学习词根---Unit 1.3


e 2. a 3. f 4. d 5. c 6. h 7. b 8. g

做错了一半... 还是词义没有理解到位啊~

今天将学习 CRIM 和 PROB 两个词根~ 开始吧~

CMIM. 源自拉丁词语,意为"fault or crime"或者"accusation". It's obvious where the root shows up most commonly in English. Crime指犯罪,如果你犯了罪,会被称为criminal.Crime在犯罪程度上比tort更严重,a "civil wrong" for which the wronged person must himself sue if he wants to get repaid in some way.

criminology. The study of crime, criminals, law enforcement, and punishment.

例句:His growing interest in criminology led him to become a probation officer.

Criminology 即犯罪学。Criminology includes the study of all aspects of crime and law enforcement-criminal psychology, the social setting of crime, prohibition and prevention, investigation and detection, capture and punishment. 因此,诸如legislators(立法者)、social workers、probation officers、法官等都可以当做是criminologists, 尽管这个词通常仅指scholars(学者)和研究人员。

decriminalize. To remove or reduce the criminal status of.

例句:An angry debate over decriminalizing doctor-assisted suicide raged all day in the statehouse.

conservatives和liberals建议decriminalize various "victimless crimes"—不直接导致人受伤的犯罪, 像是赌博和吸毒, 他们声称此举将减轻司法系统的重担, 减少对罪犯投入的大量资金, 还能增加个人自由度. Decriminalization与legalization不同,decriminalization may still call for a small fine(like a traffic ticket), and may apply only to use or possession of something, leaving the actual sale of goods or services illegal.

incriminate. To show evidence of involvement in a crime or a fault.

例句:The muddy tracks leading to and from the cookie jar were enough to incriminate them.

Testimony(证词) may incriminate a suspect by placing him at the scene of a crime, and incriminating evidence is the kind that strongly links him to it. 但这个单词不仅仅涉及到真正的犯罪。例如:

A virus has been incriminated as the cause of a type of cancer.

Video games have been incriminated in the decline in study skills among young people.

recrimination.相互指责 (1) An accusation in answer to an accusation made against oneself. (2) The making of such an accusation.

例句:Their failure to find help led to endless and pointless recriminations over responsibility for the accident.

Defending oneself from a verbal attack by means of a counterattack(反击) is as natural as physical self-defense. So a disaster often brings recriminations among those connected with it, and divorces and child-custody battles usually involves recriminations between and wife. An actual crime isn't generally involved, but it may be; when two suspects start exchanging angry recriminations after they've been picked up, it often leads to one of them turning against the other in court.

PROB. 源自拉丁词语,意为"prove or proof"或者"honesty or integrity". A probe, whether it's a little object for testing electrical circuits or a a spacecraft headed for Mars, is basically something that's looking for evidence or proof. And probable 起初描述的是某些不能确定但是可能"provable"的事情。

approbation. A formal or official act of approving; praise, usually given with pleasure or enthusiasm.

例句:The senate signaled its approbation of the new plan by voting for it unanimously.

Approbationapprove的一个名词形式,但approbation通常比单单approval情感上更强。An official commendation for bravery is an example of approbation; getting reelected to office by a wide margin indicates public approbation; and the social approbation received by a star quarterback in high school usually makes all the pain worthwhile.

probate. (遗嘱认证) The process of proving in court that the will of someone who has died is valid, and of administering the estate of a dead person.

例句:When her father died, she thought she would be to avoid probate, but she wasn't that lucky.

Ever since people have written wills, those wills have had to be proven genuine by a judge.没有遗嘱认证的过程,贪心的亲戚可能伪造遗嘱来骗取遗产。真正的遗嘱需要有见证人和官方认证的章。Today we use probate more broadly to mean everything that's handled in probate court, a special court that oversees the handling of estates (the money and property left when someone dies), making sure that everyone eventually receives what is properly theirs.

probity. Absolute honesty and uprightness.

例句:Her unquestioned probity helped win her the respect of her fellow judges.


Bankers, for example, have traditionally been careful to project an air of probity, even though banking scandals and bailouts have made this harder than ever.

An aura(An aura is a quality or feeling that seems to surround a person or place or to come from them) of probity surrounds such public figures as Warren Buffett and Bill Moyers, men to whom many Americans would entrust their children and their finances.

reprobate. A person of thoroughly bad character.

例句:His wife finally left him, claiming he was a reprobate who would disappear for weeks at a time, gambling and drinking away all his money.

The related verb of reprobate is reprove, which originally, as the opposite of approve,meant"to condemn".因此,在圣经中,reprobate是指某人被宣判进入地狱。但这么多年来,reprobate通常被用来描述道德沦丧但是相当幽默。莎士比亚作品中伟大的角色Falstaff,是一个lazy、lying、boastful、sponging drunkard的人,他是reprobate的典范,同时也是人人喜爱的莎士比亚作品中的角色。


Match the definition on the left to the correct word on the right:

utter honesty                  a. approbation

approval                         b. reprobate

rascal                             c. recrimination

legal process for wills    d. criminology

study of illegal behavior e. probity

accuse                            f. probate

reduce penalty for          g. decriminalize

counterattack                  h. incriminate

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