
  1. I look very much forward to doing it. - 我很期待去做这件事
  2. I don't buy that. - 我不这么认为
  3. Believe it or not - 不论你信不信
  4. all talk, no action - 光说不做
  5. sounds good, doesn't work - 听起来不错,但是没有作用
  6. our country is suffering - 我们国家正在受苦
  7. that's the kind of thinking our country needs. - 这是我们国家需要的一种思想
  8. forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you. - 忘掉伤害了你人或事,但不要忘记你从伤害中学到的东西
  9. I am being ripped off by him - 我被他敲竹杠了
  10. Never tell your problems to anyone. Because 20% of people don't care, and the other 80% are glad you have them. - 不要向任何人诉苦,因为20%的人不在乎,其他80%的人会幸灾乐祸
  11. Classy is when you have a lot to say but you choose to remain silent in front of fools - 有修养体现在本来你有很多话可以说,但选择在愚人面前沉默
  12. Once you stop learning, you start dying - 活到老学到老
  13. Your time is way too valuable to be wasted on people that can't accept who you are. - 你时间很宝贵,不要浪费在不接受你的人身上
  14. Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer - 亲近你的朋友,但更要亲近你的敌人
  15. Being single is smarter than being in the wrong relationship - 保持单身比陷入一段错误的感情要聪明得多
  16. I am available - 我有空
  17. Let go of your attachment依恋 to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open - 放下对于对错的依恋,你的思维才能真正的打开
  18. Making a big life change can be scary, but living with regret is always scarier - 做巨大的人生改变可能会可怕,但带着悔意的生活会更可怕
  19. I think professionalism is important, and professionalism means you get paid - 我认为专业是很重要的,专业意味着被人会付你钱
  20. the beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday - 只有放下过去,今天的美好旅程才能开始
  21. our instinct is to chase what's getting away, and to run away from what's chasing us - 本能使我们追逐正在远离的,逃避正在接近的
  22. I have been given great credit for what I did - 我的所作所为,为我赢得了很多荣誉
  23. He came up with an idea - 他想出了一个点子
  24. you said she doesn't have, quote, "a presidential look" - 你说她没有(引用)“总统相”
  25. While there is life, there is hope - 有生命就有希望
  26. Friendship isn't about being inseparable, but about being separated and knowing nothing will change. - 友情不是整天呆在一起,而是即使分开也知道友情不会改变
  27. She doesn't quit and she doesn't give up, I consider that to be a very good trait - 她从不退后也从不放弃,我认为这是一个很好的品质
  28. that's not acceptable - 这是不能接受的
  29. Putin has outsmarted her at every single step of the way - 普京走的每一步都比她聪明
  30. she has been outsmarted by Putin - 普京比她高明很多
  31. there is an important precondition前提 must exist before you have advertising, and that’s a large supply供给 of consumer goods that is, things to sell, you see, in a place where the demand for the products is greater than the supply there is no need do advertise - 在你打广告之前有一个重要的前提,就是你卖的商品需要有大量的库存,不然在供不应求的情况下,其实根本就不需要打广告
  32. then with the advent出现 of (printing press)印刷机, advertising in increased substantially(相当多的,充分的,本质上)
  33. Kobe took it a few steps further than that - 科比做了更长远的几步
  34. I remember it like it was yesterday - 我觉得这件事就像发生在昨天
  35. you have no idea about how badly he wanted to win - 你不知道他有多想赢
