[大译] CBD-Containing Skin Care Products 含CBD的护肤品

听Fiona讲新闻:  http://xima.tv/lFY5BG

news source 新闻来源:  https://fortune.com/2019/10/02/cbd-beauty-products-go-mainstream/

[大译] CBD-Containing Skin Care Products 含CBD的护肤品_第1张图片

From drugstores to grocers and mall stores, consumers can expect to see the letters CBD on plenty of packaging. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a non-intoxicating extract of the hemp plant, which is a kind of cannabis containing no more than 0.3% THC. The human body naturally produces cannabinoids to regulate pain, inflammation, sleep, appetite, and other functions. “adding CBD to beauty products is a gimmick in most cases,” said Aliza Sherman, CEO of cannabis education website Ellementa. “There are very few beauty products that need CBD in them based on what CBD is currently known to do, namely reduce inflammation on the skin's surface."

从药店到超市再到商场,消费者会看到很多包装上印着CBD的商品。大麻二酚,简称CBD,是hemp的一种不会上瘾的提取物,而hemp是大麻的一种,THC的含量不高于0.3%。人体会自然产生大麻酚类物质,他们有助于调节疼痛,发炎,睡眠,胃口等功能。“在美妆产品里加CBD大部分都是噱头,”大麻信息网站Ellementa的总裁 Aliza Sherman 说,“就目前对CBD作用(比如减缓皮肤表面的红肿)的了解,只有很少的美妆产品需要加入这种物质。”

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