

From human desire, it is blazing with first thought, and you need to wait a while, or it will be worse. From natural law, it is lionhearted with first thought, and you need to do it immediately, or it will be shut down.

        A quote from "Groaning Words" by Lu Kun



明·吕坤 《呻吟语卷六·人情》

背景资料:《呻吟语》是明代晚期著名学者吕坤(1536-1618)所著的语录体、箴言体的小品文集,刊刻于1593(明万历二十一年),时吕坤在山西太原任巡抚。 《呻吟语》是吕坤积三十年心血写成的著述,他在原序中称:"呻吟,病声也,呻吟语,病时疾痛语也。"故以"呻吟语"命名。全书共分六卷,前三卷为内篇;后三卷为外篇,一共有大约数百则含意深刻、富有哲理的语录笔记。
