On Writing Well -Week1 (Ch1&9)

On Writing Well -Week1 (Ch1&9)_第1张图片

On Writing Well -Week1 (Ch1&9)_第2张图片

Words review:

1. drudge 苦工;做乏味工作的人

2. clutter 冗余

3. pompous 浮夸的;自大的

4. strip sth off/from/of sth

5. go out on a limb

6. alumni 校友

7. curry one's favor 讨好,拍马屁

8. franchise 投票权;特许权;丛书系列

9. the quick from the dead

10. solicit 请求

11. reminiscence 回想,回忆

12. coax 说服

13. pilgrimage 朝圣之行

14. mirage 海市蜃楼

15. camouflage 伪装;掩饰

16. tenacious 坚毅的

17. verbose 冗长;啰嗦

18. argot 行话;暗语

19. hassle 麻烦;纷扰

20. rambunctious 粗暴的


其实写作的本质是to be heard,哪怕观众只是自己,否则的话,何必写出来呢,在心里想想不就好了。

也有人说写作是一个再思考的过程,通过写作,把一件事情想得更明白。同时,因为实体化的东西会保留更久,所以人在写作的过程中往往会更谨慎,会考虑simplicity, clutter,words 和usage。

在我看来,writing well是为了be heard well。

但这一切,简化也好,冗余也好,遣词造句也好,风格统一也好,都有一个大前提: 知道什么是好。

其实很多人在写作的时候,都认为自己写的就是clean sentence, no clutter, using the good words and correct usages.这就是他们心目中的"好",却未必是真的"好"。



当你只知道用make表达 “做”的时候,不需要标准,因为没的取舍。但当你掌握了10种方法去表达的时候,标准自然就有了,你需要通过关注word和usage,来判断哪种更合适,哪种可以做到simple and clean。



那也相信自己在zinser给出的框架下,能学会如何丰富它,丰满它。Good writers are visible behind their words.


Writing is hard and lonely, but could be as simple as old hard thinking and old tools of the English language.

Writing is a craft, not an art. The writers should master a precise skill to simplify, prune and strive for order during rewriting. And use the skill to express the personality.

Words are the only tools the writers have got, so learn to care deeply about words by reading and using dictionaries and Thesaurus. Also take rhythm and alliteration into consideration for everything you write.

Writing is an act of ego, remember to keep yourself going with the unity of pronoun, tense and mood.

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