Peak day 3


  1. take sth into account: to consider particular facts, circumstances when making a decision about sth
    i.e: This is a big issue, we need to take everything into account

  2. 一对反义词:
    expected: adj. that you think will happen
    unexpected: adj. if sth is unexpected, it surprises you because you were not expecting it

    ** i.e: an expected result
    ** i.e
    : an unexpected result

  3. 原文:All landmark is fair game
    fair game: n. if a person or thing is said to be fair game, it is considered acceptable to play jokes on them, criticize them

** i.e**: The comedian was considered fair game because of his behavior

  1. 原文:That still left one loose end
    loose end: n. a part of sth such as a story that has not been completely finished or explained

i.e: The TV show has too many loose ends

  1. zero: v. ~ sth. to turn an instrument, control to zero
    zero in on sb/sth: to fix all your attention on the person or thing mentioned

    i.e: She zeroed in on her weak point

• Eleanor Maguire 通过伦敦的士司机的实验发现的士司机的海马区要比中途停止练习的预备司机和不练习的普通人相比要大一些,并且the more time that a person had spend as a taxi driver, the larger the posterior hippocampi were
• The human body is incredibly adaptable, and the brain also has a very similar degree and variety of adaptability.
• If you practice something enough, your brain will repurpose neurons to help with the task even if they already have another job to do
• The brain's structure and function are not fixed. It is possible to shape the brain in the ways that we desire through conscious, deliberate training
以前在朋友面前纠结要不要花五十多去听知乎那场25岁再学语言晚不晚的讲座,朋友说你不要去听啦,我告诉你不晚。...... 她一定是看了关于刻意学习的书才得出的结论

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