Chapter 2&3

He was already dead, he reflected. It seemed to him that it was only now, when he had begun to be able to formulate his thoughts, that he had taken the decisive step. The consequences of every act are included in the act itself. He wrote: Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.  Now he had recognized himself as a dead man it became important to stay alive as long as possible. Two fingers of his right hand were inkstained. 说实话看英文的,好多还没有消化吸收,看到这里觉得没有第一章那么可怕,但是多少也有些可悲又有些神秘。这到底是怎样一个世界,他又经历啦什么?就他一个人吗?没有爸爸妈妈,兄弟姐妹,亦或是其他的亲人朋友吗?是什么造成了他这样的不堪回忆?这又是生活在怎样一个社会中,脑子里出现了各种疑问,也许自己读得还不够深刻,但是这就是今天我想记录的内容。

Winston was dreaming of his mother.  He must, he thought, have been ten or eleven years old when his mother had disappeared. She was a tall, statuesque, rather silent woman with slow movements and magnificent fair hair. His father he remembered more vaguely as dark and thin, dressed always in neat dark clothes (Winston remembered especially the very thin soles of his father's shoes) and wearing spectacles. 作者在这里详细地描述了主人公的爸爸妈妈,笔法细腻,详细。仿佛他父母的样子就浮现在眼前。读到第三者,心中不免又有了些疑惑,(我一直在疑惑中读着(╯3╰))还有一个小妹妹,但是妈妈为什么消失了,消失之后他经历了什么?带着这些疑问我读到了后面The thing that now suddenly struck Winston was that his mother's death, nearly thirty years ago, had been tragic and sorrowful in a way that was no longer possible. 也就是说他妈妈的死让他很心痛。His mother's memory tore at his heart because she had died loving him, when he was too young and selfish to love her in return, and because somehow, he did not remember how, she had sacrificed herself to a conception of loyalty that was private and unalterable.这也就解释了为什么他现在这个样子。Such things, he saw, could not happen today. Today there were fear, hatred, and pain, but no dignity of emotion, no deep or complex sorrows. All this he seemed to see in the large eyes of his mother and his sister, looking up at him through the green water, hundreds of fathoms down and still sinking. 我的脑容量啊,我要再好好看看,今天先记录这些,明天还有好多任务要完成,稍后补下第四章原文阅读。

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