())

# 网页内容写入
def xieru():

'+'\n' +'庆宝香菇大棚温湿度显示'+'\n' +'

'+'\n' +'


'+'\n' +'

' + '温度:' + str(wendu1) + '    ' + '湿度:' + str(shidu1) + '

' + '\n' +'


' + '\n' +'

' + '温度:' + str(wendu2) + '    ' + '湿度:' + str(shidu2) + '

' + '\n' +'


' + '\n' +'

' + '温度:' + str(wendu3) + '    ' + '湿度:' + str(shidu3) + '

' + '\n' +'


' + '\n' +'

' + '温度:' + str(wendu4) + '    ' + '湿度:' + str(shidu4) + '

' + '\n' + '

今天天气' + str(date1) + '

' + '\n' + '

白天天气:' + str(cond_d1) + '  ' + '夜晚天气:' + str( cond_n1) + '  ' + '最高温度:' + str(tmp_max1) + '  ' + '最低温度:' + str( tmp_min1) + '  ' + '相对湿度:' + str(hum1) + '  ' + '能见度:' + str( vis1) + '公里' + '  ' + '风向:' + str(wind_dir1) + '  ' + '风力:' + str( wind_sc1) + '

' + '\n' + '

明天天气' + str(date2) + '

' + '\n' + '

白天天气:' + str(cond_d2) + '  ' + '夜晚天气:' + str( cond_n2) + '  ' + '最高温度:' + str(tmp_max2) + '  ' + '最低温度:' + str( tmp_min2) + '  ' + '相对湿度:' + str(hum2) + '  ' + '能见度:' + str( vis2) + '公里' + '  ' + '风向:' + str(wind_dir2) + '  ' + '风力:' + str( wind_sc2) + '

' + '\n' + '

后天天气' + str(date3) + '

' + '\n' + '

白天天气:' + str(cond_d3) + '  ' + '夜晚天气:' + str( cond_n3) + '  ' + '最高温度:' + str(tmp_max3) + '  ' + '最低温度:' + str( tmp_min3) + '  ' + '相对湿度:' + str(hum3) + '  ' + '能见度:' + str( vis3) + '公里' + '  ' + '风向:' + str(wind_dir3) + '  ' + '风力:' + str( wind_sc3) + '

' + '\n' +''+'\n' +''+'\n' +'') f.close() # 主进程 while True: i = i+1 r = requests.get( 'https://free-api.heweather.net/s6/weather/forecast?location=biyang&key=') r.encoding = 'utf-8' date1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['date'] cond_d1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['cond_txt_d'] cond_n1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['cond_txt_n'] tmp_max1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['tmp_max'] tmp_min1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['tmp_min'] hum1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['hum'] vis1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['vis'] wind_dir1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['wind_dir'] wind_sc1 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][0]['wind_sc'] # print(cond_d1, cond_n1, tmp_max1, tmp_min1, hum1, vis1, wind_dir1, wind_sc1) date2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['date'] cond_d2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['cond_txt_d'] cond_n2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['cond_txt_n'] tmp_max2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['tmp_max'] tmp_min2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['tmp_min'] hum2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['hum'] vis2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['vis'] wind_dir2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['wind_dir'] wind_sc2 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][1]['wind_sc'] # print(cond_d2, cond_n2, tmp_max2, tmp_min2, hum2, vis2, wind_dir2, wind_sc2) date3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['date'] cond_d3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['cond_txt_d'] cond_n3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['cond_txt_n'] tmp_max3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['tmp_max'] tmp_min3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['tmp_min'] hum3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['hum'] vis3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['vis'] wind_dir3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['wind_dir'] wind_sc3 = r.json()['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][2]['wind_sc'] # print(cond_d3, cond_n3, tmp_max3, tmp_min3, hum3, vis3, wind_dir3, wind_sc3) time2 = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime()) shidu1,wendu1 = dht.read_retry(sensor,pin1) shidu2,wendu2 = dht.read_retry(sensor,pin3) shidu3,wendu3 = dht.read_retry(sensor,pin3) shidu4,wendu4 = dht.read_retry(sensor,pin4) if time2 > time1: name = time2 time1 = time2 i = 2 # 写入一个自定义的时间格式 ws['A' + str(i)] = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", time.localtime()) #print("日期更新") if shidu1 is not None and wendu1 is not None: wendu1 = round(wendu1,3) shidu1 = round(shidu1,3) wendu2 = round(wendu2,3) shidu2 = round(shidu2,3) wendu3 = round(wendu3,3) shidu3 = round(shidu3,3) wendu4 = round(wendu4,3) shidu4 = round(shidu4,3) ws['B' + str(i)] = wendu1 ws['C' + str(i)] = shidu1 ws['D' + str(i)] = wendu2 ws['E' + str(i)] = shidu2 ws['F' + str(i)] = wendu3 ws['G' + str(i)] = shidu3 ws['H' + str(i)] = wendu4 ws['I' + str(i)] = shidu4 xieru() else: ws['J' + str(i)] = "传感器异常" else: name = time1 ws['A' + str(i)] = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", time.localtime()) #print("日期更新") if shidu1 is not None and wendu1 is not None: wendu1 = round(wendu1, 3) shidu1 = round(shidu1, 3) wendu2 = round(wendu2, 3) shidu2 = round(shidu2, 3) wendu3 = round(wendu3, 3) shidu3 = round(shidu3, 3) wendu4 = round(wendu4, 3) shidu4 = round(shidu4, 3) ws['B' + str(i)] = wendu1 ws['C' + str(i)] = shidu1 ws['D' + str(i)] = wendu2 ws['E' + str(i)] = shidu2 ws['F' + str(i)] = wendu3 ws['G' + str(i)] = shidu3 ws['H' + str(i)] = wendu4 ws['I' + str(i)] = shidu4 xieru() else: ws['D' + str(i)] = "传感器异常" # Save the file wb.save("/home/pi/greenhouse/datexlsx/"+str(name)+".xlsx") time.sleep(90)
