演讲稿丨Moment of Growth-Lois

Do you have a moment  that makes you feel grown up all of a sudden? I do.

Today I'm gonna show you my moment of growth--later.

When I was a little girl, I always thought that I had a fake Dad.

On my 11th birthday, Dad decided to celebrate my birthday by cooking for me. I was so excited since i begged him so many times.Guess what? He cooked the whole tomatoes and potatoes together ,with peel, and announced proudly--this is my great invention--totato. dangdangdangdang~~~(捏鼻)I just wanted to go die. Nobody wanted to try, except our dog. After tasting one piece, it wangwangwang all day long.

This is my dad, cute but kind of stupied .., I don’t think he cares about me sometimes cause he is so careless. I was independent and I did almost everything by myself, except  money.

As time passed, I graduated from college...Before I came to Hangzhou for my postgraduate entrance interview,dad begged me to bring him, so we came to hz together.

The day before my interview,I was nervous and yelled at him just because he dressed a colorful shirt. Then he said: sweetie, I want to teach you how to cook..Cook? You? Really? you soul chef…..I want to prepare my interview, don't bother me..I said it impatiently. But he insisted. - Fine,It's up to you..

Then he bought some tomatoes, potatoes and eggs..ah! It reminded me of my nightmare...  I couldn't stop thinking whether he would break the eggs. I didn't want to eat eggshell...... To my surprise, he taught me how to peel the potatoes, cut the tomatoes hand by hand..(Yes I didn't cook even once ,I'm his real daughter on this point.)

I poured the oil into the pan and ran away as fast as i can..I stir-fried  the totatoes just like I was fighting with a monster.(heiha hei) At that fierce moment, my Dad just stood beside me with a mysterious smile.

You guys must think it's a delicious dinner..too young too simple, as me...it's still terrible as before..I was so embarrassed and yelled again: it's a terrible dinner!  it is a waste of my time, what are you 弄啥咧

Softly he spoke to me: I know you are nervous and I want you to be relaxed. I was trying to distract your attention from your interview. Do you feel a little better now?

At that moment, I was touched. I realized that everything he did is for me,but I ignored...I always thought he was careless. But, FOR Me, he came to Hangzhou; FOR ME, he learned cooking; FOR ME, he did everything) .....he is my real dad, I knew it!...I felt that I suddenly grew up at that moment, from a little girl to a little adult...

I said nothing but put a whole egg into his bowl, with eggshell...

That was my moment of growth...My fellow toastmasters, what is your moment of growth? You may feel you were ignored; you may feel you were misunderstood; you may feel you were not loved….But there must be some moments, which make you feel cared,  understood, and loved! It is those moments that make your life wonderful.

Find those moments, remember them, cherish them, because connecting those moments, you can see your growth.

你可能感兴趣的:(演讲稿丨Moment of Growth-Lois)