蟒周刊-409-PyCon2020US 按时开始注册,没受疫情影响

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #409

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  • 200205 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.

Using basketball as the background setting, the author discusses several different strategies for uncovering relationships and producing beautiful visualizations with Python.


其实, 前提是有老司机能先识别出关系,


Registration is open for the PyCon US 2020 Packaging Summit. Topic proposals are also being accepted. Both registration and topic proposals close on March 7, 2020.


来了, 来了, 没受疫情影响


Django 1.11 before 1.11.28, 2.2 before 2.2.10, and 3.0 before 3.0.3 allows SQL Injection if untrusted data is used as a StringAgg delimiter (e.g., in Django applications that offer downloads of data as a series of rows with a user-specified column delimiter).

In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn how to work with a PDF in Python. You’ll see how to extract metadata from preexisting PDF files. You’ll also learn how to merge, split, watermark, and rotate pages in PDFs using Python and the PyPDF2 library.


在中国虽然 PDF 不怎么受待见, 但是, 人家的确是世界第一通用文档格式哪


Hynek Schlawack feels that discussions of Python web applications in production are missing from Python conferences. He is offering to mentor people who are interested in proposing conference talks on the subject

Learn about the NoneType object None, which acts as the “null” in Python. This object represents emptiness, and you can use it to mark default parameters and even show when you have no result.


Python 中, 万物皆对象, 没有对象本身也是一种对象


This will add the following dictionary operations: dict1 | dict2 (copy + update) and dict1 |= dict2 (update). See PEP 584 for example use cases.



“I see the lie in front of me – import time, and I am appalled – how can a machine offer such a promise, such a lie, the ability to import time as if it were a simple commodity. Once again, the vile snake has bitten me.”


Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Author describes how he compiled Excel spreadsheets with formulas into Python code in order to optimize the calculations and visualize results. Very interesting read!



蟒周刊-409-PyCon2020US 按时开始注册,没受疫情影响_第1张图片


“I’ve never found Python tracebacks to be a great debugging aid beyond telling me what the exception was, and where it occurred. In a recent update to Rich, I’ve tried to refresh the humble traceback to give enough context to diagnose errors before switching back to the editor.”


叕一则, 对 taceback 美化的尝试


Learn how to connect to different database management systems by using various Python SQL libraries. You’ll interact with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases and perform common database queries using a Python application.


其实,没什么 DB 值得支持了,星际统一在少数产品周围了...


The author explains how she used the spaCy and NetworkX libraries to analyze William Blake’s 18th century poetry collection The Songs of Innocence and of Excellence.

“Since this topic keeps coming up, I’d like to briefly share my thoughts on Python package metadata because it’s – as always – more complex than it seems.”

“With the popularity of Python with programmers still growing, we tried to understand how it became one of the most impactful languages in the world.”


好问题, 这的确是个神奇的事儿...

一般来说, 所谓流行技术, 都是要大企业大国家以及大学共同支持和推动时,
才能成为社会流行事物的, 而 Python 什么也没有...


robots.txt is a standard file to communicate to “robot” crawlers, such as Google’s Googlebot, which pages they should not crawl.


实用, 只是, 这年头, 有遵守交通规则的 crawl 嘛?


Author used a Python-based man-in-the-middle proxy to deconstruct network calls made by the Hinge app and then built a service to automatically “swipe right” on dating profiles.

Author writes a Python script to build a GitHub repo for storing Kindle book highlights in an organized way.


嗯哼, 超级实用哪, 这下就可以自动化 Kindle 处理笔记了


Some tips for quickly writing rough initial implementations for test cases and then iterating on them.





Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


等等, 为什么是 iOS ?
难道 Android 对此无兴趣?



果然, Excel 每一个功能, 都能拆解出一个独立软件或是公司的



嗯哼? 这个实用哪, 将 bot 置于 TOR 之后,
不就等于获得无限可用 IP 了?



多数都是支持用 Py 语法来自动生成其它语言代码的...

真的 狗言 来了



看来 Django 选择了 PyCharm 生态, 优先嗯哼?



叕一个 DL 加速模块,



Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-( 大妈私人无责任播报)


2020.2.29 CSDN 继续线上技术峰会,
大妈, 继续主持吐糟.



NN 3935


  • 报名截止 2020.2.24
  • 正式开课 2020.3.1
  • 按时结束 2020.4.12


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